用脚步丈量世界, 用心灵感受文化,只有经历才有成长, 只有体验才有收获。研学旅行让孩子以集体生活的形式,去开阔眼界、增长见识、探讨学习;集体生活培养出来的团队观念和整体意识,是孩子“长大成人”的重要标志。研学即研究性学习 ,国际上统称:探究式学习(HIBL)。研学旅行是研究性学习和旅行体验相结合的校外教育活动,是学校教育和校外教育衔接的创新形式
天津为明首届研学营队伍可以说是浓缩的都是精华,除了有带队老师英语中教郑老师,还有“本地导游”外教Elliot随同,算是是超级VIP的团队了。别看队伍里孩子们年纪小,但都非常独立,一路上表现的非常棒,从天津辗转到北京首都国际机场,孩子们自己搬着自己的行李上上下下更换地铁,乘坐扶梯时主动站在右边,为后面的行人让路, 自助早餐时一点也不浪费(学校的光盘行动效果真好啊~)不仅如此, 在飞机上、早餐后、等待出发时孩子们很自觉的写寒假作业, 或者用ipad完成线上打卡寒假作业。无论走到哪里都紧跟着老师, 并准时集合, 给导游和其他带队老师留下了非常好的印象。
除此之外, 在异国他乡, 孩子们充分发挥他们双语和国际班学生的英文优势, 积极主动的用英语和带队老师以及当地人沟通,遇到不会说的单词及时询问老师, 相信这样的体验式学习收获的知识印象是最深刻的。
“我想要带你去浪漫的英格兰,然后一起去泰晤士河畔走走看看,其实最想带你去大英博物馆,和百年历史的伦敦地铁站……”都说伦敦处处都是好景致,我们的营员们当然少不了接受一场英国文化的洗礼。大家参观的地方有古老的市政厅、国家美术馆、特拉法加广场、威斯敏斯特教堂等历史文化景观。在游览中,大家幸运地亲眼目睹了女王骑兵营换岗, 和帅气的骑兵合影,还有街头艺术家的各类表演。 除了游览,对每一个景点背后的故事也做了全面的学习了解。
走进MM豆世界, 对巧克力毫无抵抗力的孩子们一下子来了兴致, 精心挑选着自己喜欢的MM豆; 进入Hamleys玩具世界,孩子们挑选礼物后, 自主拿着英镑去排队结账,由于出发前孩子们都已经认识学习了英镑纸币、硬币以及现金的换算,所以结账时孩子们都是独立自主完成的。
晚上驱车前往威尔士斯旺西, 与友好家庭见面后开始为期三天的Homestay之旅,寄宿家庭的爸爸妈妈们很热情的在大巴车外等待着来自中国的为明娃~ 希望接下来的真实英国生活体验能给他们留下非常难忘的印象与回忆, 后续请期待~~
PS: 领队外教Elliot's Jounal
Day 1 - We left Tianjin early in the morning and travelled to Beijing on the high speed train. After meeting other study groups from different Weiming schools around China we then boarded the 10 hour plane from Beijing directly to London.
Upon arrival everyone felt very sleepy. It was around 6pm in London upon our arrival but our body clocks were still set to Beijing time which was 8hrs ahead. We ate dinner at a local chinese restaurant well equipt to serve large Chinese tour groups before arriving at our hotel where everyone retired to their rooms for the night.
Next morning, everyone awoke bright and early, fully refreshed and ready for the day ahead. The students got a chance to eat a full English breakfast however I think I was the one that enjoyed it the most. We left the hotel as the sun was rising, bound for a sightseeing tour of central London.
The tour weaved its way through the centre of london, passing well renowned sights ranging from Buckingham palace to Charing cross, Leicester square, Horse Guards parade, Trafalgar square, Soho, and many more. We visited various attractions including the world famous hamleys flagship toystore, M&M's World and London's China town; as well as passing by a host of other locations. Lastly, we had lunch in a beautiful little Hong Kong style Chinese restaurant before returning to the bus and beginning our journey to Swansea.
The journey to the city of Swansea took approximately 4 hours, driving west from london along the M4, a major road connecting London with the west of England and Wales. Upon arrival we were greeted by the host familes with whom the students would be staying for the duration of their time spent studying in the UK. The students then proceeded to returned home with their respective families to rest and prepare for school the following morning.