
Day1-2 Passage Reading: Europe’s saviour

The Republicans will hang on to more, but they expected to win this election— until a few weeks ago, when LRM’s victory became as inevitable as the blade sliding down the guillotine.


/ˈgɪləˌtin; ˈɡɪlətiːn/ N[C]

1. a piece of equipment used to cut off the heads of criminals, especially in France in the past〔尤指法国旧时使用的〕断头台

2. BrE a piece of equipment used to cut large sheets of paper 【英】切纸机,裁切机

3. BrE the setting of a time limit on a discussion in the British parliament 【英】〔英国议会〕规定截止辩论的时限:

Opposition leaders accused the government of introducing a guillotine motion to stifle debate. 反对党领袖指责政府用规定辩论时限的动议来压制辩论。



1. to cut off someone’s head using a guillotine 将…送上断头台

2. BrE to limit the period of time allowed for the discussion of a possible new law in the British parliament 【英】〔英国议会〕限制〔辩论时间〕

Mr Macron offers a fresh answer to the popular discontent that has swept through Western democracies. He promises a new politics that ditches divisions between left and right.


/dɪtʃ/ noun

a long channel dug at the side of a field or road, to hold or take away water 沟;渠

ditch /dɪtʃ/ verb

1. [VN] (informal) to get rid of sth/ sb because you no longer want or need it/ them 摆脱;抛弃;丢弃

The new road building programme has been ditched.


He ditched his girlfriend.


2. [VN, V] if a pilot ditches an aircraft, or if it ditches, it lands in the sea in an emergency 使(飞机)在海上紧急降落;(在海上)迫降

And he is being watched from abroad by politicians who, in their own countries, cannot seem to make themselves heard above the din.


/dɪn; dɪn/ N [singular 单数]

a loud unpleasant noise that continues for a long time〔持久的〕嘈杂声,喧闹声:

[+ of ]

The din of the engines was deafening. 引擎的噪声震耳欲聋。

above the din

Ged was trying to make himself heard above the din. 格德想在嘈杂声中让人听到他说话。

Elsewhere in Europe, democracy often seems a joyless transaction in which voters are asked to endorse politicians’ empty promises in exchange for benefit cuts and shoddy public services.


/trænˈzækʃn/ noun

1. [C] ~ (between A and B) a piece of business that is done between people, especially an act of buying or selling (一笔)交易,业务,买卖 SYNDEAL

financial transactions between companies


commercial transactions


2. [U] ~ of sth (formal) the process of doing sth 办理;处理

the transaction of government business



/ɪnˈdɔ:s; NAmE ɪnˈdɔ:rs​/ verb [VN]

1.to say publicly that you support a person, statement or course of action (公开)赞同,支持,认可

I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks.


Members of all parties endorsed a ban on land mines.


2.to say in an advertisement that you use and like a particular product so that other people will want to buy it (在广告中)宣传,吹嘘(某一产品)

3.to write your name on the back of a cheque so that it can be paid into a bank account (在支票背面)签名,背书

4. [usually passive] (BrE) to write details of a driving offence on sb's  DRIVING LICENCE  (在驾驶执照上)记录违章事项

You risk having your licence endorsed.



/ˈʃɒdi; NAmE ˈʃɑ:di​/ adj. (shod∙dier, shod∙di∙est)

1.(of goods, work, etc. 商品、工作等) made or done badly and with not enough care 做工粗糙的;粗制滥造的;劣质的 SYNSECOND-RATE

shoddy goods


shoddy workmanship


2.dishonest or unfair 奸诈的;卑鄙的

shoddy treatment


shod∙dily adv.

shod∙di∙ness noun [U]

He has hit back against populist taunts that free markets are a concession to the bankers and the globalists with refreshing patriotism—whether by crushing the hand of Donald Trump or restoring pomp to the presidency.


/tɔ:nt/ verb


to try to make sb angry or upset by saying unkind things about them, laughing at their failures, etc. 辱骂;嘲笑;讽刺;奚落

The other kids continually taunted him about his size.



