答:小红书,6月6日当天,小红书的周年庆特卖日,开卖2小时,销售额就超过1亿元,在苹果App Store购物类下载排名第一,免费总榜单排名第一,最初这家公司给人的印象,是一个在女生心中关于美妆、个护的购物宝典。但现在打开小红书,你会发现除了美妆和个护以外,还出现了关于运动、旅游、家居、旅行、酒店、餐馆、甚至金融保险类的信息分享,这家公司开始一步步从美妆、个护的社区电商逐步变成各种消费内容的今日头条,通过机器学习和算法,实现页面的“千人千面”。
3.阅读一篇以上Cross-border e-Commerce 相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容
答:The Importance of Scaling a Business for Global Growth
内容:As UPS’s marketing director for small businesses, Jeremy Melis has his finger on the pulse of the global small business market. So you can imagine my excitement to connect with Jeremy to find out what he thinks are the latest trends in the small business sector, what scaling a business means and how technology has played a role in enabling small businesses and service providers to grow globally--fast.
2.阅读一篇以上ARPU 相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容
答:Average revenue per user (ARPU) of T-Mobile US from 1st quarter 2013 to 3rd quarter 2017
内容:Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) - Average monthly service revenue earned from cutomers. Service revenues for the specified period divided by the average customers during the period, further divided by the number of months in the period. Branded postpaid phone ARPU excludes mobile broadband customers and related revenues.