亲爱的, 该去课外活动小组了。It's time for the after-school club. Sweetie.
去课外活动小组。Go to the after-school club.
不要忘记去课外活动小组。 Don't foget to go to the after-school club.
准备好你的书包。 Get your bag ready.
快点,公交车要走了。 Hurry up. The bus is leaving.
妈妈,今天我不想去。Mom, I don't want to go today.
你昨天没有去,今天你必须去。 You missed it yesterday. You need to go today.
周一是美术课。Monday is art class.
我真的很不想去上美术课。 I really don't want to go to art class.
我可以不去上美术课吗? Can I stop going to art class, please?
是你说要去的。我们再上一段时间看看。You asked for it. Let's see for a little longer.
课外活动小组无趣吗? Is the after- school club not fun?
课外活动小组结束后,我会去接你。When the after-school club is over, I will come pick you up.
要提早五分钟到课外活动小组。Arrive at the after-school club 5 minutes early.
课外活动小组结束后,要直接回家。 Come straight home after the after-school club.
你在课外活动小组学了什么? What did you learn in the club?
课外活动小组为什么这么晚结束。 Why did the after-school club end so late?
你今天过得很辛苦。 You had a long day today.
周五是最忙的一天。 Friday is my busiest day.
You asked for it. Let's see for a little longer.
Arrive at the after-school club 5 minutes early.
Why did the after-school club end so late?