/tɔ:nt/ noun

an insulting or unkind remark that is intended to make sb angry or upset 嘲笑(或讽刺、奚落等)的言辞

Black players often had to endure racist taunts.



/kənˈseʃn/ noun

1. [C, U] something that you allow or do, or allow sb to have, in order to end an argument or to make a situation less difficult 让步;妥协

The firm will be forced to make concessions if it wants to avoid a strike.


to win a concession from sb


a major/an important concession


She made no concession to his age; she expected him to work as hard as she did.


—see also  CONCEDE (2)

2. [U] the act of giving sth or allowing sth; the act of  CONCEDING  承认;给予;许可;让步

the concession of university status to some colleges


(especially NAmE) Kerry's concession speech (= when he admitted that he had lost the election)


3. [C, usually pl.] (BrE) a reduction in an amount of money that has to be paid; a ticket that is sold at a reduced price to a particular group of people 减价;(对某类人的)减价票

tax concessions


Tickets are £3; there is a £1 concession for students.

票价为 3 英镑,学生票减免 1 英镑。

Adults £2.50, concessions £2, family £5

成人、优惠、家庭票价分别为 2.50 英镑、2 英镑、5 英镑。

4. [C] a right or an advantage that is given to a group of people, an organization, etc., especially by a government or an employer (尤指由政府或雇主给予的)特许权,优惠

The Bolivian government has granted logging concessions covering 22 million hectares.

玻利维亚政府批准了在 2 200 万公顷土地上的伐木特许权。

5. [C] the right to sell sth in a particular place; the place where you sell it, sometimes an area which is part of a larger building or store (在某地的)特许经营权;(有时为大型建筑物或商场中的)销售场地,摊位

the burger concessions at the stadium



/pɒmp; NAmE pɑ:mp​/ noun [U]

the impressive clothes, decorations, music, etc. and traditional customs that are part of an official occasion or ceremony 排场;气派;盛况

all the pomp and ceremony of a royal wedding


IDM ˌpomp and 'circumstance formal and impressive ceremony 隆重的仪式

Against warnings about immigrants and foreign competition, he asserts that both will invigorate France, not enfeeble it. To Eurosceptics who accuse Brussels of sucking the life out of the nation, he insists that, no, the EU magnifies French power.


/ɪnˈvɪgəˌret; ɪnˈvɪɡəreɪt/ V[T]

1. if something invigorates you, it makes you feel healthier, stronger and have more energy 使生气勃勃;使精神焕发:

At my age, the walk into town is enough to invigorate me. 在我这个年龄,走路进城足以让我感到精神焕发。

He felt invigorated after a day in the country. 他在乡村呆了一天后感觉精神焕发。

2. [usually passive 一般用被动态] to make the people in an organization or group feel excited again, so that they want to make something successful 使蒸蒸日上,使兴旺发达;激励,鼓舞:

Carey’s hope was that the church would be renewed and invigorated. 凯里希望教堂能复兴。


/ɪnˈfi:bl/ verb [VN] (formal)

to make sb/ sth weak 使衰弱;使虚弱;使无力

Firms are reluctant to create permanent jobs because of high social charges and because redundancy and dismissal are expensive and difficult.



1.[U, C, usually pl.](BrE)the situation when sb has to leave their job because there is no more work available for them(因劳动力过剩而造成的)裁员,解雇

Thousands of factory workers are facing redundancy.数千名工厂工人面临裁汰。to accept/ takevoluntary redundancy(= to offer to leave your job)接受自愿裁汰the threat ofcompulsory redundancies强制裁员的威胁redundancy payments裁员补偿—see alsoLAY-OFF(1)

2.[U](formalortechnical术语)the state of not being necessary or useful多余;累赘

Natural language is characterized by redundancy(= words are used that are not really necessary for sb to understand the meaning).自然语言的特点就是啰嗦。


/dɪsˈmɪsl/ noun

1. [U, C] the act of dismissing sb from their job; an example of this 解雇;开除;撤职

He still hopes to win his claim against unfair dismissal.


