Nonetheless, many non-profit groups see promise in supporting trials into drug repurposing. Epidemiological data can offer enticing leads. An insurance database in Taiwan shows a 76% reduction in the risk of tuberculosis among diabetic patients on metformin, and progressively larger protective effects with higher cumulative doses. However, Udai Banerji, a researcher at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, warns that randomised clinical trials are necessary to prove definitively the value of a drug to treat a new disease.
许多非营利组织反而支持涉及“老药新用”的一系列临床试验。流行病学数据在这方面起到很好的带头作用。台湾的一家保险数据库显示,使用二甲双胍的糖尿病患者在结核病患病风险上降低了76%左右,并且逐步增加的二甲双胍用量对病人起的保护效果也会更加显著。Udai Banerji,一位伦敦癌症研究中心的研究员并不这么认为。他表示想要确切证明这些药物可以治疗新的疾病必须进行严格的临床试验。
Trials are costly, but the benefits can be huge. The Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative, a Swiss non-profit research group, supported r&d into fexinidazole, which was abandoned by a pharma firm at an early stage but was then found to show anti- -parasitic qualities. This January, after years of work, it was approved for sleeping sickness in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is the first oral medicine for the disease, and works for all stages of it.
When it comes to cancer, some of the most promising generic pills are already well-known. Cancer Research uk, a charity, is testing aspirin to see if it can stop cancer recurring; metformin in a large prostate- cancer trial; and an anti-fungal medication to treat bowel cancer. The Anticancer Fund in Brussels has high hopes for propranolol in treating angiosarcoma—cancers of the inner lining of blood vessels—and for pancreatic cancer. Propranolol is a generic 1960s beta-blocker used for a wide range of ailments such as hypertension, anxiety and migraine. If approved for cancer, its price would be negligible compared with the tens of thousands of dollars a month normally charged for cancer medicines. Mr Banerji estimates that one cancer drug in five that goes off-patent is likely to have uses in treating other cancers. It is “almost free money”, he says.
The Anticancer Fund believes that the path to wider uptake of repurposed drugs is through approval and relabelling by drug regulators for new treatments. Although difficult and expensive, Mr Pantziarka says it unleashes a cascade of important events. When a regulator licenses a drug, clinical guidelines are updated, drug formularies are changed, reimbursement should follow more smoothly and clinicians gain experience using it. In America Mr Bloom agrees that relabelling will encourage the usage of repurposed drugs.
这家抗癌基金会认为,新用途药品想要获得更广泛的接受程度往往需要药品监管部门的许可以及更换旧的药品标签。此举尽管难以实现并且造价高昂,Pantziarka 先生表示,这会推动一系列重要事件被提上日程。当监管机构批准了一种药品的应用,相关的临床用药指南就需要更新,处方集就需要改变,报销政策就得跟上步伐,临床医生就得积累相应的用药经验。Bloom先生也同意更换药品标签对推动“老药新用”有一定促进作用。
Money, though, is a crucial constraint. Even governments keen to pump cash into drug development prioritise drugs with patents. Mr Pantziarka says many official funding schemes, such as the eu’s Horizon2020 programme, want projects that hold
intellectual property. In America the National Centre for Advancing Translational Sciences will support research to help drug companies repurpose molecules for which they hold patents.
Finance is not the only obstacle. Only the makers or original developers of a drug are permitted to adjust its label. Sanofi, based in Paris, was the firm that requested regulatory review of fexinidazole for sleeping sickness—although the r&d was a charitable effort. But drug firms are not obliged to support non-commercial efforts to repurpose drugs. And outside the industry it is hard to find the legal expertise to manage the necessary paperwork.
Some of these concerns are under review by an expert group on repurposing within the European Commission. It is looking at how regulatory changes, as well as legal and financial support, could support repurposing by third parties such as charities and foundations. The Anticancer Fund wants the regulator to be able to evaluate evidence on drugs that has been submitted by third parties such as itself.
As non-profits make headway in repurposing, corporate interest may be rising. Mr Bloom says that ten years ago not a single pharma company would have anything to do with his charity. Today he receives calls from at least two or three small- to mid-sized firms every month saying they are interested. In terms of achieving new treatment options, this is good news. But it will not bring cheaper medicines in areas traditionally neglected by the drug industry. Firms will focus on finding ways to patent the new uses—through reformulation or new combinations of substances—and charge high prices for the finished product.
If governments want cheaper drugs, non-profits will need financial incentives and a helpful regulatory framework. Would-be repurposers have come up with some suggestions. They include making regulators give free advice and waive approval fees, and a public fund to support re- purposing. Another idea is a “social-impact bond”—backed by private investors funding a range of drug trials for diseases that cost public-health services a lot of money to treat. When drugs are approved, investors are paid back by the public health service, which makes savings by using the newly approved generic drugs.
Patiently waiting
The slow pace of change leaves patients like Alistair stranded. Care Oncology says it will publish results from its glioblastoma patients this spring. Though welcome, this will fall short of the gold-standard trial evidence needed to register a drug. The treatment will be left in limbo. And patients will be left to wonder why governments fail to see the purpose of repurposing drugs.