15 外遇 如何应对第三者带来的挑战和机遇?
冥想后Most people have one sense that is predominate, that is easier to feel with. But we all have the five basic senses, so it is good to develop them all. It makes our life richer and more satisfying.Technique: Lose yourself in an objectThe idea in this technique is to feel that everything else has disappeared, just this object remains. It means that you are totally in your senses, not your mind.You are feeling, not thinking.You will need a living object, preferably something beautiful like a flower or a plant. Or if you are outside you can use a tree. You can even use a rock or a stone. Don’t use a person, as they will feel really uncomfortable.Make sure you can be undisturbed for ten minutes, and listen to the audio.HomeworkIt is easiest to practice this technique with things from nature. You can make it very simple – just hug a tree, and take a few moments to feel the tree hugging you. Lose yourself in the atmosphere of the tree – feel its rooted-ness, its calm solid grounded-ness. Breathe that in. Absorb it.Or walk with bare feet on the grass or on sand. And have all your awareness in your feet. Feel your feet totally connecting with the grass or the sand. And enjoy the sensation! Breathe it in and enjoy it!Even if you are sitting in your office, feel the air on your face – really be aware of feeling it. Feel the temperature and any breeze or movement of the air. Don’t think about it, enjoy the feeling. Breathe in the feeling and forget everything else, even for a few moments.Or if you are taking a shower: feel the coolness or warmth of the water falling on you. Don't think about it. Don't listen to your mind’s comments about it. Don't say anything about it inside, because the moment you verbalize, you miss feeling. The moment words come in, you are back in the grip of your mind. Don’t think, instead just feel. And enjoy reconnecting with your senses.Practice also looking at something as if seeing it for the first time. If you can begin to see everything as if for the first time, then you will begin to be surprised at what a beautiful world you have been missing.If you like this technique, you can use it to go really deep inside. Once you have the sense that everything has disappeared except this object and you, then you also have the feeling of disappearing into the object, merging into it. So there is no more object and subject, but just a feeling of one-ness. But this takes a lot of practice!