➜ evennia ✗ cd kungfu_online
➜ kungfu_online git:(master) ✗ source ../muddev/pyenv/bin/activate
(pyenv) ➜ kungfu_online git:(master) ✗ evennia --init world_practice
Welcome to Evennia!
Created a new Evennia game directory 'world_practice'.
You can now optionally edit your new settings file
at world_practice/server/conf/settings.py. If you don't, the defaults
will work out of the box. When ready to continue, 'cd' to your
game directory and run:
evennia migrate
This initializes the database. To start the server for the first
time, run:
evennia start
Make sure to create a superuser when asked for it (the email can
be blank if you want). You should now be able to (by default)
connect to your server on 'localhost', port 4000 using a
telnet/mud client or http://localhost:4001 using your web browser.
If things don't work, check so those ports are open.
(pyenv) ➜ kungfu_online git:(master) ✗ cd world_practice
(pyenv) ➜ world_practice git:(master) ✗ evennia migrate
evennia start
启动时如果遇到 Evennia Server is already running as process xxx的问题
删除对应的server.pid, portal.pid
// 热重启
evennia reload
// 冷重启
evennia reset
// 停止
evennia stop
命令格式:command[/switch/switch...] [arguments ...]
查询命令列表:help <command>