1、儿歌音频 无
2、视频 粉猪3集
今天玩了tiger waves tail的游戏,和handy dandy
M: honey, look at this, I will pretend to be a tiger, this is my tail. These are my paws, these are my ears! I can wave my tail, I can give a roar!
然后用dinosaur 的儿歌进行创编tiger, tiger, wave your tail, tiger, tiger, give a roar, thump, thump,thump
B:are you a pussycat?
M:No, I am a tiger.
玩的时候,石头自己说let’s play handy dandy! 然后我们就用chocolate coin 来玩。
今天看了两本猴子的,因为上周听了好多次five little monkeys 的音频,他最近很喜欢五只猴子!