

下面以 v1.14.4 版本的代码作为例子解释,Cilium 在选择 Chain 模式的部署下,是如何创建相关的资源的。


Cilium Chain 模式,Cilium 不负责容器组网的相关操作,可以认为只负责了 Endpoint, CiliumEndpoint, Identity, Policy 相关的资源的创建。

cmdAdd                                         // plugins/cilium-cni/main.go
  |-loadNetConf(args.StdinData)                // plugins/cilium-cni/main.go
  |-parsePrevResult(plugin)                    // plugins/cilium-cni/types/types.go
  |-GenericVethChainer.Add                     // plugins/cilium-cni/chaining/generic-veth/generic-veth.go
  |-ns.GetNS(pluginCtx.Args.Netns)             // plugins/cilium-cni/chaining/generic-veth/generic-veth.go
  |-ep := &models.EndpointChangeRequest        // plugins/cilium-cni/chaining/generic-veth/generic-veth.go
  |-EndpointCreate(ep)                         // plugins/cilium-cni/chaining/generic-veth/generic-veth.go
  |-EndpointCreate                             // pkg/client/endpoint.go
    |-PutEndpointID                            // api/v1/client/endpoint/endpoint_client.go
  ServeHTTP                                     // api/server/restapi/endpint/put_endpoint_id.go
   |-Handler.Handle()                           // api/server/restapi/endpint/put_endpoint_id.go
     |- Handle()                                // daemon/cmd/endpoint.go
       |-createEndpoint                         // daemon/cmd/endpoint.go
         |-NewEndpointFromChangeModel           // pkg/endpoint/api.go
         |-endpointmanager.AddEndpoint          // daemon/cmd/endpoint.go
         |  |-Expose                            // pkg/endpointmanager/manager.go
         |     |-AllocateID                     // pkg/endpoint/manager.go
         |     |-RunK8sCiliumEndpointSync(e)    // pkg/k8s/watchers/endpointsynchronizer.go
         |-ep.UpdateLabels                      // pkg/endpoint/endpoint.go
         |  |-replaceInformationLabels          // pkg/endpoint/endpoint.go
         |  |-ReplaceIdentityLabels             // pkg/endpoint/endpoint.go
         |     |-RunIdentityResolver            // pkg/endpoint/endpoint.go
         |        |-identityLabelsChanged       // pkg/endpoint/endpoint.go
         |           |-AllocateIdentity         // pkg/identity/cache/allocator.go
         |           |-forcePolicyComputation   // pkg/endpoint/endpoint.go
         |           |-SetIdentity              // pkg/identity/cache/allocator.go
         |              |-runIPIdentitySync     // pkg/endpoint/policy.go
         |                 |-UpsertIPToKVStore  // pkg/ipcache/kvstore.go
         |-Regenerate                           // pkg/endpoint/policy.go
           |-regenerate                         // pkg/endpoint/policy.go
             |-regenerateBPF                    // pkg/endpoint/bpf.go
               | |-regeneratePolicy           
               | |-writeHeaderfile            
                 |-CompileAndLoad               // pkt/datapath/loader/loader.go
                   |-compileAndLoad             // pkt/datapath/loader/loader.go
                     |-compileDatapath          // pkt/datapath/loader/loader.go
                     | |-compile                // pkt/datapath/loader/compile.go
                     |   |-compileAndLink       // pkt/datapath/loader/compile.go
                     |-reloadDatapath           // pkt/datapath/loader/loader.go
                       |-replaceDatapath        // pkt/datapath/loader/netlink.go

loadNetConf() 读取的文件如下,依赖于 CNI 的链式调用,kubelet 会先调用 contivk8s.bin,然后再调用 cilium-cni,后面关于创建 Endpoint 这些资源的流程,跟非 Chain 模式的 CNI 是类似的。

  "name": "generic-veth",
  "cniVersion": "0.1.0",
  "plugins": [
      "type": "contivk8s.bin"
      "type": "cilium-cni"