The dismissals followed the resignation of the chairman.


2. [U] the failure to consider sth as important 不予考虑;不予理会;摒弃

Her casual dismissal of the threats seemed irresponsible.


3. [U, C] (law 律) the act of not allowing a trial or legal case to continue, usually because there is not enough evidence 驳回(诉讼);不予受理

the dismissal of the appeal


4. [U, C] the act of sending sb away or allowing them to leave 解散;打发走

5. [U, C] (in  CRICKET  板球) the end of the  INNINGS of a player or team (球员或球队的)出局

As Theresa May, Britain’s hapless prime minister, can attest, firm control of the assembly will cement his good fortune.


/ˈhæplɪs; ˈhæpləs/ ADJ[only before noun 仅用于名词前] literary

unlucky 【文】倒霉的,不幸的:

The hapless passengers were stranded at the airport for three days. 倒霉的乘客在机场滞留了三天。


/əˈtest/ verb (formal)

1. ~ (to sth) to show or prove that sth is true 证实;是…的证据 SYNBEAR WITNESS TO


Contemporary accounts attest to his courage and determination.


[also V that, VN]

2.to state that you believe that sth is true or genuine, for example in court 作证,证明(如在法庭上)


to attest a will


The signature was attested by two witnesses.


[also V that]



“共和国前进”运动(法语:La République En Marche !),现为法国执政党。


外文名La République En Marche !




“共和国前进”运动(法语:La République En Marche !),法国政党。前身为现任法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙于2016年4月6日在法国北部城市亚眠组建的政党——前进运动。




Ancien Régime 

The Ancien Régime (French pronunciation: ​[ɑ̃.sjɛ̃ ʁeʒim]; French for "old regime") was the political and social system of the Kingdom of France from the Late Middle Ages (c.15th century) until 1792, when hereditary monarchy and the feudal system of French nobility were abolished by the French Revolution. The Ancien Régime was ruled by the late Valois and Bourbon dynasties. The term is occasionally used to refer to the similar feudal systems of the time elsewhere in Europe. The administrative and social structures of the Ancien Régime were the result of years of state-building, legislative acts (like the Ordinance of Villers-Cotterêts), internal conflicts and civil wars, but they remained a patchwork of local privilege and historic differences until the French Revolution ended the system.

Much of the medieval political centralization of France had been lost in the Hundred Years' War, and the Valois Dynasty's attempts at re-establishing control over the scattered political centres of the country were hindered by the Huguenot Wars (or Wars of Religion). Much of the reigns of Henry IVLouis XIII and the early years of Louis XIV were focused on administrative centralisation. Despite, however, the notion of "absolute monarchy" (typified by the king's right to issue lettres de cachet) and the efforts by the kings to create a centralized state, Ancien Régime France remained a country of systemic irregularities: administrative (including taxation), legal, judicial, and ecclesiastic divisions and prerogatives frequently overlapped, while the French nobility struggled to maintain their own rights in the matters of local government and justice, and powerful internal conflicts (like the Fronde) protested against this centralization.

Day 3-4 补充阅读:Les magnifiques

Emmanuel Macron has defied expectations with his political revolution. His next task is to do the same with economic reform.


/dɪˈfaɪ; dɪˈfaɪ/ Vdefied , defying , defies [T]

1. to refuse to obey a law or rule, or refuse to do what someone in authority tells you to do 违抗〔法律或规则〕; 拒不服从〔有权威者〕;

defiance :

people who openly defy the law 公然蔑视法律的人

2. defy description/analysis/belief etc to be almost impossible to describe or understand 无法描述/分析/相信等:

The beauty of the scene defies description. 这里风景优美,无法形容。

3. defy logic/the odds etc to not happen according to the principles you would expect 尽管不合逻辑/虽然困难很大等:

a 16-week premature baby who defied the odds and survived 九死一生活下来的早产 16 周的婴儿

4. I defy sb to do sth spoken formal used when you ask someone to do something that you think is impossible 【口,正式】我倒要看看某人能否做某事:

I defy anyone to prove otherwise. 我倒要看看谁能提出相反的证据。

With its nautical boutiques, trim lawns and tennis club, the seaside town of Le Touquet is the weekend refuge for the bourgeoisie of northern France.


