

con‧ser‧va‧to‧ry /kənˈsɜːvətəri $ -ˈsɜːrvətɔːri/    noun (plural conservatories) [countable]

1. British English a room with glass walls and a glass roof, where plants are grown, that is usually added on to a house

2. American English a conservatoire


pat‧i‧o /ˈpætiəʊ $ -oʊ/     noun (plural patios) [countable]

Date: 1800-1900

Language: Spanish

a flat hard area near a house, where people sit outside


1. a cloth for removing dust from furniture

2. American English old-fashioned a light coat that you wear to protect your clothes while you are cleaning the house

3. American English informal a dust storm


hoover     verb [intransitive and transitive] British English

to clean a floor, carpet etc using a vacuum cleaner (=a machine that sucks up dirt)

SYN  vacuum

mop /mɒp $ mɑːp/     noun [countable]

Date: 1400-1500

Origin: Perhaps from Latin mappa 'cloth (for cleaning)'

1. a thing used for washing floors, consisting of a long stick with threads of thick string or a piece of sponge fastened to one end:

     a mop and bucket

2. a thing used for cleaning dishes, consisting of a short stick with a piece of sponge fastened to one end

3. [usually singular] informal a large amount of thick, often untidy hair

   mop of

     He ran a hand through his mop of fair hair.

mould British English, mold American English /məʊld $ moʊld/ noun

1.  SHAPED CONTAINER  [countable] a hollow container that you pour a liquid or soft substance into, so that when it becomes solid, it takes the shape of the container:

     Another method, used especially for figures, was to pour the clay into a mould.

     lime jell-o in a mould

2.  TYPE OF PERSON  [singular] if someone is in a particular mould, or fits into a particular mould, they have all the attitudes and qualities typical of a type of person

   fit (into) a mould

     She didn’t quite fit into the standard ‘high-flying businesswoman’ mould.


cre‧scen‧do /krəˈʃendəʊ, krɪˈʃendəʊ $ -doʊ/    noun (plural crescendos) [countable]

Date: 1700-1800

Language: Italian

Origin: 'growing', from Latin crescendum, from crescere; ⇨ crescent

1. if a sound or a piece of music rises to a crescendo, it gradually becomes louder until it is very loud

OPP  diminuendo:

The shouting rose to a deafening crescendo.

The curtains opened as the music reached a crescendo.

2. if an activity or feeling reaches a crescendo, it gradually becomes stronger until it is very strong

SYN  climax:

The campaign reached its crescendo in the week of the election.


di‧min‧u‧en‧do /dəˌmɪnjuˈendəʊ, dɪˌmɪnjuˈendəʊ $ -doʊ/    noun (plural diminuendos) [countable]

Date: 1700-1800

Language: Italian

Origin: Latin minuere 'to make less'

a part in a piece of music where it becomes gradually quieter

OPP  crescendo

—diminuendo adjective, adverb


al‧leg‧ro /əˈleɡrəʊ, əˈleɪ- $ -ɡroʊ/     noun (plural allegros) [countable]

Date: 1600-1700

Language: Italian

Origin: 'cheerfully', from Latin alacer; ⇨ alacrity

a piece of music played or sung quickly


a‧da‧gi‧o /əˈdɑːdʒiəʊ $ -dʒoʊ/     noun (plural adagios) [countable] technical

Date: 1600-1700

Language: Italian

Origin: ad 'at, to' + agio 'ease'

a piece of music that should be played or sung slowly


for‧tis‧si‧mo /fɔːˈtɪsəməʊ, fɔːˈtɪsɪməʊ $ fɔːrˈtɪsəmoʊ/    adjective, adverb

Date: 1700-1800

Language: Italian

Origin: 'loudest', from forte; ⇨ forte1

music that is fortissimo is played or sung very loudly

OPP  pianissimo ⇨ forte


pi‧a‧nis‧si‧mo /ˌpiːəˈnɪsəməʊ, ˌpiːəˈnɪsɪməʊ $ -moʊ/    adjective, adverb technical

Date: 1700-1800

Language: Italian

Origin: 'very quiet'

played or sung very quietly

OPP  fortissimo


/ænˈdænti, -teɪ $ ɑːnˈdɑːn-/    adjective

played or sung at a speed that is neither very fast or very slow

—andante adverb


tempo /ˈtempəʊ $ -poʊ/     noun (plural tempos) [countable]

Date: 1600-1700

Language: Italian

Origin: 'time', from Latin tempus

1. the speed at which music is played or should be played

2. the speed at which something happens:

     the easy tempo of island life

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