AbsBehaviorTree BuildTreeFromXML(const QDomElement& bt_root, const NodeModels& models )
AbsBehaviorTree tree;
if( bt_root.tagName() != "BehaviorTree" )
throw std::runtime_error( "Expecting a node called <BehaviorTree>");
std::function<void(AbstractTreeNode* parent, QDomElement)> recursiveStep;
recursiveStep = [&](AbstractTreeNode* parent, QDomElement xml_node)
// The nodes with a ID used that QString to insert into the registry()
QString modelID = xml_node.tagName();
if( xml_node.hasAttribute("ID") )
modelID = xml_node.attribute("ID");
AbstractTreeNode tree_node;
auto model_it = models.find(modelID);
if( model_it == models.end() )
throw std::runtime_error( (QString("This model has not been registered: ") + modelID).toStdString() );
tree_node.model = model_it->second;
if( xml_node.hasAttribute("name") )
tree_node.instance_name = ( xml_node.attribute("name") );
tree_node.instance_name = modelID;
auto attributes = xml_node.attributes();
for( int attr=0; attr < attributes.size(); attr++ )
auto attribute = attributes.item(attr).toAttr();
if( attribute.name() != "ID" && attribute.name() != "name")
tree_node.ports_mapping.insert( { attribute.name(), attribute.value() } );
auto added_node = tree.addNode(parent, std::move(tree_node));
for (QDomElement child = xml_node.firstChildElement( ) ;
child = child.nextSiblingElement( ) )
recursiveStep( added_node, child );
auto first_child = bt_root.firstChildElement();
if( first_child.tagName() == "Root")
"Fix your file!",
"Please remove the node <Root> from your <BehaviorTree>",
QMessageBox::Ok );
first_child = first_child.firstChildElement();
// start recursion
recursiveStep( nullptr, first_child );
return tree;