最早Eason 是看到《Five little monkeys》的视频,跟着唱这个歌。每天早上送他上学时我们俩也是一起唱。
Five little monkeys jumped on the bed.
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and Doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
小猴子的调皮形象很吸引小孩子,因为就像是看到了他们自己的顽皮,看到小猴子掉下了床就会哈哈大笑。每次我都到“mom called the doctor and Doctor said”, Eason 就会立马用怪怪的语气接上“hello,no more monkeys jumping on the bed".
学会了这个歌,我和Eason 一起做了5只小猴子的棍子手偶,一起来表演来唱。这样通过边做动作边唱更加深了他对几个词的意义理解。“fell off, bumped the head, jump, call. ”