1 Make products more attractive to consumers
Is an important marketing tool
Inform consumers about new products or services
Boost the sales of the advertised products
Encourage people to associate the advertised product with an attractive lifestyle
2 Commercial breaks
Interrupt TV programs
Spoil people's enjoyment of the show
Embedded marketing
3 Are creative and entertaining
Entertain people
Is an important source of entertainment
Is an integral part of our lives
4 Advertising campaigns
5 Advertising aimed at children/ advertising directed at children
(Children) Are easily influenced by advertising
(Government) regulate advertising aimed at children
6 False/ deceptive advertising
Provide misleading information
Damage their reputation
Provide reliable information
Help consumers better understand the advertised product
7 The advertising industry
Employ large numbers of people
Is an important source of employment
Contribute to the economy
Pay taxes to the government
Is an important source of government tax revenue
8 Are driven by profit
Advertising revenue
Income (individual and family) ➡️ revenue (company and country)
Public-interest advertising 公益广告
9 Celebrity / celebrities
Try to persuade people to buy a product
Try to persuade people to follow the latest trends
Influence consumers' decision-making process
(Consumers) have different disposable incomes
Have different budgets
Have different tastes and preferences