create database shop;NBSP //创建一个名为shop的数据库
use shop;NBSP //使用shop库
//包含一个id字段,字段类型为int(整数)not null表示不允许为null, promary key表示该字段为主键,auto_increment表水
create table Product(id int not null primary key auto_increment);
//添加表结构语句 添加一个名为name的 类型为verchr(字符串,长度为100)的属性到product表中
alter table Product add column name varchar(100);
alter table Product drop column name;
desc Product;
insert into Product (name,project,type) values("帽子"99"服饰");
select * from Product;
select type,count(*) from Product group by type;
select name,price,price * 0.8 AS price2 from Product;
select name,price,price * 0.8 AS price2 from Product where price > 300;
select name,price,price * 0.8 AS price2 from Product where price <= 380 and type='衣服';
select sum(price) from Product;
select avg(price) from Product;
select max(price) from Product;
select max(price), min(price) from Product;
delet from Product where id=1;
update Product set name="拖鞋"where id=2;
select * from Product where type="服饰";
select * from Product where type="服饰" and price >=100;
select name,price from Product;
select type from Product group by type;
select distinct type from Product;
select type,count(*) from Product group by type;