今天这个题目翻译为中文叫费曼技巧。一般上认为要践行费曼技巧需要经过四个步骤。具体如下:1.明确目标,就是在你开始学习或理解某些概念知识点时,问自己这回我的最终目标是什么,达成什么样的成果能说明我已经完成既定目标。2.以教促学,就是把你已经认为掌握的知识再向其他人说一遍,必须是用自己的语言组织起来,而且要确认对方能理解你说的东西,这是一种正向反馈。刻意练习强调的也是这种随时接收有效反馈促进练习效果的做法。 3.化整为零,就是分块分组思想,把一个大问题切割成多个小问题,把自己不能解答的问题标出,并逐个深入理解,各个击破,最后完成有机整合,解决大问题。同样在刻意练习中,也强调要有计划分步练习,并把每个练习都重复多遍,直到长到大脑上,分步练习最终是为那个大技能服务的。4.总结提炼,这个过程也是更高层级抽象的过程,同时也是对所学知识更深入理解的过程,能提炼出一两个核心观点,说明你已经透过现象看到了事物的本质,大道至简,不能对事物进行简化的说明就意味着你还不能完全灵活掌控所学知识。
The Feynman Technique — an incredibly simple and effective way to learn new things and identify holes in your knowledge.
Step 1. Choose the concept you want to understand.
Take a blank piece of paper and write that concept at the top of the page.
Step 2. Pretend you’re teaching the idea to someone else.
Write out an explanation of the topic, as if you were trying to teach it to a new student. When you explain the idea this way you get a better idea of what you understand and where you might have some gaps.
Step 3. If you get stuck, go back to the book.
Whenever you get stuck, go back to the source material and re-learn that part of the material until you get it enough that you can explain it on paper.
Step 4. Simplify your language.
The goal is to use your words, not the words of the source material. If your explanation is wordy or confusing, that’s an indication that you might not understand the idea as well as you thought – try to simplify the language or create an analogy to better understand it.