flutter in_app_purchase使用Apple pay和google pay内购订阅详解以及遇到的问题


本文详细介绍的也是官方插件,有空了我也会把flutter_inapp_purchase写个demo出来,发个文章.!!!! flutter_inapp_purchase使用以写完,点击跳转,但是遇到的问题两个插件都是一样的,这篇文章里都写的很清楚了.

我打算写的详细一点,一点点写吧,争取让大家写苹果支付和谷歌支付的时候,看我这一片文章就行. 我会把接入插件之前的坑,遇到的问题,如何接入插件订阅大概能用到的方法以及上线的时候被拒绝回来的原因和解决办法都写上.





解决: 初步发现是华为手机和小米手机以及googleplay账号的问题,第一步,一定要翻墙,然后使用手机的时候目前vivo手机是可以的,为此还特意买了个pixel3做测试机,华为手机和小米手机我目前手里的几个都拽不到订单,然后是账号问题googleplay点击到底部按钮游戏栏,再选中付费栏目,如果出现可购买的游戏,这证明你的账号是可用的,如果无可购买的内容,说明账号不可用. 剩下的就是配置了

2.配置Apple pay沙盒账号

解决: 进入https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/access/users/sandbox,点击沙盒测试员右侧添加按钮,需要注意的是,添加的沙盒账号必须是没有注册过App Store的和没有注册过沙盒账号的邮箱,实话说,这个随便填,记住账号密码就行,然后打开手机,进入设置,往下滑,点击App Store,滑到最下面,有一个沙盒账户,登陆,然后Apple ID安全,点击其他选项,选择不升级,OK,这样就可以用了.
如果你的App Store下面没有沙盒账户,说明你的手机之前没有做过沙盒测试,那就连接你的电脑,运行一下,点击你的测试购买的商品,会弹出提示框,让你登陆沙盒账户,以后就会有这个登陆选项了.


3.配置Apple pay订阅信息

解决:进入appstoreconnect,进入你的app里,左下角功能 -> 订阅,在iOS里是有订阅组的,同组的订阅是可以进行时间升级和降级,比如一个月的升级到一年,一年降级到一个月等等,看你有多少类型可供用户选择,而且价钱也只能选择苹果提供的价钱.App Store 本地化版本这个就是按照正常填写就行,这个订阅组叫什么. 创建订阅,你的产品id一定要想好在填写,填写之后如果不对是删除了,想再次使用这个产品id是不能重复创建的,即使是删除了也不行,然后填写参考名称,订阅时限,销售范围,订阅价格,本地化和审核信息,这个一定要认真填写,能够清楚的表明你的订阅是干什么的,多钱,时效,让用户使用的功能!

4.配置google pay账号

解决:翻墙,进入https://play.google.com/console/u/1/developers/页面,左下角设置 -> 许可测试 ,添加测试人员, 许可响应: RESPOND_NORMALLY,然后进入需要测试的app,所有应用 -> 测试app -> 内部测试/封闭测试/开放测试/ -> 测试用户数量 -> 选择测试列表 -> 添加电子邮件地址 -> 添加完回车,下面会多出你添加的邮箱(一定要回车,要不添加不上),保存更改!然后点击下面的复制链接,发送给要测试的人员,然后让他接受邀请,这部是必须的,否则添加不上,一样拽不到订单.接受完邀请,就可以安装你打出来的apk包,注意安装的包一定要和上传的包的版本号和build一致,还有你的秘钥一致 !


5.配置google pay订阅信息

解决:翻墙, 进入你的开发者平台,选择app,滑到最下面,左侧的创收 -> 商品 -> 订阅, google pay的订阅吧,不像iOS那样有订阅组,即使你创建了订阅组,最后也是不好使,只能一个一个创建,然后用代码实现更改订阅选项.
创建订阅 -> 添加基础方案,剩下的就是填写信息,按照提示填写完成就好,谷歌的订阅还好审核没有那么严格,能够调用到就行.






