Smoothing-IOS 技术支持网站
随意和外国朋友聊天。 简单的应用让聊天更简单快乐。 再也不用担心语言障碍了。 该应用程序包括各种语言翻译,如英语、西班牙语、中文、德语、日语等世界流行语言您还可以通过发送照片与您的朋友分享您的生活中的事情。 你可以给任何你感兴趣的帅哥或美女发消息,说不定可以好好聊聊。 你可以通过Smoothing学习一些你从未去过的国家的知识或故事。 也许你可以在这里遇到一个很酷的外国朋友或情人。 太有趣了,你会遇到一个有趣的人,给你带来一个有趣的故事。
Smoothing for IOS supports web addresses
chat with foreign friends at will. The simple application makes the chat more simple and happy. There's no need to worry about language barriers any more. The app includes all kinds of language translations, such as English, Spanish, Chinese, German, Japanese and other world popular languages You can also share things in your life with your friends by sending photos. You can send messages to any handsome or beautiful person you are interested in. Maybe you can have a good chat. You can learn some knowledge or stories about countries you have never been to through Smoothing. Maybe you can meet a cool foreign friend or lover here. It's so interesting that you will meet an interesting person and bring you an interesting story.
IOS supports web addresses
If you encounter any problem when using our products, please feel free to contact us and we will take care of it for you. Please send email to contact us, we are 24 hours for your service.
Email address:
Thank you very much!