Dragon star Day 2 20190730
- Alignment of short/long-read sequencing data
- Genome assembly by short/long-read sequencing
Part Ⅰ Alignment of short/long-read sequencing data
1 Sequence similarity
Sequence similarity is a measure of an empirical relationship between sequences.
A similarity score is therefore aimed to approximate the evolutionary distance between a pair of nucleotide or protein sequences.
Heringa, Jaap(Jul 2008) Sequence Similarity. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester. http://www.els.net [doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0005317.pub2]
2 Sequence alignment
- Consider matches, mismatches, insertions and deletions
(indels are gaps) - Find an optimal alignment between sequences
- Applications
- Reference-based read mapping
- Genome assembly
- Gene finding
2.1 Pairwise alignment
Sequence alignment between two sequences
- Find an optimal alignment between two sequences
3 Dynamic programming
动态规划(英语:Dynamic programming,简称DP)是一种在数学、管理科学、计算机科学、经济学和生物信息学中使用的,通过把原问题分解为相对简单的子问题的方式求解复杂问题的方法。
- Purpose
- To find an alignment between two sequences with best matching scores
- Three components
- Recursive calculation - 递归计算
- Tabular arrangement - 填充得分矩阵
- Traceback - 追溯本源
- Three common types of pairwise alignments
- Global alignment: Needleman-Wunsch
- Local alignment: Smith-Waterman
- Semi-global alignment
3.1 Global alignment: Needleman-Wunsch
Best global alignment
Have maximal alignment score with all bases in two sequences
Score function
3.1.1 Working of Needleman -Wunsch Algorithm
The dynamic programming matrix is defined with three different steps.
- Initialization of the matrix with the scores possible.
- Matrix filling with maximum scores.
- Trace back the residues for appropriate alignment.
vlab.amrita.edu,. (2012). Global alignment of two sequences - Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm. Retrieved 9 August 2019, from vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=3&brch=274&sim=1431&cnt=1
Assume we have two sequences: P and Q
Initial matrix
Initialization Step
Gap score is defined as penalty given to alignment, when we have insertion or deletion.
This example assumes that there is gap penalty.
从 Score function 可知空位罚分为1
vlab.amrita.edu,. (2012). Global alignment of two sequences - Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm. Retrieved 9 August 2019, from vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=3&brch=274&sim=1431&cnt=1
Matrix Fill Step
Trace back Step
The final step in the algorithm is the trace back for the best alignment.
By continuing the trace back step by the above defined method, one would reach to the 0th row, 0th column.
The best alignment among the alignments can be identified by using the maximum alignment score which may be user defined.
vlab.amrita.edu,. (2012). Global alignment of two sequences - Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm. Retrieved 9 August 2019, from vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=3&brch=274&sim=1431&cnt=1
purple line: TCATGGC ||||--| TCAT--C blue line: TCATGGC ||||-|- TCAT-C- yellow line: TCATGGC |||||-- TCATC--
3.2 Local alignment: Smith-Waterman
史密斯-沃特曼算法(Smith-Waterman algorithm)是一种进行局部序列比对(相对于全局比对)的算法,用于找出两个核苷酸序列或蛋白质序列之间的相似区域。该算法的目的不是进行全序列的比对,而是找出两个序列中具有高相似度的片段。
该算法由坦普尔·史密斯(Temple F. Smith)和迈克尔·沃特曼(Michael S. Waterman)于1981年提出。史密斯-沃特曼算法是尼德曼-翁施算法的一个变体,二者都是动态规划算法。这一算法的优势在于可以在给定的打分方法下找出两个序列的最优的局部比对(打分方法使用了置换矩阵和空位罚分)。该算法和尼德曼-翁施算法的主要区别在于该算法不存在负分(负分被替换为零),因此局部比对成为可能。回溯从分数最高的矩阵元素开始,直到遇到分数为零的元素停止。分数最高的局部比对结果在此过程中产生。
Best local alignment
Have maximal alignment score with a subset of bases in two sequences
Score function
3.2.1 Working of Smith-Waterman Algorithm
The basic steps for the algorithm are similar to that of Needleman-Wunsch algorithm. The steps are:
- Initialization of a matrix.
- Matrix Filling with the appropriate scores.