[root@ns-k8s-noah-staging001-node-s0092 ~]# ethtool -i vvport16894
driver: veth
version: 1.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: no
supports-eeprom-access: no
supports-register-dump: no
supports-priv-flags: no



type ChainingPlugin interface {
    // Add is called on CNI ADD. It is given the plugin context from the previous plugin. It must return a CNI result or an error.
    Add(ctx context.Context, pluginContext PluginContext, client *client.Client) (res *cniTypesVer.Result, err error)

    // Delete is called on CNI DELETE. It is given the plugin context from
    the previous plugin.
    Delete(ctx context.Context, pluginContext PluginContext, delClient *lib.DeletionFallbackClient) (err error)

    // Check is called on CNI CHECK. The plugin should verify (to the best of its ability) that everything is reasonably configured, else return error.
    Check(ctx context.Context, pluginContext PluginContext, client *client.Client) error


func cmdAdd(args *skel.CmdArgs) (err error) {
    n, err := types.LoadNetConf(args.StdinData)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse CNI configuration \"%s\": %s", args.StdinData, err)

    if err = setupLogging(n); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to setup logging: %w", err)

    logger := log.WithField("eventUUID", uuid.New())

    if n.EnableDebug {
        if err := gops.Listen(gops.Options{}); err != nil {
            log.WithError(err).Warn("Unable to start gops")
        } else {
            defer gops.Close()
    logger.Debugf("Processing CNI ADD request %#v", args)

    logger.Debugf("CNI NetConf: %#v", n)
    if n.PrevResult != nil {
        logger.Debugf("CNI Previous result: %#v", n.PrevResult)

    cniArgs := types.ArgsSpec{}
    if err = cniTypes.LoadArgs(args.Args, &cniArgs); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to extract CNI arguments: %s", err)
    logger.Debugf("CNI Args: %#v", cniArgs)

    c, err := client.NewDefaultClientWithTimeout(defaults.ClientConnectTimeout)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to connect to Cilium daemon: %s", client.Hint(err))

    // If CNI ADD gives us a PrevResult, we're a chained plugin and *must* detect a
    // valid chained mode. If no chained mode we understand is specified, error out.
    // Otherwise, continue with normal plugin execution.
    if len(n.NetConf.RawPrevResult) != 0 {
        if chainAction, err := getChainedAction(n, logger); chainAction != nil {
            var (
                res *cniTypesV1.Result
                ctx = chainingapi.PluginContext{
                    Logger:  logger,
                    Args:    args,
                    CniArgs: cniArgs,
                    NetConf: n,

            res, err = chainAction.Add(context.TODO(), ctx, c)
            if err != nil {
                logger.WithError(err).Warn("Chained ADD failed")
                return err
            logger.Debugf("Returning result %#v", res)
            return cniTypes.PrintResult(res, n.CNIVersion)
        } else if err != nil {
            logger.WithError(err).Error("Invalid chaining mode")
            return err
        } else {
            // no chained action supplied; this is an error
            logger.Error("CNI PrevResult supplied, but not in chaining mode -- this is invalid, please set chaining-mode in CNI configuration")
            return fmt.Errorf("CNI PrevResult supplied, but not in chaining mode -- this is invalid, please set chaining-mode in CNI configuration")

    // 非Chain模式下的CNI插件,不是我们关注的
    // ...


func (f *GenericVethChainer) Add(ctx context.Context, pluginCtx chainingapi.PluginContext, cli *client.Client) (res *cniTypesVer.Result, err error) {
    err = cniVersion.ParsePrevResult(&pluginCtx.NetConf.NetConf)
    if err != nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf("unable to understand network config: %s", err)

    var prevRes *cniTypesVer.Result
    prevRes, err = cniTypesVer.NewResultFromResult(pluginCtx.NetConf.PrevResult)
    if err != nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf("unable to get previous network result: %s", err)

    defer func() {
        if err != nil {
                WithFields(logrus.Fields{"cni-pre-result": pluginCtx.NetConf.PrevResult}).
                Errorf("Unable to create endpoint")
    var (
        hostMac, vethHostName, vethLXCMac, vethIP, vethIPv6 string
        vethHostIdx, peerIndex                              int
        peer                                                netlink.Link
        netNs                                               ns.NetNS

