这几页讲了Baby Suggs的身世、她和Garner、Bodwins还有Halle的关系以及透过Garner对奴隶制和奴隶的一些看法的表达等。我觉得作者在人物的刻画上还是下了很多功夫的,能让你听他们说话就想象的出他们是什么样子的人,通过对话也可以感受到那个残酷艰苦的时代里的一丝温情和暖意。
"Suggs is my name, sir. From my husband. He didn't call me Jenny."
"What he call you?"
"Well," said Mr. Garner, going pink again, "if I was you I'd stick to Jenny Whitlow. Mrs. Baby Suggs ain't no name for a freed Negro.
Maybe not, she thought, but Baby Suggs was all she had left of the "husband" she claimed.
在Sweet Home, Garner一直叫Suggs为Jenny,因为Jenny Whitlow是他买来的时候sales ticket上面她的名字,但是Baby Suggs 坚持称自己是Suggs不仅仅是因为这是她丈夫的姓氏,也因为如果有一天她丈夫也许能够再次听到她的消息。"Now how could he find or hear tell of her if she was calling herself some bill-of-sale name?
Mr. Garner told the Bodwins that she was a right fine cook as well as a fine cobbler and showed his belly and the sample on his feet. Everybody laughed.
这里面对于Mr. Garner的动作描写也很传神,拍拍肚皮展示展示鞋子,来证明她不光是个好厨子,也是个好鞋匠,很有趣。
1. draw a breath 深深地吸一口气
...Halle, who had never drawn one free breath, knew that there was nothing like it in this world.
draw a deep/cold/long breath
2. milk
If someone milks a cow or goat, they get milk from it, using either their hands or a machine. 给…挤奶
例句:Farm workers milked cows by hand.
3. chore
do chores 做家务,处理琐事
Do errands or chores for them.