Human Motivation Theory
In order to lead a team, you need to understand what drives your employees.
Psychologist David McClelland developed a theory about human motivation called Three Needs Theory.
PS: 心理学家大卫·麦克莱兰发展了一种关于人类动机的理论,称为三需要理论。
Psychologist心理学家; 心理学研究者
developed发达的; 高度发展的; 先进的; 成熟的; 成长,发展,壮大; 开发; 研制; 患;
Need for Achievement
Employees who have a need for achievement are motivated to accomplish difficult or challenging tasks.
PS: 需要成就感的员工会被激励去完成困难或挑战性的任务。
motivated成为…的动机; 是…的原因; 推动…甘愿苦干; 激励; 激发; 给出理由; 说明…的原因; motivate的过去分词和过去式
They enjoy tasks where they can see the result of their effort.
They also like to receive feedback on their work.
Those with a need for achievement enjoy receiving feedback for their work.
Need for Affiliation
Employees who are driven by a need for affiliation feel a strong need to be accepted by others.
PS: 受归属感驱使的员工强烈需要被他人接受。
Affiliation英 [əˌfɪliˈeɪʃn] 美 [əˌfɪliˈeɪʃn] 从属关系;作者单位;工作单位;亲和性;隶属关系
Because they want to be liked, they often agree with any decision made by a group.
People who have need for affiliation prefer to collaborate with others instead of competing with them.
Rather than compete with others, people with a need for affiliation prefer to collaborate with them.
Need for Power
Employees who have a need for power want to control or influence other people.
They often enjoy competing with other people.
They are also eager to be recognized for their successes.
However, their need for competition may make them hostile to others.
However无论到什么程度,不管多么; 不管怎样; 无论如何; 然而; 不过; 仍然
competition竞争; 角逐; 比赛; 竞赛; 竞争者; 对手
hostile敌意的; 敌对的; 坚决否定; 强烈反对; 有阻碍的; 不利的 英 [ˈhɒstaɪl] 美 [ˈhɑːstl]
Besides competing with others, people with a need for power enjoy being recognized.
By using Three Needs Theory, managers can better understand different needs of their team members.
For example,employees who have a need for achievement should be effect on management given challenging proiects.
Therefore, to motivate different employees,managers could place them in new situations based on their needs.
Three Needs Theory can help managers understand their team better.