#支付  https://pub.dev/packages/in_app_purchase
  in_app_purchase: ^3.1.5
  in_app_purchase_android: ^0.2.3
  in_app_purchase_storekit: ^0.3.4
List<String> _kProductIds =  <String>['com.xxxx.week','com.xxxx.year']; 
// 产品
List<ProductDetails> products = <ProductDetails>[];

// 购买
List<PurchaseDetails> _purchases = <PurchaseDetails>[];

// 监听更新
late StreamSubscription<List<PurchaseDetails>> _subscription;
initInAppPurchase() {
    final Stream<List<PurchaseDetails>> purchaseUpdated =
    // 获得新订阅
    _subscription =
        purchaseUpdated.listen((List<PurchaseDetails> purchaseDetailsList) {
    }, onDone: () {
    }, onError: (Object error) {
      // handle error here.

    _kProductIds = <String>['com.xxxx.week','com.xxxx.year'];
    final bool isAvailable = await _inAppPurchase.isAvailable();

    if (!isAvailable) {
      products = <ProductDetails>[];
      _purchases = <PurchaseDetails>[];

      XXToast.toast(msg: 'Store unavailable'.tr);

    if (Platform.isIOS) {
      final InAppPurchaseStoreKitPlatformAddition iosPlatformAddition =
      await iosPlatformAddition.setDelegate(ExamplePaymentQueueDelegate());
    // 加载待售产品
    final ProductDetailsResponse productDetailResponse =
        await _inAppPurchase.queryProductDetails(_kProductIds.toSet());

    if (productDetailResponse.error != null) {
      products = productDetailResponse.productDetails;
      _purchases = <PurchaseDetails>[];

    if (productDetailResponse.productDetails.isEmpty) {
      products = productDetailResponse.productDetails;
      _purchases = <PurchaseDetails>[];

    products = productDetailResponse.productDetails;
    await finishIAPTransaction();


下单之后 回调处理订单
//商品回调   处理购买更新
  Future<void> _listenToPurchaseUpdated(
      List<PurchaseDetails> purchaseDetailsList) async {
    final sortedList = List.from(purchaseDetailsList);
    sortedList.sort((a, b) => (int.tryParse(b.transactionDate ?? '') ?? 0)
        .compareTo(int.tryParse(a.transactionDate ?? '') ?? 0));
    // 商品列表
    for (final PurchaseDetails purchaseDetails in sortedList) {
      if (purchaseDetails.status == PurchaseStatus.pending) {
        // XXToast.toast(msg: '请等待支付结果');
        await writeCache();
      } else {
        if (purchaseDetails.status == PurchaseStatus.error ||
            purchaseDetails.status == PurchaseStatus.canceled) {
          // XXToast.toast(msg: '${purchaseDetails.error!}');
          await clearCache();
          await finishIAPTransaction();
        } else if (purchaseDetails.status == PurchaseStatus.purchased ||
            purchaseDetails.status == PurchaseStatus.restored) {
          //购买成功  到服务器验证
          // purchaseDetails.billingClientPurchase.originalJson
          if (Platform.isAndroid) {
            var googleDetail = purchaseDetails as GooglePlayPurchaseDetails;
            // print(purchaseDetails);
                'deviceId': SpUtils.getString(ConfigConstant.deviceId),
                'originalJson': googleDetail.billingClientPurchase.originalJson,
                'signature': googleDetail.billingClientPurchase.signature,
          } else if (Platform.isIOS) {
            if (sortedList.length > 1) {
              if (_isSameTransaction(purchaseDetails.transactionDate ?? '',
                  await getDateCache())) {
                var appstoreDetail = purchaseDetails as AppStorePurchaseDetails;
                // print(purchaseDetails);
            } else {
              var appstoreDetail = purchaseDetails as AppStorePurchaseDetails;
              // print(purchaseDetails);
        if (Platform.isAndroid) {
          if (!_kAutoConsume && purchaseDetails.productID == _kConsumableId) {
            final InAppPurchaseAndroidPlatformAddition androidAddition =
            await androidAddition.consumePurchase(purchaseDetails);
        if (purchaseDetails.pendingCompletePurchase) {
          await _inAppPurchase.completePurchase(purchaseDetails);
  Future<GooglePlayPurchaseDetails?> _getOldSubscription() async {
    GooglePlayPurchaseDetails? oldSubscription;
    if (Platform.isAndroid) {
      final InAppPurchaseAndroidPlatformAddition androidAddition =
      QueryPurchaseDetailsResponse oldPurchaseDetailsQuery =
          await androidAddition.queryPastPurchases();

