a = 10
a = [a]
a = a + [1]
a = ",".join(map(lambda x: str(x), a))
a = int(a[-1])
这段代码,会不会觉得丝滑,如果要在中间加一句判断当前 a 取值是否有效,会不会既丝滑又丰富,再比如这个 a 它儿孙满堂,项目里到处都有它的身影,会不会是丝滑又丰富又多彩,大脑被开发出11维般的壮观也不过尔尔。
(.venv) [brain@heaven code]$ mypy a.py
a.py:2: error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "List[int]", variable has type "int")
a.py:3: error: Unsupported operand types for + ("int" and "List[int]")
a.py:4: error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", variable has type "int")
a.py:4: error: No overload variant of "map" matches argument types "Callable[[Any], str]", "int"
a.py:4: note: Possible overload variants:
a.py:4: note: def [_S, _T1] __init__(self, Callable[[_T1], _S], Iterable[_T1]) -> map[_S]
a.py:4: note: def [_S, _T1, _T2] __init__(self, Callable[[_T1, _T2], _S], Iterable[_T1], Iterable[_T2]) -> map[_S]
a.py:4: note: def [_S, _T1, _T2, _T3] __init__(self, Callable[[_T1, _T2, _T3], _S], Iterable[_T1], Iterable[_T2], Iterable[_T3]) -> map[_S]
a.py:4: note: def [_S, _T1, _T2, _T3, _T4] __init__(self, Callable[[_T1, _T2, _T3, _T4], _S], Iterable[_T1], Iterable[_T2], Iterable[_T3], Iterable[_T4]) -> map[_S]
a.py:4: note: def [_S, _T1, _T2, _T3, _T4, _T5] __init__(self, Callable[[_T1, _T2, _T3, _T4, _T5], _S], Iterable[_T1], Iterable[_T2], Iterable[_T3], Iterable[_T4], Iterable[_T5]) -> map[_S]
a.py:4: note: def [_S] __init__(self, Callable[..., _S], Iterable[Any], Iterable[Any], Iterable[Any], Iterable[Any], Iterable[Any], Iterable[Any], *iterables: Iterable[Any]) -> map[_S]
a.py:5: error: Value of type "int" is not indexable
Found 5 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
代码和作者本来就是天作之合,哪里轮到你这个 mypy 出来反对,难道你不觉得,这种无与伦比的大脑竞技可以被称作艺术,当你为此陷入深思,就如同其他脑力游戏一样,这不和迷宫、围棋一样,为啥有人会如此不解风情。