1. Data preparation
上游分析略(请参考),我是用的是 BSMAP
+ MethylDackel extract
head "/sibcb2/bioinformatics2/wangjiahao/GDM/RRBS/BS_workflow/M17A020338-M_val/mCall/M17A020338-M_val_CpG.bedGraph"
track type="bedGraph" description="BS_workflow/M17A020338-M_val/mCall/M17A020338-M_val CpG methylation levels"
chr1 10496 10497 94 16 1
chr1 10524 10525 88 15 2
chr1 10525 10526 86 13 2
chr1 10541 10542 100 17 0
chr1 10542 10543 93 14 1
chr1 10562 10563 94 16 1
chr1 10563 10564 86 13 2
chr1 10570 10571 94 16 1
chr1 10571 10572 86 13 2
2. Start DSS
- 收集数据
# 自定义的函数
read.faster <- function(file, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", showProgress = TRUE, skip = 0){
Tx = data.frame(fread(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, showProgress = showProgress, skip = skip))
read.bedgraph <- function(file, showProgress = FALSE){
Tx = read.faster(file = file, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", skip = 1, showProgress = showProgress)
SRX = c(Normal_B, GDM_B)
files = list.files(sourceFolder, "CpG.bedGraph", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
files = sapply(SRX, function(x) grep(x, files, value = TRUE))
allDat = lapply(files, function(file){
cat("Remian", length(files) - match(file, files), "\n")
T1 = read.bedgraph(file)
T2 = data.frame(chr = T1[,1], pos = T1[,3], N = T1[,5] + T1[,6], X = T1[,5]) # 列名必须为这四个
sourceFolder :含有所有样本CpG.bedGraph文件的文件夹
Normal_B、GDM_B: 两组样本的 ID
> hd(allDat[[1]])
chr pos N X
1 chr1 10497 12 12
2 chr1 10525 12 12
3 chr1 10526 6 6
4 chr1 10542 12 11
5 chr1 10543 6 6
N 为 总reads数,X 为甲基化的reads数,因此需要转化一下
- 构建对象、callDML、callDMR
BSobj <- makeBSseqData(allDat, SRX) #; 时间较长长长长。。。(1长约等于5分钟,后面已放弃计时,41个RRBS样本我可能花了一个半小时,可能服务器最近很渣?
dmlTest <- DMLtest(BSobj, group1 = Normal_B, group2 = GDM_B, smoothing = FALSE)
dmls <- callDML(dmlTest, delta = 0.1, p.threshold = 0.05)
dmrs <- callDMR(dmlTest, delta = 0.1, p.threshold = 0.05)
WGBS数据需要smoothing = TRUE
User has the option to smooth the methylation levels or not. A simple moving average algorithm is implemented for smoothing. For WGBS data, smoothing is always recommended so that information from nearby CpG sites can be combined to improve the estimation of methylation levels. For data with sparse CpG coverage such as RRBS or hydroxymethylation, smoothing might not alter the results much, but is still recommended. In RRBS, CpG sites are likely to be clustered locally within small genomic regions, so smoothing can potentially help the methylation estimation.
If smoothing is requested, smoothing span is an important parameter which has non-trivial impact on DMR calling. We use 500 bp as default, because it performs well in real data tests according to our experience.
如果提供的数据列名不是chr pos N X
Error in `[.data.frame`(alldat, , "N") : undefined columns selected
- 注释DMRs
write.bed <- function(Tx, file){
write.table(Tx, file = file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
write.bed(dmrs[1:3], file="txt/DMRs_placenta.bed")
dmrs_gr <- readPeakFile("txt/DMRs_placenta.bed")
peak_anno <- data.frame(annotatePeak(dmrs_gr, annoDb = "org.Hs.eg.db"))