* CSV 解析工具
#ifndef ALCsvUtil_h
#define ALCsvUtil_h
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
typedef std::vector<std::string> StrVec;
typedef std::vector< StrVec > StrDict;
typedef std::map< std::string, StrDict> CsvMap;
class ALCsvUtil
static ALCsvUtil* getInstance();
static void destroyInstance();
* add csv file to dict
* @param sPath is csv file path
virtual bool addFileData(const std::string &rSCsvFilePath);
* del csv file to dict
* @param sPath is csv file path
virtual void releaseFile(const std::string &rSCsvFilePath);
* get some row and some column value from some csv file
* @param rRow is row num
* @param rCol is column num
* @param csvFilePath is some csv file
* @return some row and some column real TextValue IntValue, DoubleValue,if this pos not be exsit return ""
virtual std::string getText(const int &rRow, const int &rCol, const std::string &rSCsvFilePath);
virtual int getInt(const int &rRow, const int &rCol, const std::string &rSCsvFilePath);
virtual double getDouble(const int &rRow, const int &rCol, const std::string &rSCsvFilePath);
* get some file row data
* @param iRow is row num
* @param rSCsvFilePath is some csv file
* @return some row data
virtual StrVec getRowData(const int &rIRow, const std::string &rSCsvFilePath);
* get csv file row and column save tuple<int, int>
* @param rSCsvFilePath csv file path
* @return csv file row, column in tuple<int, int>
virtual std::tuple<int, int> getFileRowColNum(const std::string &rSCsvFilePath);
* find dest value in csv file row num
* @param rSValue find value
* @param rIValueCol value column
* @param rSCsvFilePath csv file path
* @return value in csv row
virtual int findValueInWithLine(const std::string &rSValue, const int &rIValueCol, const std::string &rSCsvFilePath);
* get csv file string vec
* @param rSCsvFilePath csv file path
* @return csv file strVec
virtual StrDict &getFileDict(const std::string &rSCsvFilePath);
virtual ~ALCsvUtil();
* get csv file string vec
* @param rSCsvFilePath csv file path
* @return csv file strVec
get string vec by split
@param rSSrcStr content
@param rSSep Seperator
@return std::vector<std::string>
StrVec split(const std::string &rSSrcStr, const char &rSSep);
ALCsvUtil(const ALCsvUtil &rCsvUtil) = delete;
ALCsvUtil &operator=(const ALCsvUtil &rCsvUtil) = delete;
static ALCsvUtil* _gInstance;
CsvMap* _pCsvMap;
#endif /* ALCsvUtil_h */
// ALCsvUtil.cpp
// GameTest-mobile
// Created by Allen on 2018/7/2.
#include "ALCsvUtil.h"
ALCsvUtil* ALCsvUtil::_gInstance;
_pCsvMap = new CsvMap();
ALCsvUtil* ALCsvUtil::getInstance()
if (!_gInstance) {
_gInstance = new ALCsvUtil();
return _gInstance;
void ALCsvUtil::destroyInstance()
if (_gInstance) {
bool ALCsvUtil::addFileData(const std::string &rSCsvFilePath)
if (std::string("") == rSCsvFilePath) return false;
if (!cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(rSCsvFilePath)) {
CCLOG("ALCsvUtil::addFileData(): %s file could not be found",rSCsvFilePath.c_str());
return false;
cocos2d::Data csvData = cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->getDataFromFile(rSCsvFilePath);
if (!csvData.getBytes()) {
CCLOG("ALCsvUtil::addFileData(): %s file is null",rSCsvFilePath.c_str());
return false;
StrVec linesVec = split((char*)csvData.getBytes(), '\n');
StrVec strsVec;
StrDict dict;
for (const auto &linesVecIter :linesVec) {
std::string lineStr(linesVecIter);
if (lineStr[lineStr.length() - 1] == '\r') {
lineStr = lineStr.substr(0,lineStr.length() - 1);
strsVec = split(lineStr, ',');
_pCsvMap->insert(std::make_pair(std::string(rSCsvFilePath), dict));
return true;
void ALCsvUtil::releaseFile(const std::string &rSCsvFilePath)
std::tuple<int,int> ALCsvUtil::getFileRowColNum(const std::string &rSCsvFilePath)
auto dict = getFileDict(rSCsvFilePath);
int rowNum = (int) dict.size();
int colNum = (int) (*(dict.begin())).size();
return std::make_tuple(colNum,rowNum-1);
std::string ALCsvUtil::getText(const int &rRow, const int &rCol, const std::string &rSCsvFilePath)
const auto dict = getFileDict(rSCsvFilePath);
CCASSERT(rRow < dict.size() && rCol < dict.at(rRow).size(), "ALCsvUtil: (row or col) out of range in getObjectAtIndex() ");
return dict.at(rRow).at(rCol);
int ALCsvUtil::getInt(const int &rRow, const int &rCol, const std::string &rSCsvFilePath)
return atoi(getText(rRow, rCol, rSCsvFilePath).c_str());
double ALCsvUtil::getDouble(const int &rRow, const int &rCol, const std::string &rSCsvFilePath)
return atof(getText(rRow, rCol, rSCsvFilePath).c_str());
StrVec ALCsvUtil::getRowData(const int &rIRow, const std::string &rSCsvFilePath)
auto tRow = std::get<1>(getFileRowColNum(rSCsvFilePath));
if(rIRow > tRow) return StrVec();
return _pCsvMap->at(rSCsvFilePath).at(rIRow);
StrDict &ALCsvUtil::getFileDict(const std::string &rSCsvFilePath)
CCASSERT((_pCsvMap->end() != _pCsvMap->find(rSCsvFilePath) || addFileData(rSCsvFilePath)),"ALCsvUtil: load csvFile file");
return _pCsvMap->at(rSCsvFilePath);
int ALCsvUtil::findValueInWithLine(const std::string &rSValue, const int &rIValueCol, const std::string &rSCsvFilePath)
auto iRowCount = std::get<1>(getFileRowColNum(rSCsvFilePath));
auto ret = -1;
std::string findValue(rSValue);
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < iRowCount; ++iRow)
std::string tmpValue = getText(iRow, rIValueCol, rSCsvFilePath);
if (findValue == tmpValue)
ret = iRow;
return ret;
StrVec ALCsvUtil::split(const std::string &rSSrcStr, const char &rSSep)
StrVec strList;
std::string::size_type lastIndex = rSSrcStr.find_first_not_of(rSSep,0);
std::string::size_type currentIndex = rSSrcStr.find_first_of(rSSep,lastIndex);
while (std::string::npos != currentIndex || std::string::npos != lastIndex)
strList.push_back(rSSrcStr.substr(lastIndex,currentIndex - lastIndex));
lastIndex = rSSrcStr.find_first_not_of(rSSep,currentIndex);
currentIndex = rSSrcStr.find_first_of(rSSep,lastIndex);
return strList;