    netNs, err = ns.GetNS(pluginCtx.Args.Netns)
    if err != nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf("failed to open netns %q: %s", pluginCtx.Args.Netns, err)
    defer netNs.Close()

    if err = netNs.Do(func(_ ns.NetNS) error {
        links, err := netlink.LinkList()
        if err != nil {
            return err

        for _, link := range links {
            pluginCtx.Logger.Debugf("Found interface in container %+v", link.Attrs())

            // 针对veth处理
            if link.Type() != "veth" {

            // 这些信息都是从prevResult获取
            vethLXCMac = link.Attrs().HardwareAddr.String()

            veth, ok := link.(*netlink.Veth)
            if !ok {
                return fmt.Errorf("link %s is not a veth interface", vethHostName)

            peerIndex, err = netlink.VethPeerIndex(veth)
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve index of veth peer %s: %s", vethHostName, err)

            addrs, err := netlink.AddrList(link, netlink.FAMILY_V4)
            if err == nil && len(addrs) > 0 {
                vethIP = addrs[0].IPNet.IP.String()
            } else if err != nil {
                    logfields.Interface: link.Attrs().Name}).Warn("No valid IPv4 address found")

            addrsv6, err := netlink.AddrList(link, netlink.FAMILY_V6)
            if err == nil && len(addrsv6) > 0 {
                vethIPv6 = addrsv6[0].IPNet.IP.String()
            } else if err != nil {
                    logfields.Interface: link.Attrs().Name}).Warn("No valid IPv6 address found")

            return nil

        return fmt.Errorf("no link found inside container")
    }); err != nil {

    peer, err = netlink.LinkByIndex(peerIndex)
    if err != nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf("unable to lookup link %d: %s", peerIndex, err)

    hostMac = peer.Attrs().HardwareAddr.String()
    vethHostName = peer.Attrs().Name
    vethHostIdx = peer.Attrs().Index

    switch {
    case vethHostName == "":
        err = errors.New("unable to determine name of veth pair on the host side")
    case vethLXCMac == "":
        err = errors.New("unable to determine MAC address of veth pair on the container side")
    case vethIP == "" && vethIPv6 == "":
        err = errors.New("unable to determine IP address of the container")
    case vethHostIdx == 0:
        err = errors.New("unable to determine index interface of veth pair on the host side")

    var disabled = false
    ep := &models.EndpointChangeRequest{
        Addressing: &models.AddressPair{
            IPV4: vethIP,
            IPV6: vethIPv6,
        ContainerID:       pluginCtx.Args.ContainerID,
        State:             models.EndpointStateWaitingDashForDashIdentity.Pointer(),
        HostMac:           hostMac,
        InterfaceIndex:    int64(vethHostIdx),
        Mac:               vethLXCMac,
        InterfaceName:     vethHostName,
        K8sPodName:        string(pluginCtx.CniArgs.K8S_POD_NAME),
        K8sNamespace:      string(pluginCtx.CniArgs.K8S_POD_NAMESPACE),
        SyncBuildEndpoint: true,
        DatapathConfiguration: &models.EndpointDatapathConfiguration{
            // aws-cni requires ARP passthrough between Linux and the pod
            RequireArpPassthrough: true,

            // The route is pointing directly into the veth of the pod, install a host-facing egress program to implement ingress policy and to provide reverse NAT
            RequireEgressProg: true,

            // The IP is managed by the aws-cni plugin, no need for Cilium to manage any aspect of addressing
            ExternalIpam: true,

            // All routing is performed by the Linux stack
            RequireRouting: &disabled,

    err = cli.EndpointCreate(ep)
    if err != nil {
            logfields.ContainerID: ep.ContainerID}).Warn("Unable to create endpoint")
        err = fmt.Errorf("unable to create endpoint: %s", err)

        logfields.ContainerID: ep.ContainerID}).Debug("Endpoint successfully created")

    res = prevRes




从一个 cilium-agent 的容器内执行下面的命令。

root@ns-k8s-noah-staging001-node-s0093:/home/cilium# clang --version
clang version 10.0.0 ( 0598a534371d5fd6debd129b1378b39b923b9787)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/local/bin

