Lecture 7-8
P4.Binary tree
- 二叉树的基本操作
P5.Binary search tree
- 什么是balance search tree、大小关系、给出一个不平衡的->平衡
- 练习题:p28
P20.Tree balance
- 如何判断一棵树是否平衡
- We say that a binary tree is balanced if the height difference between the right and left subtree of all its nodes is not greater than one.
- 要会操作
P30.Splay trees(肯定考)
- 考步骤、会插入删除
threes types of rotations(题目中会给出)
- 在zig-zig中先转哪个得先看清楚
P58.Red-black trees(肯定考)
- 掌握四条定义、会判断是否是红黑树
- Every is either red or black
- The root and NILs are all black
- If a node is red, its children should be black.
- 每一条路径上的黑色的节点个数都相同. Every path from a node to a leaf must contain the same number of black nodes.
O grandparent
/ \
uncle O O parent
- Z = root --- recolor (只有这种情况新增节点变颜色)
- Z.uncle = Red --- recolor(parent+grandparent+uncle)
- Z.uncle = Black(triangle) --- rotate parent 转到一条线上
- Z.uncle = Black(line) --- rotate grandparent + recolor(parent+grandparent)
suffix tree
suffix 有很多
- s = abaaba$
- $
- a$
- ba$
- aba$
- aaba$
- baaba$
- abaaba$
- s = abaaba$
suffix trie 树
- 可以得到三个信息
- 有没有
- 有几个
- 可以得到三个信息
- 两个字符串判断公共的子串
- 分别先往子串后面加上符号
最后标上每一层X or Y or XY,找XY层数最多的,字符最长的,把边读出来就是最长子串