- Trace back the sequences for a suitable alignment.
vlab.amrita.edu,. (2012). Smith-Waterman Algorithm - Local Alignment of Sequences. Retrieved 9 August 2019, from vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=3&brch=274&sim=1433&cnt=1
可见步骤都是一致的,用同样的序列和 score function 进行比对
Assume we have two sequences: P and Q
Initial matrix
Initialization Step
Matrix Fill Step
Trace back the sequences for a suitable alignment
- Find a best score recursively
- Check which operation is used to obtain the current alignment score
- Stop when an alignment is 0
4 BLAST: The seed-index-map-extend-merge strategy
The BLAST = Basic Local Alignment Search Tool algorithm is a heuristic for computing optimal "local alignments" between a query sequence and a database containing one or more subject sequences.
4.1 BLAST Basics
- BLAST is used for sequence similarity search, and much faster than Smith-Waterman method.
- Compare a query sequence against a database of sequences.
- BLAST is a collection of algorithms
- BLASTN: nucleotide sequence against nucleotide database
- BLASTP: protein sequence against protein database
- BLASTX: translated nucleotide sequence against protein database
TBLASTX: six-frame translations of a nucleotide query sequence
against the six-frame translations of a nucleotide sequence database - TBLASTN: protein sequence against translated nucleotide database
4.2 Process: The seed-index-map-extend-merge strategy
Most popular algorithms use a seed-and-extend approach that operates in two steps:
- Find a set of short exact matches called seeds.
- Try to extend each seed match to obtain a long inexact match
These matching words are called seeds and BLAST then attempts to extend each seed to a HSP (High-Scoring Segment Pair).
4.2.1 The Process
Seed and index
Construct common words (k-mers) for sequences in a database
Assume the database has two sequences and k=3
A “k-mer” is a word of DNA that is k long.
Typically we extract k-mers from genomic assemblies or read data sets by running a k-length window across all of the reads and sequences.
k-mers are most useful when they’re long, because then they’re specific.
The important concept here is that long k-mers are species specific.
Assume all 3-mers are high-score words
BLAST needs a threshold to determine high-score words.
Seed-map with high-score words
Obtain words from a query sequence
Extend: high-scoring segment
BLAST output: 2 alignment containing match information and E-value for each alignment
E-value 的解释见 4.2.2
4.2.2 Statistical significance of alignment
How to assess the significance of a high-scoring hit to the database?
One crucial feature of the BLAST algorithm is that it gives an estimation of the statistical signficance of a determined HSP. This is based on so-called Karlin-Altschul statistics for local alignments (without gaps), which involves the Poisson distribution and other concepts.
即存在 E-value, P-value
E is the number of alignments expected by chance during a database search.
Karlin-Altschul equation:
- Score (S) from scoring matrix
- 𝐾 and λ are two constants
- 𝑚: the length of a query sequence
- 𝑛: the sum of bases of all sequences in database
- The lower E value indicates more significant alignment.
E value represents the number of matches with score ≥ S that one would expect to see between two random sequences of lengths n and m.
How to assess the P-value of finding a high-scoring pair (HSP)?
The number of random HSPs with score >= S is described by a Poisson distribution
The probability of finding exactly k HSPs with score >=S is given by
The probability of finding at least one HSP by chance is
E-value vs P-value
- When E and P are very small, they are almost identical
Technically, it is a lexicographical reversible permutation of the characters of a string.
The most important application of BWT is found in biological sciences where genomes(long strings written in A, C, T, G alphabets) don’t have many runs but they do have many repeats.
5.1 Bowtie/BWA
Bowtie is an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner. It aligns short DNA sequences (reads) to the human genome at a rate of over 25 million 35-bp reads per hour. Bowtie indexes the genome with a Burrows-Wheeler index to keep its memory footprint small: typically about 2.2 GB for the human genome (2.9 GB for paired-end).
BWA is a software package for mapping low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome, such as the human genome. It consists of three algorithms: BWA-backtrack, BWA-SW and BWA-MEM.
BWA and Bowtie are the most famous implementations of BWT in sequence alignment.
5.2 BWT procedures
Given a string S = “TCATC”, BWT
- Adds
and assume$
<any alphabet 在最后加上$ - Obtains a suffix array of all cyclic rotations 轮转后缀矩阵
- Adds
Cyclic rotation
- Keeps an index of the rotated strings in the array 前面的数字
- Creates Circular Permutation Table (CPT) 表格本身
- Sorts the Circular Permutation Table (CPT) alphabetically
- Keep the index with the strings 数字不变,横向为单位
- Taking the last column from the sorted array
BWT output
- The last column represents the transformed string
5.3 BWT reverse transformation
With a suffix array, it is easy to recover the original string S
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