He is an avid imbiber of higher education and its internationalisation history, and a serious researcher.
I am revelling in learning English with teachers at ELC.
I am revelling in reading and writing in the university library.
The responsibility on my shoulders as internationalisaiton professional to initiate new internationally collaborative programmes for academics and students for my university weighs heavily.
He ran circles around all the other staff in his office.
After he had failed in the IELTS, he prepared to try his luck at TOFEL.
Students chanced their luck with a couple of requests which he declined with a respectful smile.
Top students have got to be the way forward for leading universities.
Higher education reform is the way forward
Education openness is the way forward.
The president of the university was listened to by the great and the good in respectful silence, even though they might not be on the same page as him.
简·奈特(Jane Knight)是国际上知名的高等教育国际化研究专家。2015年她的一篇题为《国际性大学:误解与新兴模型?》中,她分析了当前国际化大学的三种形态。开篇就抛出问题:何为国际性大学(international university)?大学高层、学生、教师、学者,政策分析专家对于这个问题都会有不同的答案。即便是将自己定位为“国际性”定位自己的相当一部分大学,对它的理解也不尽相同。