The other big change,apart from heavily moods conditions inside the office room,was that William didn't ask Julia to leave him alone quite as often,and a couple of afternoons had even asked her if she wanted to stay and discuss the bussiness stuffs with him. Julia hadn't minded too much when it was retorting somethings such as “Business plans"---but when William showed his ego of the elites!Julia took a quick look at the cover and said she thought she'd probably give it a miss!!另一个巨大的变化在于,除了办公室压抑的气氛,威廉越來越多的要求朱莉在(下班后)留下,甚至有那么一两個下午,朱莉被要求就目前的商业计划提出自已的想法,并讨论!当然,朱莉并不厌倦再三考验她的所谓的“商业计划”,但当威廉无意有意的表现出他所谓“精英阶层”的(愚蠢)的傲慢时,朱莉总会选择视而不不见(未完,待续,原创)