HarmonyOS UI界面优化—精准控制组件的更新范围




class ClassA {
  prop1: number = 0;
  prop2: string = "This is Prop2";
struct CompA {
  @ObjectLink a: ClassA;
  private sizeFont: number = 30; // the private variable does not invoke rendering
  private isRenderText() : number {
    this.sizeFont++; // the change of sizeFont will not invoke rendering, but showing that the function is called
    console.log("Text prop2 is rendered");
    return this.sizeFont;
  build() {
    Column() {
      Text(this.a.prop2) // when this.a.prop2 changes, it will invoke Text rerendering
        .fontSize(this.isRenderText()) //if the Text renders, the function isRenderText will be called
struct Page {
  @State a: ClassA = new ClassA();
  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Text("Prop1: " + this.a.prop1)
          .margin({ bottom: 20 })
        CompA({a: this.a})
        Button("Change prop1")
          .margin({ top: 20 })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.a.prop1 = this.a.prop1 + 1 ;

在上面的示例中,当点击按钮改变prop1的值时,尽管CompA中的组件并没有使用prop1,但是仍然可以观测到关联prop2的Text组件进行了刷新,这体现在Text组件的字体变大,同时控制台输出了“Text prop2 is rendered”的日志上。这说明当改变了一个由@Observed装饰的类的实例对象中的某个属性时(即上面示例中的prop1),会导致所有关联这个对象中某个属性的组件一起刷新,尽管这些组件可能并没有直接使用到该改变的属性(即上面示例中使用prop的Text组件)。这样就会导致一些隐形的“冗余刷新”,当涉及到“冗余刷新”的组件数量很多时,就会大大影响组件的刷新性能。



class UIStyle {
  translateX: number = 0;
  translateY: number = 0;
  scaleX: number = 0.3;
  scaleY: number = 0.3;
  width: number = 336;
  height: number = 178;
  posX: number = 10;
  posY: number = 50;
  alpha: number = 0.5;
  borderRadius: number = 24;
  imageWidth: number = 78;
  imageHeight: number = 78;
  translateImageX: number = 0;
  translateImageY: number = 0;
  fontSize: number = 20;
struct SpecialImage {
  @ObjectLink uiStyle: UIStyle;
  private isRenderSpecialImage() : number { // function to show whether the component is rendered
    console.log("SpecialImage is rendered");
    return 1;
  build() {
      .margin({ top: 20 })
        x: this.uiStyle.translateImageX,
        y: this.uiStyle.translateImageY
      .opacity(this.isRenderSpecialImage()) // if the Image is rendered, it will call the function
struct CompA {
  @ObjectLink uiStyle: UIStyle
  // the following functions are used to show whether the component is called to be rendered
  private isRenderColumn() : number {
    console.log("Column is rendered");
    return 1;
  private isRenderStack() : number {
    console.log("Stack is rendered");
    return 1;
  private isRenderImage() : number {
    console.log("Image is rendered");
    return 1;
  private isRenderText() : number {
    console.log("Text is rendered");
    return 1;
  build() {
    Column() {
      // when you compile this code in API9, IDE may tell you that
      // "Assigning the '@ObjectLink' decorated attribute 'uiStyle' to the '@ObjectLink' decorated attribute 'uiStyle' is not allowed. <etsLint>"
      // But you can still run the code by Previewer
        uiStyle: this.uiStyle
      Stack() {
        Column() {
                x: this.uiStyle.scaleX,
                y: this.uiStyle.scaleY
        .position({ y: -80 })
        Stack() {
          Text("Hello World")
            .margin({ top: 12 })
          x: this.uiStyle.posX,
          y: this.uiStyle.posY
      .margin({ top: 50 })
        x: this.uiStyle.translateX,
        y: this.uiStyle.translateY
      Column() {
          .margin({ bottom: 10 })
          .onClick(() => {
              duration: 500
            },() => {
              this.uiStyle.translateY = (this.uiStyle.translateY + 180) % 250;
          .onClick(() => {
            this.uiStyle.scaleX = (this.uiStyle.scaleX + 0.6) % 0.8;


struct Page {
  @State uiStyle: UIStyle = new UIStyle();
  build() {
    Stack() {
        uiStyle: this.uiStyle






