Peritumoral activation of the Hippo pathway effectors YAP and TAZ suppresses liver cancer in mice
Science ( IF 41.037 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-22 *, DOI: *10.1126/science.aaw9886
The Hippo signaling pathway and its two downstream effectors, the YAP and TAZ transcriptional coactivators, are drivers of tumor growth in experimental models. Studying mouse models, we show that YAP and TAZ can also exert a tumor-suppressive function. We found that normal hepatocytes surrounding liver tumors displayed activation of YAP and TAZ and that deletion of Yap and Taz in these peritumoral hepatocytes accelerated tumor growth. Conversely, experimental hyperactivation of YAP in peritumoral hepatocytes triggered regression of primary liver tumors and melanoma-derived liver metastases. Furthermore, whereas tumor cells growing in wild-type livers required YAP and TAZ for their survival, those surrounded by Yap- and Taz-deficient hepatocytes were not dependent on YAP and TAZ. Tumor cell survival thus depends on the relative activity of YAP and TAZ in tumor cells and their surrounding tissue, suggesting that YAP and TAZ act through a mechanism of cell competition to eliminate tumor cells.
这项发现令人惊讶,因为YAP和TAZ通常是在不同人类癌细胞中高表达,这些基因能启动肿瘤细胞的增殖和存活。文章第一作者Iván Moya表示:“传统观点认为它们是致癌基因,但是却发现具有抗肿瘤功能,这完全改变了我们对致癌基因,以及它们在正常组织中的功能的看法。”
Key experiment results:
N-Akt肿瘤细胞需要YAP/TAZ才能存活,但只有当被WT肝细胞包围时。如果WT肝细胞周围细胞也没有YAP/TAZ, N-Akt肿瘤细胞也不需要YAP/TAZ活性。
The tumor suppression effect described here is reminiscent of “cell competition,” a phenomenon originally described in Drosophila but recently also observed in mammalian systems (21, 22). During competition, intact viable cells are eliminated from a tissue when they are adjacent to cells that have higher fitness (referred to as winner and loser cells) (21, 22). Notably, winner or loser status is not an inherent property of a cell but can change depending upon alterations in the neighboring cells
可以不可以这么理解: 细胞之间都是互相掐架, YAP/TAZ代表了某种力量,力量的大就容易打赢呢。那这个力量到底是什么呢?**-代谢优势, 抗凋亡,机械力。。。。。
TAZ/YAP 如此, 其他的抗癌、抑癌基因呢?
肿瘤就是一种"Cell competiton" 吗??