/ˈnɔ:tɪkl/ adj.

connected with ships, sailors and sailing 航海的;海员的;船舶的

nautical terms 航海术语


/bu:ˈti:k/ noun

a small shop/ store that sells fashionable clothes or expensive gifts 时装店;精品店

Mr Guilluy belongs to an army of novice candidates standing for President Emmanuel Macron’s party, La République en Marche! (LRM) who, without pike or pitchfork, are mounting a peaceful revolution in democratic politics.


/paɪk/ verb

1. (pl. pike) a large  FRESHWATER fish with very sharp teeth 狗鱼; 梭子鱼

2.a weapon with a sharp blade on a long wooden handle, used in the past by soldiers on foot 长矛


4. (dialect) a pointed top of a hill in the north of England (英格兰北部的)山峰,陡峰

IDM come down the 'pike (NAmE, informal) to happen; to become noticeable 发生;显现

We're hearing a lot about new inventions coming down the pike.


pike /paɪk/

[V] (AustralE, NZE, informal)

PHR V ˌpike 'out to decide not to do sth that you had agreed to do 背约;退出;出尔反尔

'pike on sb to fail to help or support sb as they had hoped or expected 未能如某人所愿提供帮助(或支持);辜负别人的期望


/ˈpɪtʃfɔ:k; NAmE -fɔ:rk​/ noun

a farm tool in the shape of a large fork with a long handle and two or three sharp metal points, used especially for lifting and moving  HAY (= dried grass), etc. 杈子;干草叉

He is joined by Ms Auzière, a local lawyer, who turns up on a bicycle. The pair are up against entrenched centre-right voting habits and networks, as well as a resilient far-right in rural parts.

entrench (also in∙trench) 

/ɪnˈtrentʃ/ verb [VN] [usually passive] (sometimes disapproving)

to establish sth very firmly so that it is very difficult to change 使处于牢固地位;牢固确立

Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society.


entrenched attitudes/ interests/ opposition


This week Le Monde ran an editorial entitled “The challenges of hegemony”, fretting about the “non-existent” opposition.


/hɪˈdʒeməni; -ˈge-; ˈhedʒɪməni; NAmE -moʊni​/ noun [U, C] (pl. -ies) (formal)

control by one country, organization, etc. over other countries, etc. within a particular group 支配权;霸权

hegemonic /ˌhedʒɪˈmɒnɪk; ˌhegɪ-; NAmE -ˈmɑ:nɪk​/ adj.

hegemonic control 霸权统治


/fret/ verb

(-tt-) (especially BrE) ~ (about/ over sth)

to be worried or unhappy and not able to relax 苦恼;烦躁;焦虑不安


Fretting about it won't help.


Her baby starts to fret as soon as she goes out of the room.


[also VN, V that]

fret /fret/ noun

1.one of the bars on the long thin part of a  GUITAR , etc. Frets show you where to press the strings with your fingers to produce particular sounds. (吉他等指板上定音的)品

2. (also 'sea fret) (NEngE)  MIST or  FOG that comes in from the sea (从海上飘来的)雾气,薄雾,雾

For now, though, the rejuvenated political line-up appeals, and in no small measure due to the Macron effect. It is not by chance that unknown candidates have pasted photos of themselves with the new president on campaign billboards all over France. Mr Macron’s first month, marked by much diplomatic summitry, has gone down well. His muscular handshake with Donald Trump, his tough talk in front of Vladimir Putin and the dignified way he has represented France, have won plaudits.


