Effective Java 2.0_中英文对照_Item 9

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Item 9: Always override hashCode when you override equals

A common source of bugs is the failure to override the hashCode method. You must override hashCode in every class that overrides equals. Failure to do so will result in a violation of the general contract for Object.hashCode, which will prevent your class from functioning properly in conjunction with all hash-based collections, including HashMap, HashSet, and Hashtable.


Here is the contract, copied from the Object specification [JavaSE6]:


  • Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of an application, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.

  • 假设同一个对象在进行equals比较时没有修改信息,那么在一个应用执行期间,无论什么时候对同一个对象调用多次hashCode方法,它的hashCode方法都必须返回一个一致的整数。这个整数在应用多次执行期间不必保持一致。

  • If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.

  • 如果两个对象根据equals(Object)方法是相等的,那么调用每一个对象的hashCode方法必须产生同样的整数结果。

  • It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hash tables.

  • 如果两个对象根据equals(Object)方法不相等,不要求调用每一个对象的hashCode方法必须产生同样的整数结果。然而,程序员应该意识到对于不等的对象产生不同的整数结果可能改善哈希表的性能。

The key provision that is violated when you fail to override hashCode is the second one: equal objects must have equal hash codes. Two distinct instances may be logically equal according to a class’s equals method, but to Object’s hashCode method, they’re just two objects with nothing much in common. Therefore Object’s hashCode method returns two seemingly random numbers instead of two equal numbers as required by the contract.


For example, consider the following simplistic PhoneNumber class, whose equals method is constructed according to the recipe in Item 8:

例如,考虑下面简化的PhoneNumber类,它的equals方法是根据Item 8的流程构建的:

public final class PhoneNumber {
    private final short areaCode;
    private final short prefix;
    private final short lineNumber;

    public PhoneNumber(int areaCode, int prefix, int lineNumber) {
        rangeCheck(areaCode, 999, "area code");
        rangeCheck(prefix, 999, "prefix");
        rangeCheck(lineNumber, 9999, "line number");
        this.areaCode = (short) areaCode;
        this.prefix = (short) prefix;
        this.lineNumber = (short) lineNumber;

    private static void rangeCheck(int arg, int max, String name) {
        if (arg < 0 || arg > max)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + ": " + arg);

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == this)
            return true;
        if (!(o instanceof PhoneNumber))
            return false;
        PhoneNumber pn = (PhoneNumber) o;
        return pn.lineNumber == lineNumber && pn.prefix == prefix
                && pn.areaCode == areaCode;
    // Broken - no hashCode method!
    ... // Remainder omitted

Suppose you attempt to use this class with a HashMap:


Map<PhoneNumber, String> m = new HashMap<PhoneNumber, String>();
m.put(new PhoneNumber(707, 867, 5309), "Jenny");

At this point, you might expect m.get(new PhoneNumber(707, 867, 5309)) to return "Jenny", but it returns null. Notice that two PhoneNumber instances are involved: one is used for insertion into the HashMap, and a second, equal, instance is used for (attempted) retrieval. The PhoneNumber class’s failure to override hashCode causes the two equal instances to have unequal hash codes, in violation of the hashCode contract. Therefore the get method is likely to look for the phone number in a different hash bucket from the one in which it was stored by the put method. Even if the two instances happen to hash to the same bucket, the get method will almost certainly return null, as HashMap has an optimization that caches the hash code associated with each entry and doesn’t bother checking for object equality if the hash codes don’t match.

这时候,你可能期待m.get(new PhoneNumber(707, 867, 5309))返回Jenny,但它返回空。注意涉及到两个PhoneNumber实例:一个用来插入到HashMap,第二个相等的实例用来(试图)检索。PhoneNumber类没有重写hashCode方法引起两个相等的实例有不等的哈希值,违反了hashCode约定。因此get方法可能在一个与put方法储存的哈希桶不同的哈希桶中查找电话号码。即使两个实例碰到哈希到同一个桶中,get几乎必定返回空,因为HashMap缓存了每个输入相关的哈希吗,如果哈希码不匹配,不会检查对象的相等性。

Fixing this problem is as simple as providing a proper hashCode method for the PhoneNumber class. So what should a hashCode method look like? It’s trivial to write one that is legal but not good. This one, for example, is always legal but should never be used:


// The worst possible legal hash function - never use!
public int hashCode() { 
    return 42; 

It’s legal because it ensures that equal objects have the same hash code. It’s atrocious because it ensures that every object has the same hash code. Therefore, every object hashes to the same bucket, and hash tables degenerate to linked lists. Programs that should run in linear time instead run in quadratic time. For large hash tables, this is the difference between working and not working.