      oldPurchaseDetailsQuery.pastPurchases.forEach((element) {
        if (element.status == PurchaseStatus.purchased) {
          oldSubscription = element;

    return oldSubscription;


  pay() async {
    if (products.isEmpty) {
          msg: 'No item to be paid was found, please try again later'.tr);
    late PurchaseParam purchaseParam;
    ProductDetails productDetails = products[type];
    // 两个基础商店以不同方式处理消耗品和非消耗品。如果你使用的是InAppPurchase,需要在这里做区分,为每种类型调用正确的购买方式。
    if (Platform.isAndroid) {
      final GooglePlayPurchaseDetails? oldSubscription =
          await _getOldSubscription();

      purchaseParam = GooglePlayPurchaseParam(
          productDetails: productDetails,
          changeSubscriptionParam: (oldSubscription != null)
              ? ChangeSubscriptionParam(
                  oldPurchaseDetails: oldSubscription,
                  prorationMode: ProrationMode.immediateWithTimeProration,
              : null);
    } else {
      purchaseParam = PurchaseParam(
        productDetails: productDetails,

    // if (productDetails.id == '1111') {
    //   // 购买消耗品
    //   _inAppPurchase.buyConsumable(
    //       purchaseParam: purchaseParam, autoConsume: _kAutoConsume);
    // } else {
      await clearCache();
      // 购买非消耗品
      _inAppPurchase.buyNonConsumable(purchaseParam: purchaseParam);
    // }




// 监听更新
  late StreamSubscription<List<PurchaseDetails>> _subscription;

  restoringPurchase() async {
    final bool isAvailable = await InAppPurchase.instance.isAvailable();

    if (!isAvailable) {
      XXToast.toast(msg: 'Store unavailable'.tr);

    _subscription = InAppPurchase.instance.purchaseStream.listen(
        (List<PurchaseDetails> purchaseDetailsList) {
        if (purchaseDetailsList.isEmpty) {
          XXToast.toast(msg: 'There is nothing to buy'.tr);
    }, onDone: () {
    }, onError: (Object error) {
      // handle error here.

    await InAppPurchase.instance.restorePurchases();


workData(List<PurchaseDetails> purchaseDetailsList) {
    if (purchaseDetailsList.isNotEmpty) {
      final ids = purchaseDetailsList.map(
        (e) {
          var detail = e as AppStorePurchaseDetails;
          return detail

      List<PurchaseDetails> sortedList = List.from(purchaseDetailsList);
      sortedList.sort((a, b) => (int.tryParse(b.transactionDate ?? '') ?? 0)
          .compareTo(int.tryParse(a.transactionDate ?? '') ?? 0));

      sortedList.retainWhere((x) {
        var detail = x as AppStorePurchaseDetails;

        return ids.remove(detail



//商品回调   处理购买更新 
  Future<void> setUplistenToPurchaseUpdated(
      List<PurchaseDetails> purchaseDetailsList) async {
    List<AppStorePurchaseDetails> detailsList = [];
    // 商品列表
    for (final PurchaseDetails purchaseDetails in purchaseDetailsList) {
      var appstoreDetail = purchaseDetails as AppStorePurchaseDetails;
      // print(purchaseDetails);


Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase
We found that your app offers in-app purchases that can be restored but does not include a "Restore Purchases" feature to allow users to restore the previously purchased in-app purchases, as specified in the "Restoring Purchase Products" section of the In-App Purchase Programming Guide:
"Users restore transactions to maintain access to content they've already purchased. For example, when they upgrade to a new phone, they don't lose all of the items they purchased on the old phone. Include some mechanism in your app to let the user restore their purchases, such as a Restore Purchases button."
Next Steps
To restore previously purchased in-app purchase products, it would be appropriate to provide a "Restore" button and initiate the restore process when the "Restore" button is tapped by the user. Note that automatically restoring purchases on launch will not resolve this issue.


