Having to deal with this persistent linguistic competition can result in difficulties, however.
For instance, knowing more than one language can cause speakers to name pictures more slowly,and can increase ‘tip-of-the-tongue states’,when you can almost, but not quite, bring a word to mind.
As a result, the constant juggling of two languages creates a need to control how much a person accesses a language at any given time.
For this reason, bilingual people often perform better on tasks that require conflict management.
In the classic Stroop Task, people see a word and are asked to name the colour of the word’s font.
When the colour and the word match (i.e.,the word ‘red’ printed in red), people correctly name the colour more quickly than when the colour and the word don’t match (i_e.,the word ‘red’ printed in blue).
This occurs because the word itself (‘red’)and its font colour (blue) conflict.
Bilingual people often excel at tasks such as this, which tap into the ability to ignore competing perceptual information and focus on the relevant aspects of the input.
Bilinguals are also better at switching between two tasks; for example, when bilinguals have to switch from categorizing objects by colour (red or green) to categorizing them by shape (circle or triangle), they do so more quickly than monolingual people, reflecting better cognitive control when having to make rapid changes of strategy.