class ClassB {
  subProp1: number = 100;
class ClassA {
  prop1: number = 0;
  prop2: string = "This is Prop2";
  prop3: ClassB = new ClassB();
struct CompA {
  @ObjectLink a: ClassA;
  private sizeFont: number = 30; // the private variable does not invoke rendering
  private isRenderText() : number {
    this.sizeFont++; // the change of sizeFont will not invoke rendering, but showing that the function is called
    console.log("Text prop2 is rendered");
    return this.sizeFont;
  build() {
    Column() {
      Text(this.a.prop2) // when this.a.prop1 changes, it will invoke Text rerendering
        .margin({ bottom: 10 })
        .fontSize(this.isRenderText()) //if the Text renders, the function isRenderText will be called
      Text("subProp1 : " + this.a.prop3.subProp1) //the Text can not observe the change of subProp1
struct Page {
  @State a: ClassA = new ClassA();
  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Text("Prop1: " + this.a.prop1)
          .margin({ bottom: 20 })
        CompA({a: this.a})
        Button("Change prop1")
            top: 10,
            bottom: 10
          .onClick(() => {
            this.a.prop1 = this.a.prop1 + 1 ;
        Button("Change subProp1")
          .onClick(() => {
            this.a.prop3.subProp1 = this.a.prop3.subProp1 + 1;

在上面的示例中,当点击按钮“Change subProp1”时,可以发现页面并没有进行刷新,这是因为对subProp1的更改并没有被组件观测到。当再次点击“Change prop1”时,可以发现页面进行了刷新,同时显示了prop1与subProp1的最新值。依据ArkUI状态管理机制,状态变量自身只能观察到第一层的变化,所以对于“Change subProp1",对第二层的属性赋值,是无法观察到的,即对this.a.prop3.subProp1的变化并不会引起组件的刷新,即使subProp1的值其实已经产生了变化。而对this.a.prop1的改变则会引起刷新。



class ClassB {
  subProp1: number = 100;
class ClassA {
  prop1: number = 0;
  prop2: string = "This is Prop2";
  prop3: ClassB = new ClassB();
struct CompA {
  @ObjectLink a: ClassA;
  @ObjectLink b: ClassB; // a new objectlink variable
  private sizeFont: number = 30;
  private isRenderText() : number {
    console.log("Text prop2 is rendered");
    return this.sizeFont;
  private isRenderTextSubProp1() : number {
    console.log("Text subProp1 is rendered");
    return this.sizeFont;
  build() {
    Column() {
      Text(this.a.prop2) // when this.a.prop1 changes, it will invoke Text rerendering
        .margin({ bottom: 10 })
        .fontSize(this.isRenderText()) //if the Text renders, the function isRenderText will be called
      Text("subProp1 : " + this.b.subProp1) // use directly b rather than a.prop3
struct Page {
  @State a: ClassA = new ClassA();
  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Text("Prop1: " + this.a.prop1)
          .margin({ bottom: 20 })
          a: this.a,
          b: this.a.prop3
        Button("Change prop1")
            top: 10,
            bottom: 10
          .onClick(() => {
            this.a.prop1 = this.a.prop1 + 1 ;
        Button("Change subProp1")
            top: 10,
            bottom: 10
          .onClick(() => {
            this.a.prop3.subProp1 = this.a.prop3.subProp1 + 1;

在上面的示例中,在CompA中定义了一个新的ObjectLink装饰的变量b,并由Page创建CompA时,将a对象中的prop3传入给b,这样就能在子组件CompA中直接使用b,这使得组件实际上和b进行了关联,组件也就能观测到b中的subProp1的变化,当点击按钮“Change subProp1”的时时候,可以只触发相关联的Text的组件的刷新,而不会引起其他的组件刷新(因为其他组件关联的是a),同样的其他对于a中属性的修改也不会导致该Text组件的刷新。