N[C usually singular 一般用单数]

1. the players in a sports team who play in a particular game〔出赛的〕运动员阵容:

This was his first match in the starting line-up (=the players who begin the game).这是他进入首发阵容的第一场比赛。

2. a group of people, especially performers, who have agreed to be involved in an event 全体参与人员〔尤指表演者〕:

The line-up included top bands Prodigy and Radiohead. 参加演出的有顶级乐队“神童乐队”和“电台司令”。

3. a number of events or programmes arranged to follow each other 一系列项目[节目]:

a wonderful line-up of programmes for Christmas and the New Year 圣诞节和新年的一系列精彩节目

4. especially AmE a row of people who stand in front of a WITNESS to a crime, who is then asked if he or she recognizes any of them as the criminal 【尤美】〔待目击者辨认的〕一排嫌疑犯;同identification parade BrE 【英】


/rɪˈdʒuvəˌnet; rɪˈdʒuːvəneɪt/ V[T]

1. to make something work much better or become much better again 使〔某事物〕变得更有活力;使〔某事物〕恢复活力:

plans to rejuvenate the inner city areas 使旧城区恢复生气的计划

2. [usually passive 一般用被动态] to make someone look or feel young and strong again 使〔某人〕变得年轻;使〔某人〕恢复活力:

I came back from holiday feeling rejuvenated. 我度假回来,感到恢复了活力。

— rejuvenation /rɪˌdʒuvəˈneʃən; rɪˌdʒuːvəˈneɪʃ$n/ N[singular 单数, U]



1 以舉行最高級會議爲手段的外交手法; 最高級會議的舉行

2 高階層會議

The Khrushchev-Eisenhower exchange of visits and ~ does not mean all is well with the world.



/ˈplɔdɪts; ˈplɔːd%ts/ N[plural 复数] formal

praise and admiration 【正式】喝彩,赞扬,赞美:

win/draw/receive etc plaudits

Her performance won plaudits from the critics. 她的表演赢得了评论家的赞扬。

Up to a point, Mr Macron can hope to restore confidence at home by occupying that seat and representing the country with aplomb abroad.


/əˈplɒm; NAmE əˈplɑ:m​/ noun [U]

if sb does sth with aplomb, they do it in a confident and successful way, often in a difficult situation 镇定;沉着;泰然自若

with considerable/ great/ remarkable aplomb


He delivered the speech with his usual aplomb.


He wants his first reform to bring about three changes: to devolve more bargaining over pay and hours to firms, within national limits; to merge different works councils into one; and to cap redundancy awards for unfair dismissal. Further reforms, of unemployment benefits, training and pensions, will follow.


/dɪˈvɒlv; NAmE -ˈvɑ:lv​/ verb

PHR V de'volve on/ upon sb/ sth (formal)

1.if property, money, etc. devolves on/ upon you, you receive it after sb else dies (财产、金钱等遗产)转给,传给,移交

2.if a duty, responsibility, etc. devolves on/ upon you, it is given to you by sb at a higher level of authority (职责、责任等)交由…接替,委托…承担

de'volve sth to/ on/ upon sb to give a duty, responsibility, power, etc. to sb who has less authority than you (将职责、责任、权力等)移交,转交,委任

The central government devolved most tax-raising powers to the regional authorities.


Mr Macron and his centre-right prime minister, Edouard Philippe, are treading a perilous line.


/tred/ verb

(trod /trɒd; NAmE trɑ:d​/ trod∙den /ˈtrɒdn; NAmE ˈtrɑ:dn​/ or trod)

1. [V] ~ (on/ in/ over sth/ sb) (especially BrE) to put your foot down while you are stepping or walking 踩;踏;践踏

Ouch! You trod on my toe!


Careful you don't tread in that puddle.


2. [VN, usually +adv./prep.] to crush or press sth with your feet 踩碎;践踏 SYNTRAMPLE

Don't tread ash into the carpet!


