1.Analyze a problem
. predicament: pri'dicement ( a difficult / unpleasant situation)
Our club is in a financial predicament
. dilemma: di'l3me
I am in a dilemma. I don't know what to do next.
. setback: s3t'baek ( a problem or difficulty which make situation worse )
The team suffered setback when the best player injured.
. lease: li:s ( a legal agreement that allow you to do sth for a period, usually in return for rent )
The lease of this building nearly expire.
. obstacle: abstekl
A lack of qualification is a major obstacle to find a job.
. intense: in't3ns
- very strong
intense cold / plain
- serious, and also have lots of action in a short period
intense competition
. inflation: in'flafen ( a general rise in price of goods )
There is obvious inflation in China.
. cutback: cvtbaek ( a reduction of sth )
Due to general price increase, I'll think take a financial cutback as our last resort.
. cause sth to do
2.Finding a solution to a problem
. downside: disadvantage or less positive aspect
. upside
. keep sb posted
If I have newest info, I'll keep everyone posted.
3.Dealing with an employee's problem
. rapport: rae'port (friendly relationship with others)
. establish: i'staeblif
You should establish a rapport with your partner.
. sympathy:sim'pe@i / sympathize: 'simpe,@aiz / sympathetic: simpe'@3tik ( a person who understand others and help others in need.
You are such.a sympathetic person. Thanks for your help.
. extent: ex't3nd ( the length from reaching )
To some extent, he is not a naughty boy.
. get-together ( party for team members )
. irritated: 'iriteitid ( sth annoy you continuously )
I feel irritated about his noise.
4.Responsing to a competitor's challenge
. threat: thr3t
- a statement that you'll punish or harm them, especially when they don't cooperate with you
He received a death threat from right wing group
- the possibility of danger or disaster
These ancient woodlands are under threat from a new road development.