class NeedRenderImage { // properties only used in the same component can be divided into the same new divided class
  public translateImageX: number = 0;
  public translateImageY: number = 0;
  public imageWidth:number = 78;
  public imageHeight:number = 78;
class NeedRenderScale { // properties usually used together can be divided into the same new divided class
  public scaleX: number = 0.3;
  public scaleY: number = 0.3;
class NeedRenderAlpha { // properties that may be used in different places can be divided into the same new divided class
  public alpha: number = 0.5;
class NeedRenderSize { // properties usually used together can be divided into the same new divided class
  public width: number = 336;
  public height: number = 178;
class NeedRenderPos { // properties usually used together can be divided into the same new divided class
  public posX: number = 10;
  public posY: number = 50;
class NeedRenderBorderRadius { // properties that may be used in different places can be divided into the same new divided class
  public borderRadius: number = 24;
class NeedRenderFontSize { // properties that may be used in different places can be divided into the same new divided class
  public fontSize: number = 20;
class NeedRenderTranslate { // properties usually used together can be divided into the same new divided class
  public translateX: number = 0;
  public translateY: number = 0;
class UIStyle {
  // define new variable instead of using old one
  needRenderTranslate: NeedRenderTranslate = new NeedRenderTranslate();
  needRenderFontSize: NeedRenderFontSize = new NeedRenderFontSize();
  needRenderBorderRadius: NeedRenderBorderRadius = new NeedRenderBorderRadius();
  needRenderPos: NeedRenderPos = new NeedRenderPos();
  needRenderSize: NeedRenderSize = new NeedRenderSize();
  needRenderAlpha: NeedRenderAlpha = new NeedRenderAlpha();
  needRenderScale: NeedRenderScale = new NeedRenderScale();
  needRenderImage: NeedRenderImage = new NeedRenderImage();
struct SpecialImage {
  @ObjectLink uiStyle : UIStyle;
  @ObjectLink needRenderImage: NeedRenderImage // receive the new class from its parent component
  private isRenderSpecialImage() : number { // function to show whether the component is rendered
    console.log("SpecialImage is rendered");
    return 1;
  build() {
      .width(this.needRenderImage.imageWidth) // !! use this.needRenderImage.xxx rather than this.uiStyle.needRenderImage.xxx !!
        x: this.needRenderImage.translateImageX,
        y: this.needRenderImage.translateImageY
      .opacity(this.isRenderSpecialImage()) // if the Image is rendered, it will call the function
struct CompA {
  @ObjectLink uiStyle: UIStyle;
  @ObjectLink needRenderTranslate: NeedRenderTranslate; // receive the new class from its parent component
  @ObjectLink needRenderFontSize: NeedRenderFontSize;
  @ObjectLink needRenderBorderRadius: NeedRenderBorderRadius;
  @ObjectLink needRenderPos: NeedRenderPos;
  @ObjectLink needRenderSize: NeedRenderSize;
  @ObjectLink needRenderAlpha: NeedRenderAlpha;
  @ObjectLink needRenderScale: NeedRenderScale;
  // the following functions are used to show whether the component is called to be rendered
  private isRenderColumn() : number {
    console.log("Column is rendered");
    return 1;
  private isRenderStack() : number {
    console.log("Stack is rendered");
    return 1;
  private isRenderImage() : number {
    console.log("Image is rendered");
    return 1;
  private isRenderText() : number {
    console.log("Text is rendered");
    return 1;
  build() {
    Column() {
      // when you compile this code in API9, IDE may tell you that
      // "Assigning the '@ObjectLink' decorated attribute 'uiStyle' to the '@ObjectLink' decorated attribute 'uiStyle' is not allowed. <etsLint>"
      // "Assigning the '@ObjectLink' decorated attribute 'uiStyle' to the '@ObjectLink' decorated attribute 'needRenderImage' is not allowed. <etsLint>"
      // But you can still run the code by Previewer
        uiStyle: this.uiStyle,
        needRenderImage: this.uiStyle.needRenderImage //send it to its child
      Stack() {
        Column() {
              x: this.needRenderScale.scaleX, // use this.needRenderXxx.xxx rather than this.uiStyle.needRenderXxx.xxx
              y: this.needRenderScale.scaleY
        .position({ y: -80 })

        Stack() {
          Text("Hello World")
            .margin({ top: 12 })
          x: this.needRenderPos.posX,
          y: this.needRenderPos.posY
      .margin({ top: 50 })
        x: this.needRenderTranslate.translateX,
        y: this.needRenderTranslate.translateY