The wine is still made by treading grapes in the traditional way.


3.(formal or literary) to walk somewhere 行走;步行;走


Few people had trod this path before.



He was treading quietly and cautiously.


IDM tread 'carefully, 'warily, etc. to be very careful about what you do or say 小心谨慎地说;小心翼翼地做

The government will have to tread very carefully in handling this issue.


ˌtread a difficult, dangerous, solitary, etc. 'path to choose and follow a particular way of life, way of doing sth, etc. 走一条困难、危险、孤独等的人生道路(指选择特定的生活方式或处事方法)

A restaurant has to tread the tricky path between maintaining quality and keeping prices down.


ˌtread on sb's 'heels to follow sb closely 紧随某人之后;步人后尘

ˌtread on sb's 'toes (especially BrE) (NAmE usually ˌstep on sb's 'toes) (informal) to offend or annoy sb, especially by getting involved in sth that is their responsibility 激怒,得罪,冒犯(尤指因插手他人职责)

ˌtread 'water

1.to keep yourself vertical in deep water by moving your arms and legs 踩水(摆动四肢使身体在深水中保持直立)

2.to make no progress while you are waiting for sth to happen 蹑足不前;徘徊观望

—more at  LINE  n.,  TIGHTROPE

tread /tred/ noun

1. [sing.] the way that sb walks; the sound that sb makes when they walk 步法;步态;脚步声

I heard his heavy tread on the stairs.


2. [C, U] the raised pattern on the surface of a tyre on a vehicle (轮胎的)胎面;外胎花纹

The tyres were worn below the legal limit of 1.6mm of tread.

这些轮胎磨损得已低于胎面 1.6 毫米的法定厚度。

3. [C] the upper surface of a step or stair (台阶或楼梯的)踏步板,梯面,踏面

—compare  RISER (2)


/ˈpɛrələs; ˈper%ləs/ ADJ literary or formal

very dangerous 【文或正式】非常危险的:

a perilous journey across the mountains 穿越群山的危险旅程


Le Touquet 勒图凯

Le Touquet-Paris-Plage (pronounced:[lə tu.kɛː pa.ʁi plaʒ]), commonly referred to as Le Touquet, is a commune near Boulogne-sur-Mer, in the Pas-de-Calais department in northern France. It has a population of 5,355 but welcomes up to 250,000 people during the summer.

Le Touquet has a reputation as the most elegant holiday resort of northern France, the playground of rich Parisians, with many luxury hotels.

Since the mid-1990s, Le Touquet’s villas have become extremely fashionable amongst architecture lovers throughout Europe, rediscovering the “folie” of seaside architecture of both the Roaring Twenties and the 1930s. The most famous local architect is Louis Quetelart.

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  • 文/潘晓璐 我一进店门,熙熙楼的掌柜王于贵愁眉苦脸地迎上来,“玉大人,你说我怎么就摊上这事。” “怎么了?”我有些...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 164,234评论 0 354
  • 文/不坏的土叔 我叫张陵,是天一观的道长。 经常有香客问我,道长,这世上最难降的妖魔是什么? 我笑而不...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 58,562评论 1 293
  • 正文 为了忘掉前任,我火速办了婚礼,结果婚礼上,老公的妹妹穿的比我还像新娘。我一直安慰自己,他们只是感情好,可当我...
    茶点故事阅读 67,611评论 6 392
  • 文/花漫 我一把揭开白布。 她就那样静静地躺着,像睡着了一般。 火红的嫁衣衬着肌肤如雪。 梳的纹丝不乱的头发上,一...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 51,482评论 1 302
  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
    沈念sama阅读 40,271评论 3 418
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 39,166评论 0 276
  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 45,608评论 1 314
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 37,814评论 3 336
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 39,926评论 1 348
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 35,644评论 5 346
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 41,249评论 3 329
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 31,866评论 0 22
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 32,991评论 1 269
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 48,063评论 3 370
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 44,871评论 2 354
