What is truth? Everyone has his or her ideas, which can be what I believe in, what I see or hear and so on. And yet, maybe you don’t get the reality, what you see or hear can be wrong and something you believe in is from traditional values you don’t possess them and even you don’t know why it is true.
Why do people tend to claim that the truth is spiritual reality? And why people gradually give up searching what is truth because it seems to be no right answer and becomes murky? All of these things, time, space, religion, etc., need to be considered that will help you know what is truth clearly.
Where does it all begin?
The idea of creating our own truth without outside influence or assistance may sound reasonable if we focus only on our adulthood. But when we were children, what we knew and believed everything was what others told us. Even seeing is believing we believe is from others at the beginning. That is the early truth in our experience.
Imperfect perception and memory
We are so easily influenced by outside and inside situation. It is impossible that perception is flawless. Sometimes perception is intermingled with interpretation-the expectation that an event will unfold in a certain way may color our perception of the way the event actually unfold.
It is obvious that our memory is processed easily by our feelings or outside argument because it has been proved by the researchers who are memory experts. Others can change your memory if they deliberately tell you some information repeatedly until impress you.
Deficient information
The quality of a belief depends to a considerable extent on the quality of the information that backs it up. Because it’s a big world and reality has many faces, it’s easy for to be misinformed. Even the wisest can err because they still be limited in that time they can’t transcend.
Truth is discovered, not created.
Based on these factors including imperfect memory, perception and deficient information, we know that it is too hard to create truth. What we create is belief, ideas that we accept as truth but that could easily be false. Our beliefs and assertion are true when they correspond to that reality and false when they do not because truth is not dependent on our acknowledgement of it, nor is it in any way altered by our ignorance or transformed by our wishful thinking.
Understanding cause and effect
It is a little hard to exactly explain the relationship of cause and effect. There are four facts must be understood to help us avoid confusion:
One event can precede another without causing it.
Not all causation involves force or necessity
There is a wild card in human affairs-free will
Causation is often complex.