【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 4 Unit 2 Part 2(I)词汇 During an Interview
Interviews are meant to find someone who is a good fit for a job. 面试是为了找到一个适合工作的人。
Here are some basic steps to follow when conducting an interview. 以下是进行面试时要遵循的一些基本步骤。
Build rapport.
Begin the interview by building rapport with the candidate. 【填空】 通过与应聘者建立融洽的关系来开始面试。
When a candidate is relaxed, they usually express themselves more honestly. 【填空】 当候选人放松时,他们通常会更诚实地表达自己。
A warm greeting and some small talk can make the candidate feel comfortable. 一个温暖的问候和一些闲聊可以让候选人感到舒适。
For example, you can say "It's a pleasure to meet you. How was your weekend?" 例如,你可以说“很高兴见到你。你周末过得怎么样?”
【词汇】rapport: 融洽关系
【跟读】Building rapport with a candidate will help them feel less nervous.
Observe non-verbal cues
Observe the candidate's body language and facial expressions. 【填空】【跟读】 观察候选人的肢体语言和面部表情。
Non-verbal cues may reveal how the candidate feels. 非语言的暗示可以揭示候选人的感受。
For example, if a candidate blinks often, it may suggest they're very nervous. 【填空】 例如,如果一个求职者经常眨眼,这可能表明他们非常紧张。
【选择】-What is an example of a non-verbal cue? -how someone moves
【选择】-Why should you begin an interview by building rapport with a candidate? -It makes them feel less nervous.
Leave time for questions. 留出提问时间
Near the end of the interview, leave time for the candidate to ask questions. 在面试快结束的时候,给面试者留出提问的时间。
For example, you can ask, "Do you have any questions for me?" or "Have you got any questions for us?" 【跟读】 例如,你可以问,“你有什么问题要问我吗?”或者“你有什么问题要问我们吗?”
What the candidate asks can reveal how interested they are in the position. 【填空】 应聘者的问题可以反映出他们对这个职位有多感兴趣。
If they don't have any questions, they may not be interested in the job. 如果他们没有任何问题,他们可能对这份工作不感兴趣。
Explain what to do next. 解释下一步该做什么
At the end of the interview, explain the next steps in the hiring process. 在面试结束时,解释招聘流程的下一步。
Let the candidate know when you will contact them again. 让候选人知道你什么时候会再联系他们。
For example, you can say, "Thank you for coming in. We will get back to you within two weeks."
Finally, thank them for their time and walk them to the door. 最后,感谢他们抽出时间陪我走到门口。
【选择】-How should you end an interview? -tell the candidate what they should do next
【选择】-Why should you allow candidates to ask questions during an interview? -They may want to learn more about the company.