孟轲悔过 第三部分
1. 气的浑身哆嗦
he shook with fear
可以是任何震动, 通常带点僵硬的感觉, 比如人生气的时候那种身体感觉, 想象一下.
"to vibrate, make vibrate, move away"
her body trembling with fear
一般指快速轻微的摇动, 比如吓得瑟瑟发抖
A stern lecture that made them quake
想想地震 earthquake
, 这个动的剧烈, 比如地震; 以及对某人产生很大的心理震动
came into the house snow-covered and shivering
shivered at the sight of the ancient gravestone
通常形容冷的发抖, 或者被某物震撼住了.
还有很多其他同类词, 比如 quiver
, shudder
, wobble
, teeter
等不一一讲了, 多了也记不住, 重点先记前几个吧, 尤其是 shake
这个比较通用, 一时想不到其他词就可以试试这个.
2. 拿起
我用的 pick up
, 庄先生用的 take
, 有什么区别呢?
本意是含有 "to choose, select, pick out"
即选择挑选过的意思, 它构成的短语也会带些许这种隐含的意思, 比如我们说 pick sb up
, 自然不是什么人你都会接.
pick up
中间没有空隔的时候, 有 take and lift upward
抬高之意, 在本文没有这种意思, 孟子母亲就是随手拿起剪刀就去剪, 所以用普通的 take
3. 没有织完的绸子
我这里直译成了 unfinished
, 庄先生译的就巧妙多了, 没有织完
不就是 还在织机上没拿下来的
嘛, silk on the loom
4. 惊呆了
我译的是 Startled at
, 庄先生用的是 Confounded by
本意有"动"的意思, 尤其是受了惊吓后, 比如你蹑手蹑脚的溜到某人身后拍他一下, 他就会被 startled
run to and pro; move suddenly in surprise or fear
A startled person may gasp, jump, draw back or make a quick, jerky movement and then freeze. [Oh! You startled me ?I didn’t see you come in; startled by a rabbit running across his path.]
更多是疑惑不解, 这里就是孟子不解他母亲为啥剪了还没织完的绸子. 所以这个词更适合这里.
perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment
5. 睁着惊愕的眼睛
这里庄先生用了 bewilderment
与前面的 Confounded
对应又不重复. 用 gaze
Gaze is to look long and steadily, often with the implication of wonder, admiration, fascination, etc.: to gaze at a beautiful view; to gaze into the eyes of a loved one.
这里回忆一下前文的一句话 "孟轲看了看母亲,低下头,说:"
这句话的译文中 MengKe cast a glance at his mother, and lowered his head, saying:"
用到了 glance
, 也是 看
的意思, 它和 gaze
是很快速的扫一眼, 孟子因为心虚, 所以他看了看母亲多半就是抬头瞄一眼立马低下头. 而 gaze
是长时间盯着看, 孟子因为很惊讶母亲剪断绸子, 所以盯着母亲看.
Glance refers to the act of looking briefly at something when one is preoccupied or in a hurry. [On the bus I always manage to glance at the headlines in the newspaper.]
记录自己的翻译和庄绎传先生的, 日后方便回顾, 记住差异所在.
-: 我的翻译
+: 庄先生的参考翻译
-: Hearing this, his mother picked up a scissor with bewildered anger and cut off the unfinished silk fabric.
+: Hearing this, his mother shook with anger. She took a pair of scissors and cut through the silk on the loom.
-: Startled at his mother's motion, Meng Ke opened up his eyes in amazement and didn't know what to do.
+: Confounded by his mother's action, Meng Ke gazed at her in bewilderment, not knowing what to do.
孟母痛心地指着那一根根丝线, 语重心长地说:
"你看, 这绸子是一根根丝线用力气织起来的. 人的学问是一点一滴慢慢积累起来的. 你不读书, 荒废学业, 就如同我剪断了这没织成的一匹绸子一样, 是件废品. 你不读书, 怎么能长大成材呢!"