ASCO 年会以展示肿瘤的基础研究和临床最新研究为特点,讨论当前国际先进的治疗方式和方法。专家们带给肿瘤医学界满满的干货,在肺癌、消化道系统肿瘤、乳腺癌、妇科肿瘤、血液系统肿瘤、儿童肿瘤、泌尿系统肿瘤、头颈肿瘤等各个领域都有新的建树,新药新方案新成果更是数不胜数,其中不少最新的研究还引起了业内的广泛关注和热议。
2020年3月24日,ASCO 官网发布公告,受新冠疫情影响,原定于5月29日~6月2日在芝加哥举行的 ASCO 年会无法按原计划进行,今年将首次以线上形式举办。
ASCO 表示:我们将一如既往,不忘使命,以线上会议的形式为全球呈现癌症研究领域最前沿的信息。
在美国当地时间5月13日,ASCO 公布了除 LBA 外的所有摘要内容,而最重磅的5项 LBA 研究的摘要内容仍保持神秘感。
- Breast Cancer-Local / Regional / Adjuvant
- Breast Cancer-Metastatic
- Cancer Prevention, Risk, Reduction and Genetics
- Care Delivery and Regulatory Policy
- Central Nervous System Tumors
- Developmental Therapeutics Immunotherapy
- Developmental Therapeutics Targeted Agents and Tumor Biology
- Gastrointestinal (Colorectal and Anal) Cancer
- Gastrointestinal (Gastroesophageal,Pancreatic and Heptobiliary) Cancer
- Genitourinary (Kidney & Bladder) Cancer
- Genitourinary (Prostate,Testicular & Penile) Cancer
- Gynecologic Cancer
- Head and Neck Cancer
- Health Services Research and Quality Improvement
- Hematologic Malignancies-Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, and Allotransplant
- Hematologic Malignancies-Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
- Hematologic Malignancies-Plasma Cell Dyscrasia
- Lung Cancer-Non-Small Cell Local-Regional / Small Cell / Thoracic Cancers
- Lung Cancer-Non-Small Cell Metastatic
- Melanoma / Skin Cancers
- Pediatric Oncology
- Plenary Session
- Professional Development and Education Advances
- Sarcoma
- Special Clinical Science
Symposia Symptoms and Survivorship
本教程来自本人公众号:Biomed RevRes