1. due 到期
2. deadline 截止日期
3. jet-lagged 有时差反应的
4. see through 看透
5. procrastinate 拖延,名词为 “procrastination”
6. overcome 克服
7. ostrich 鸵鸟
8. afford 负担得起的
9. save up for 为…攒钱
10. handle 应付
11. conflict 冲突
12. cable car 缆车
13. roller coaster 过山车
14. phobia 恐惧症
15. Acrophobia 恐高症
16. Mysophobia 洁癖,患有这种问题的人在口语中被称为“neat break”
17. Claustrophobia 幽闭恐惧症
18. Agoraphobia 广场恐惧症
19. Trypophobia 密集恐惧症
20. seat belt 安全带
21. OCD 强迫症,全称为“Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder”,患有这种问题的人在口语中被称为“control freak”
22. nerdy 书呆子气的
23. a (real) piece of work 奇葩
24. manipulate 操控
25. license plate 车牌
26. be diagnosed with 被诊断为
27. perfectionist 完美主义者
28. tolerate 忍受
29. aggressive 强势的
30. tyrant 暴君
31. mean [形] 刻薄的
32. “Good cop, bad cap” 一个人唱红脸,一个人唱白脸
33. persuasive 说服力强的
34. eye contact 眼神接触
35. attention seeker 想尽一切办法寻求别人关注的人
36. pretentious 能装的,自命不凡的;节目中提到的 cocky/full of themselves 都是近义词(组)
37. narcissistic 自恋狂的
38. hypocrite 伪君子,形容词为 hypocritical
39. paranoid 妄想症患者
40. bitchy 刻薄的,爱管别人闲事的
41. bossy 专横的,爱发号施令的
42. pushy 爱强迫别人的
43. nosy 爱管别人闲事的
44. personality trait 性格特征;跟 “quality”是近义词
45. per se 本质上来说
46. (someone) mean(s) well (某人)本意是好的
47. pull one’s hair out (令人抓狂)拽头发的
48. dumb 愚蠢的
49. average intelligence 中等智商
50. drive someone nuts/crazy 把(某人)逼疯
51. humble 谦卑的
52. smart ass 自作聪明的人
53. fun-loving 爱说笑玩乐的人
54. look at the bright side 看事情好的一面
55. There is a silver lining in every cloud. [俗语]任何不好事情都有积极的一面。
▼ 节目中引用的段落 ▼
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief; it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light; it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope; it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us; we had nothing before us; we were all going direct to Heaven; we were all going direct the other way.
There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it.