可以从日志中,找到 cilium 的编译语句实际如下。

clang -emit-llvm -g -O2 --target=bpf -std=gnu89 -nostdinc -D__NR_CPUS__=24 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unknown-warning-option -Wno-gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wimplicit-int-conversion -Wenum-conversion -I/var/run/cilium/state/globals -I/var/run/cilium/state/templates/46b04c5af0a1cda6e6efde8d345f9cfee515c727b888a49f38393b6cb0c84e2f -I/var/lib/cilium/bpf -I/var/lib/cilium/bpf/include -c /var/lib/cilium/bpf/bpf_host.c -o -

这条命令使用 clang 编译器来编译一个名为 bpf_host.c 的 C 语言源文件,这个文件位于 /var/lib/cilium/bpf 路径下。这个操作是在编译 eBPF 程序,这类程序通常用于 Linux 内核中的网络处理、监视和安全策略执行等任务。命令中的每个选项和参数都有特定的作用:

  1. -emit-llvm: 指示clang生成LLVM中间表示 (Intermediate Representation, IR) 而不是生成机器代码。LLVM IR是一种低级的、类型丰富的汇编语言,它提供了LLVM优化和代码生成工具链所需的信息
  2. -g: 在生成的文件中包括调试信息,这有助于后续的调试工作
  3. -O2: 启用优化级别2,这是编译器的标准优化级别,试图在不牺牲太多编译时间的情况下提供性能提升
  4. --target=bpf: 指定目标架构为BPF,这是编译eBPF程序时必需的,因为eBPF程序需要在内核中执行
  5. -std=gnu89: 使用GNU89标准来编译C代码,这是ANSI C(也称为C89)的一个变种,它包括了GNU的一些扩展
  6. -nostdinc: 不在标准系统目录中查找头文件,通常用于确保只使用指定的头文件,而不是系统路径中的头文件
  7. -D__NR_CPUS__=24: 定义宏NR_CPUS并设置其值为24,这可能与eBPF程序中处理的CPU核心数量有关
  8. -Wall -Wextra -Werror: 启用所有(-Wall)和额外(-Wextra)的警告,并将所有警告作为错误处理(-Werror),这有助于确保代码质量
  9. -Wshadow: 警告局部变量遮蔽(shadowing)了其他变量
  10. -Wno-address-of-packed-member: 不警告访问打包结构体(使用了 attribute((packed)))成员的地址
  11. -Wno-unknown-warning-option: 不警告未知的编译器警告选项
  12. -Wno-gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end: 不警告 GNU 扩展的非最后位置的可变大小类型
  13. -Wdeclaration-after-statement: 警在任何语句之后声明变量(在C89中不允许)
  14. -Wimplicit-int-conversion: 警告在整数类型之间进行的隐式转换
  15. -Wenum-conversion: 警告枚举类型到不同类型的转换
  16. -I: 后面跟的是包含目录的路径,clang 将在这些路径中查找包含的头文件
  17. -c: 表示编译操作,而不进行链接
  18. /var/lib/cilium/bpf/bpf_host.c: 指定要编译的源文件
  19. -o -: 将输出(此处是 LLVM IR)写到标准输出(stdout),而不是写入文件。这通常用于将输出传递给管道中的另一个命令

综上所述,此命令编译了一个 eBPF 程序,产生的输出是 LLVM 中间表示的形式,包含了调试信息,且进行了一些优化。这个过程在编译过程中使用了许多严格的警告选项来保证代码质量,并且避免了使用标准包含路径,而是添加了特定的 Cilium 相关的包含路径。


