Ali Ghodsi, co-founder and CEO of platform-as-a-service company Databricks said Hadoop is not meant for the cloud, because it is not elastic in the same way the cloud is elastic. Databricks was founded as a PaaS distribution of the big data streaming technology Spark but has since evolved to also include many other big data technologies. Ghodsi said that going forward, Hadoop will be more of a niche solution.
"Hadoop is dead in the cloud for sure," he told InformationWeek. Like mainframes, Hadoop will remain in place where it makes sense. "There are still IBM mainframes around 50 years later. But they are not something you buy and invest in these days."
Ghodsi said that the cloud offers cheaper and more reliable storage options than are available in the Hadoop File System. He also believes that the old RedHat open source business model of offering on-premises software and selling support for it is headed towards extinction.
"The modern open source model is managed open source software in the cloud," he said -- the kind of service that is offered by Databricks. Ghodsi said the provider will operate it, make sure it is secure, and manage the complexity of it for a subscription-based price.
The model has been a successful one for Databricks so far. While the company is still venture-backed and privately held, the CEO said that Databricks just saw its biggest quarter ever, beating its internal number by 50%. Growth rates are "close to tripling year over year," according to Ghodsi. "This quarter is insane. Demand is unprecedented."
- Hadoop在公有云必死无疑,在on prem还会长期存在,可是增长乏力。
- 公有云提供比HDFS更加便宜和可靠的存储服务。资源调度也不再一样。【也就是,HDFS和Yarn在cloud上水土不服】
- 开源软件公司的经营模式在云上完全不一样。只卖客户支持的这种方式会绝迹。在公有云上,开源软件公司负责运营,提供安全便捷的服务,以订阅收费为计价模式。
- Databricks 做为 Spark 的最初创建者,以Spark为核心,一直坚持在公有云上做PaaS的服务,不断创新 【比如,Delta和MLFlow】【上个季度,Cloudera和MapR都传来了很多大单没签下来,季度收入远未达到既定目标】而Databricks上季度需求前所未有,又是一个疯狂的季度,超越内部目标50%,保持着接近三倍的年均增长速度。