Guideline 3.1.2 - Business - Payments - Subscriptions
We continued to notice that your app did not meet all the terms and conditions for auto-renewing subscriptions, as specified in Schedule 2, section 3.8(b) of the Paid Applications agreement.
We were unable to find the following required information in your app's binary:
– Title of publication or service
– Price of subscription, and price per unit if appropriate
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please add this missing information. If the above information is present, please reply to this message in App Store Connect to provide details on where to locate it.
Please see attached screenshot for details.

Guideline 2.3.2 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
We noticed your app's metadata refers to paid content or features, but they are not clearly identified as requiring additional purchase.
Paid digital content referenced in your metadata must be clearly labelled to ensure users understand what is and isn't included in your app.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please remove these references or clearly mark paid content or features as requiring separate purchases.

Guideline 2.3.2 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
We noticed that the display names and descriptions for your promoted in-app purchase products, week and year, are the same, which makes it hard for users to identify what they are purchasing from the App Store.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise the display names or descriptions for your promoted in-app purchase products to ensure each individual metadata item is unique.
Please note that display names for promoted in-app purchases can be up to 30 characters long, while descriptions can be up to 45 characters long.
If you have no future plans on promoting this in-app purchase product, you can delete the associated promotional image in App Store Connect.

Guideline 2.3.2 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
We noticed that your promotional image to be displayed on the App Store does not sufficiently represent the associated promoted in-app purchase. Specifically, we found the following issue with your promotional image:
– Your promotional image is the same as your app’s icon.
– You submitted duplicate or identical promotional images for different promoted in-app purchase products.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your promotional image to ensure it is unique and accurately represents the associated promoted in-app purchase.
If you have no future plans on promoting this in-app purchase product, you can delete the associated promotional image in App Store Connect.

这些问题就是你的商品详情,还有你的审核数据填的不够完善,一定要把你的订阅的名称,价格,干什么的写清楚,审核图片里也要显示明白.推广图标不要用logo,不要用logo,不要用logo! 不同的商品推广图也不要一样!!!

Guideline 3.1.2 - Business - Payments - Subscriptions
We noticed that your app did not meet all the terms and conditions for auto-renewing subscriptions, as specified in Schedule 2, section 3.8(b) of the Paid Applications agreement.
We were unable to find the following required information in your app's binary:
– Title of publication or service
– Price of subscription, and price per unit if appropriate
– A functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA)
– A functional link to the privacy policy
We were unable to find the following required item(s) in your app's metadata:
– A functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA)
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please add this missing information. If the above information is present, please reply to this message in App Store Connect to provide details on where to locate it.
If you are using the standard Apple Terms of Use (EULA), you will need to include a link to the Terms of Use in your App Description. If you are using a custom EULA, add it in App Store Connect.

这个问题吧,跟上面类似,但是多出来一条就是需要使用条款,你的连续订阅的使用条款,也就是说许可协议,你可以在 App信息 -> 许可协议,编辑里添加,你的订阅许可协议,他是说这样可以,但是我在网上并没有看到有人这么干,大部分都是让服务器给一个链接,点击链接跳转网页,网页里写的是你们的订阅协议,将这个链接写在你的app描述里面的最下面,我是将我们的用户协议,使用说明,订阅协议都卸载了app描述的最下面.

↑ 以上就是我目前写订阅的时候遇到的一些问题.同时给出一个我看了之后,对于我使用插件帮助比较大的一篇介绍in_app_purchase使用的文章

如果对你有帮助的话,希望帮忙点赞,转发! 如果有没看懂,或者想问的,可以留言,看到的第一时间我会回复~~!欢迎留言哦!

也可有偿帮忙写支付业务! 😄😄😄😄

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