A good hash function tends to produce unequal hash codes for unequal objects. This is exactly what is meant by the third provision of the hashCode contract. Ideally, a hash function should distribute any reasonable collection of unequal instances uniformly across all possible hash values. Achieving this ideal can be difficult. Luckily it’s not too difficult to achieve a fair approximation. Here is a simple recipe:


  1. Store some constant nonzero value, say, 17, in an int variable called result.

  2. For each significant field f in your object (each field taken into account by the equals method, that is), do the following:

a. Compute an int hash code c for the field:

i. If the field is a boolean, compute (f ? 1 : 0).

ii. If the field is a byte, char, short, or int, compute (int) f.

iii. If the field is a long, compute (int)(f^(f>>>32)).

iv. If the field is a float, compute Float.floatToIntBits(f).

v. If the field is a double, compute Double.doubleToLongBits(f), and then hash the resulting long as in step 2.a.iii.

vi. If the field is an object reference and this class’s equals method compares the field by recursively invoking equals, recursively invoke hashCode on the field. If a more complex comparison is required, compute a “canonical representation” for this field and invoke hashCode on the canonical representation. If the value of the field is null, return 0 (or some other constant, but 0 is traditional).

vii. If the field is an array, treat it as if each element were a separate field. That is, compute a hash code for each significant element by applying these rules recursively, and combine these values per step 2.b. If every element in an array field is significant, you can use one of the Arrays.hashCode methods added in release 1.5.

b. Combine the hash code c computed in step 2.a into result as follows: result = 31 * result + c;

  1. Return result.

  2. When you are finished writing the hashCode method, ask yourself whether equal instances have equal hash codes. Write unit tests to verify your intuition! If equal instances have unequal hash codes, figure out why and fix the problem.

  3. 存储一些非零常量值,例如17,存储在变量名为resultint变量中。

  4. 对于对象中每一个有意义的字段f(每一个equals方法考虑的字段),按以下做法去做:

a. 为这个字段计算一个int型的哈希码c

i. 如果这个字段是一个boolean,计算(f ? 1 : 0)

ii. 如果这个字段是一个bytecharshortint,计算(int) f

iii. 如果这个字段是一个long,计算(int)(f^(f>>>32))

iv. 如果这个字段是一个float,计算Float.floatToIntBits(f)

v. 如果这个字段是一个double,计算Double.doubleToLongBits(f),然后对结果long进行2.a.iii处理。

vi. 如果这个字段是一个对象引用并且这个类的equals方法通过递归调用equals方法来比较这个字段,那么对这个字段递归的调用hashCode方法。如果需要更复杂的比较,为这个字段计算一个“标准表示”然后在标准表示上调用hashCode方法。如果字段值为null,返回0(或一些其它常量,但0是传统表示).

vii. 如果字段是一个数组,将它每一个元素看做是一个单独的字段。也就是说,通过递归的应用这些规则为每一个有效元素计算一个哈希值,并结合这些值对每一个用步骤2.b处理。如果数组的每个元素都是有意义的,你可以用JDK 1.5中的Arrays.hashCode方法。

b. 结合步骤2.a计算的哈希码c得到结果如下:result = 31 * result + c

  1. 返回结果。

  2. 当你完成了hashCode方法的编写后,问一下自己相等的对象是否有相同的哈希码。写单元测试来验证你的直觉!如果相等的实例有不等的哈希码弄明白为什么并修正这个问题。

You may exclude redundant fields from the hash code computation. In other words, you may ignore any field whose value can be computed from fields included in the computation. You must exclude any fields that are not used in equals comparisons, or you risk violating the second provision of the hashCode contract.


A nonzero initial value is used in step 1 so the hash value will be affected by initial fields whose hash value, as computed in step 2.a, is zero. If zero were used as the initial value in step 1, the overall hash value would be unaffected by any such initial fields, which could increase collisions. The value 17 is arbitrary.


