为了帮助运行时系统,编译器将每个方法中的返回值类型和参数类型进行编码,并将方法名和方法选择器进行关联。编译器通过@encode()指令编译每个方法。 当给定类型规范时,@encode()返回一个编码该类型的字符串。 这个类型可以是一个基本的类型,比如int,指针,带标签的结构体(a tagged structure)或联合体(union),或者是一个类名。实际上,这些类型可以作为C 语言中sizeof()函数的参数。
char *buf1 = @encode(int **);
char *buf2 = @encode(struct key);
char *buf3 = @encode(Rectangle);
Code | Meaning |
c | A char |
d | A double |
f | A float |
i | An int |
s | A short |
l | A long |
q | A long long |
B | A C++ bool or a C99 _Bool |
C | An unsigned char |
I | An unsigned int |
L | An unsigned long |
S | An unsigned short |
Q | An unsigned long long |
v | A void |
* | A character string (char *) |
@ | An object (whether statically typed or typed id) |
# | A class object (Class) |
: | A method selector (SEL) |
[array type] | An array |
{name=type...} | A structure |
(name=type...) | A union |
bnum | A bit field of num bits |
^type | A pointer to type |
? | An unknown type (among other things, this code is used for function pointers) |
注意:Objective-C不支持long double类型。 @encode(long double)返回d,与double相同。
数组的类型编码格式:[number type]
其中:number 为数组中元素个数,type为数组元素的类型
typedef struct example {
id anObject;
char *aString;
int anInt;
float aFloat;
} Example;
struct example *objc1;
Example *objc2;
对象被视为结构。 例如,将NSObject类名称传递给@encode()会产生以下编码:
Code | Meaning |
r | const |
n | in |
N | inout |
o | out |
O | bycopy |
R | byref |
V | oneway |