// epInfoCache describes the set of lxcmap entries necessary to describe an Endpoint
// in the BPF maps. It is generated while holding the Endpoint lock, then used
// after releasing that lock to push the entries into the datapath.
// Functions below implement the EndpointFrontend interface with this cached information.
type epInfoCache struct {
    // revision is used by the endpoint regeneration code to determine
    // whether this cache is out-of-date wrt the underlying endpoint.
    revision uint64

    // For datapath.loader.endpoint
    epdir  string
    id     uint64
    ifName string

    // For datapath.EndpointConfiguration
    identity                               identity.NumericIdentity
    mac                                    mac.MAC
    ipv4                                   netip.Addr
    ipv6                                   netip.Addr
    conntrackLocal                         bool
    requireARPPassthrough                  bool
    requireEgressProg                      bool
    requireRouting                         bool
    requireEndpointRoute                   bool
    policyVerdictLogFilter                 uint32
    cidr4PrefixLengths, cidr6PrefixLengths []int
    options                                *option.IntOptions
    lxcMAC                                 mac.MAC
    ifIndex                                int

    // endpoint is used to get the endpoint's logger.
    // Do NOT use this for fetching endpoint data directly; this structure
    // is intended as a safe cache of endpoint data that is assembled while
    // holding the endpoint lock, for use beyond the holding of that lock.
    // Dereferencing fields in this endpoint is not guaranteed to be safe.
    endpoint *Endpoint



包含一些 tc 的操作。编译加载,分开了两个步骤。

func (l *Loader) compileAndLoad(ctx context.Context, ep datapath.Endpoint, dirs *directoryInfo, stats *metrics.SpanStat) error {
    // 先编译
    err := compileDatapath(ctx, dirs, ep.IsHost(), ep.Logger(Subsystem))
    stats.BpfCompilation.End(err == nil)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // 后加载
    err = l.reloadDatapath(ctx, ep, dirs)
    stats.BpfLoadProg.End(err == nil)
    return err


Helm delete 的时候,会把网卡这些删除。但是在安装之前会有 uninstall 的脚本,以防止之前安装的组件会有残留。

    - /


set -e


if [[ "$(cat /tmp/cilium/config-map/cni-uninstall 2>/dev/null || true)" != "true" ]]; then
    echo "cni-uninstall disabled, not removing CNI configuration"

# Do not interact with the host's CNI directory when the user specified they
# are managing CNI configs externally.
if [ "${CILIUM_CUSTOM_CNI_CONF}" != "true" ]; then
    # .conf/.conflist/.json (undocumented) are read by kubelet/dockershim's CNI implementation.
    # Remove any active Cilium CNI configurations to prevent scheduling Pods during agent
    # downtime. Configs belonging to other CNI implementations have already been renamed
    # to *.cilium_bak during agent startup.
    echo "Removing active Cilium CNI configurations from ${CNI_CONF_DIR}..."
    find "${CNI_CONF_DIR}" -maxdepth 1 -type f \
    -name '*cilium*' -and \( \
        -name '*.conf' -or \
        -name '*.conflist' \
    \) -delete


cilium api server 用来处理 Endpoint 的请求,默认情况下,通过 UNIX 进行通信。类似的,cilium 的客户端工具,可以通过读取这个 unix-socket 和这个 HTTP 服务进行交互,读取 cilium-agent 的一些实时数据。

默认情况下,只支持 unix 通信,如果想暴露出 http 接口,可以修改源码来实现(不建议)。

curl --unix-socket /var/run/cilium/cilium.sock http://localhost/v1/cluster/nodes
curl --unix-socket /var/run/cilium/cilium.sock http://localhost/v1/config
curl --unix-socket /var/run/cilium/cilium.sock http://localhost/v1/healthz

Cilium Operator

甚至都不负责 CEP 的创建,但是会协助 Cilium 资源的 GC。


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  2. Cilium Code Walk Through Series
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  4. 源码解析: K8s创建pod时,背后发生了什么(五)(2021)
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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 41,001评论 3 325
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 31,657评论 0 22
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 32,811评论 1 268
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 47,685评论 2 368
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 44,573评论 2 353