The multiplication in step 2.b makes the result depend on the order of the fields, yielding a much better hash function if the class has multiple similar fields. For example, if the multiplication were omitted from a String hash function, all anagrams would have identical hash codes. The value 31 was chosen because it is an odd prime. If it were even and the multiplication overflowed, information would be lost, as multiplication by 2 is equivalent to shifting. The advantage of using a prime is less clear, but it is traditional. A nice property of 31 is that the multiplication can be replaced by a shift and a subtraction for better performance: 31 * i == (i << 5) - i. Modern VMs do this sort of optimization automatically.
Let’s apply the above recipe to the PhoneNumber class. There are three significant fields, all of type short:

步骤2.b中的乘积使结果依赖于字段的顺序,如果这个类有多个相似的字段会取得一个更好的哈希函数。例如,String哈希函数忽略了乘积,所有的字母顺序将有相同的哈希码。选择值31是因为它是一个奇素数。如果它是偶数并且乘积溢出,会损失信息,因为与2想乘等价于位移运算。使用一个素数的优势不是那么明显,但习惯上都使用素数。31的一个很好的特性是乘积可以用位移和减法运算替换从而取得更好的性能:31 * i == (i << 5) - i。现代的虚拟机能自动进行排序的优化。让我们对PhoneNumber类应用上面的步骤。这儿有三个字段,所有的类型缩写:

 @Override public int hashCode() {
    int result = 17;
    result = 31 * result + areaCode;
    result = 31 * result + prefix;
    result = 31 * result + lineNumber;
    return result;

Because this method returns the result of a simple deterministic computation whose only inputs are the three significant fields in a PhoneNumberinstance, it is clear that equal PhoneNumber instances have equal hash codes. This method is, in fact, a perfectly good hashCode implementation for PhoneNumber, on a par with those in the Java platform libraries. It is simple, reasonably fast, and does a reasonable job of dispersing unequal phone numbers into different hash buckets.


If a class is immutable and the cost of computing the hash code is significant, you might consider caching the hash code in the object rather than recalculating it each time it is requested. If you believe that most objects of this type will be used as hash keys, then you should calculate the hash code when the instance is created. Otherwise, you might choose to lazily initialize it the first time hashCode is invoked (Item 71). It is not clear that our PhoneNumber class merits this treatment, but just to show you how it’s done:

如果一个类是不可变的,计算哈希码的代价是很明显的,你可能想缓存对象中的哈希码而不是每次请求时重新计算它。如果你认为这种类型的大多数对象将作为哈希键使用,那当实例创建时你应该计算哈希码。此外,当第一次调用hashCode时(Item 71),你可以选择延迟初始化。我们的PhoneNumber类进行这样处理的优点不是很明显,但可以显示一下它是怎么做的:

// Lazily initialized, cached hashCode
    private volatile int hashCode;  // (See Item 71)
    public int hashCode() {
        int result = hashCode;
        if (result == 0) {
            result = 17;
            result = 31 * result + areaCode;
            result = 31 * result + prefix;
            result = 31 * result + lineNumber;
            hashCode = result;
        return result;

While the recipe in this item yields reasonably good hash functions, it does not yield state-of-the-art hash functions, nor do the Java platform libraries provide such hash functions as of release 1.6. Writing such hash functions is a research topic, best left to mathematicians and theoretical computer scientists. Perhaps a later release of the platform will provide state-of-the-art hash functions for its classes and utility methods to allow average programmers to construct such hash functions. In the meantime, the techniques described in this item should be adequate for most applications.

虽然在本条目中这些步骤取得了合理的好的哈希函数,但它不是最新的哈希函数,也不是Java 1.6平台库提供的哈希函数。写这样一个哈希函数是一个研究课题,最好留给数学家和理论科学家。也许Java平台后面的版本会为它的类和工具方法提供最新的哈希函数来允许普通的程序员构建这样的哈希函数。同时,本条目描述的技术应该足够满足大部分应用了。

Do not be tempted to exclude significant parts of an object from the hash code computation to improve performance. While the resulting hash function may run faster, its poor quality may degrade hash tables’ performance to the point where they become unusably slow. In particular, the hash function may, in practice, be confronted with a large collection of instances that differ largely in the regions that you’ve chosen to ignore. If this happens, the hash function will map all the instances to a very few hash codes, and hash-based collections will display quadratic performance. This is not just a theoretical problem. The String hash function implemented in all releases prior to 1.2 examined at most sixteen characters, evenly spaced throughout the string, starting with the first character. For large collections of hierarchical names, such as URLs, this hash function displayed exactly the pathological behavior noted here.


Many classes in the Java platform libraries, such as String, Integer, and Date, include in their specifications the exact value returned by their hashCode method as a function of the instance value. This is generally not a good idea, as it severely limits your ability to improve the hash function in future releases. If you leave the details of a hash function unspecified and a flaw is found or a better hash function discovered, you can change the hash function in a subsequent release, confident that no clients depend on the exact values returned by the hash function.


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