If it doesn’t fit,you must acquit.
After watching this,I think I have a better comprehension about the so-called trial of the century.There were so many people involved in this case and so many people paying close attention to it.
Sometimes I think it was a show more than a trial.Being O.J.Simpson’s defense lawyer is hard but also a way to raise fame and respect.Take Shapiro as an example.He was more interested in raising his fame than defending his client.He enjoyed respect and even envy from the others.The prosecution and the defense lawyers ‘s personal lives are shown to the public and even are used as a weapon against themselves by the media.They need to use the media to make the public on their side to exert pressure on the judge and the jury,but they also have to have a taste of being exposed to the public.
I know American’s legal system is different from ours.They have juries and it is them who will determine whether you are guilty or not,which means making them believing in what you say is vital.As a result,some lawyers will try every possible means to form a jury which will definitely do no harm to their side.And these means they used are sometimes indecent.
He was a racist and should be hated.If I were one of the jury,I may not believe in him as well.He used to frame black people,so it is understandable that the jury made their decision with emotion.
Convicting O.J. Is like convicting all black people.The defense lawyers used racial discrimination as a tool to make people especially black people emotional and make the whole society unsteady.I think in some way this affected the jury’s decision.Some people didn’t really know the details of the case.What they care was whether black people would be treated fairly,so it simply explains why they thought Simpson was not guilty.They thought he was not guilty of being a black person instead of murdering.
He was the person who used racial discrimination.He was clever but not wrong.If I were him,I would be so emotional as well.He was one of the black people and he fought for them.Even though he let Simpson walk away,he was just doing his job and trying to change black people’s situation.
I respect her deeply.She had to take care of her children when she tired to find her place in a career field which was full of male.She did her best to bring Simpson to justice.When the media judged her hairstyle and released her naked picture,she was hurt deeply but she tried to be strong and do her own job.
He was the victim of this crime.But just like what his father said,Ron was in some way like an addition to this crime.People tended to care Nicole Brown more because her relationship with Simpson.They knew little about Ron and cared little about Ron,which made Ron’s family heartbroken.
I think this is the exact reason why Marcia fought for the victims and why Simpson makes me sick.And he was definitely guilty of this.It might affect my attitude towards the crime.He abused her,so there was a great chance that he killed her.But this could not be an evidence.
I don’t know whether Simpson did it or not.I don’t know whether Mark Fuhrman framed him or not.But I think this is a sad story.It changed many people’s lives.It seemed that no one was wrong except for the domestic violence part and no one won at last(maybe Johnnie did).I was pleased that Simpson was found guilty because of domestic violence.And may the victims rest in peace.