      Column() {
          .margin({ bottom: 10 })
          .onClick(() => {
              duration: 500
            }, () => {
              this.needRenderTranslate.translateY = (this.needRenderTranslate.translateY + 180) % 250;
          .margin({ bottom: 10 })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.needRenderScale.scaleX = (this.needRenderScale.scaleX + 0.6) % 0.8;
        Button("Change Image")
          .onClick(() => { // in the parent component, still use this.uiStyle.needRenderXxx.xxx to change the properties
            this.uiStyle.needRenderImage.imageWidth = (this.uiStyle.needRenderImage.imageWidth + 30) % 160;
            this.uiStyle.needRenderImage.imageHeight = (this.uiStyle.needRenderImage.imageHeight + 30) % 160;
        y: 616
struct Page {
  @State uiStyle: UIStyle = new UIStyle();
  build() {
    Stack() {
        uiStyle: this.uiStyle,
        needRenderTranslate: this.uiStyle.needRenderTranslate, //send all the new class child need
        needRenderFontSize: this.uiStyle.needRenderFontSize,
        needRenderBorderRadius: this.uiStyle.needRenderBorderRadius,
        needRenderPos: this.uiStyle.needRenderPos,
        needRenderSize: this.uiStyle.needRenderSize,
        needRenderAlpha: this.uiStyle.needRenderAlpha,
        needRenderScale: this.uiStyle.needRenderScale



  • 只作用在同一个组件上的多个属性可以被拆分进同一个新类,即示例中的NeedRenderImage。适用于组件经常被不关联的属性改变而引起刷新的场景,这个时候就要考虑拆分属性,或者重新考虑ViewModel设计是否合理。
  • 经常被同时使用的属性可以被拆分进同一个新类,即示例中的NeedRenderScale、NeedRenderTranslate、NeedRenderPos、NeedRenderSize。适用于属性经常成对出现,或者被作用在同一个样式上的情况,例如.translate、.position、.scale等(这些样式通常会接收一个对象作为参数)。
  • 可能被用在多个组件上或相对较独立的属性应该被单独拆分进一个新类,即示例中的NeedRenderAlpha,NeedRenderBorderRadius、NeedRenderFontSize。适用于一个属性作用在多个组件上或者与其他属性没有联系的情况,例如.opacity、.borderRadius等(这些样式通常相对独立)。



// sample
Text("some text")


// in parent Component
this.parent.needRenderXxx.xxx = x;

this.uiStyle.needRenderImage.imageWidth = (this.uiStyle.needRenderImage.imageWidth + 20) % 60;


// in child Component
this.needRenderXxx.xxx = x;

this.needRenderScale.scaleX = (this.needRenderScale.scaleX + 0.6) % 1



class NeedRenderProperty {
  public property: number = 1;
class SomeClass {
  needRenderProperty: NeedRenderProperty = new NeedRenderProperty();
struct Page {
  @State someClass: SomeClass = new SomeClass();
  @State needRenderProperty: NeedRenderProperty = this.someClass.needRenderProperty
  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Text("property value: " + this.needRenderProperty.property)
          .margin({ bottom: 20 })
        Button("Change property")
          .onClick(() => {






struct Index {  
  @State currentIndex: number = 0; // 当前选中的列表项下标
  private listData: string[] = [];
  aboutToAppear(): void {  
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {  
      this.listData.push(`ListItemComponent ${i}`);  
  build() {  
    Row() {  
      Column() {  
        List() {  
          ForEach(this.listData, (item: string, index: number) => {  
            ListItem() {  
              ListItemComponent({ item: item, index: index, currentIndex: this.currentIndex })  
struct ListItemComponent {  
  @Prop item: string;
  @Prop index: number; // 列表项的下标
  @Link currentIndex: number; 
  private sizeFont: number = 50; 
  isRender(): number {  
    console.info(`ListItemComponent ${this.index} Text is rendered`);  
    return this.sizeFont;  
  build() {  
    Column() {  
        // 根据当前列表项下标index与currentIndex的差值来动态设置文本的颜色
        .fontColor(Math.abs(this.index - this.currentIndex) <= 1 ? Color.Red : Color.Blue)  
        .onClick(() => {  
          this.currentIndex = this.index;  







struct Index {
  @State currentIndex: number = 0; // 当前选中的列表项下标
  private listData: string[] = [];

  aboutToAppear(): void {
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      this.listData.push(`组件 ${i}`);

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        List() {
          ForEach(this.listData, (item: string, index: number) => {
            ListItem() {
              ListItemComponent({ item: item, index: index, currentIndex: this.currentIndex })

struct ListItemComponent {
  @Prop item: string;
  @Prop index: number; // 列表项的下标
  @Link @Watch('onCurrentIndexUpdate') currentIndex: number;
  @State color: Color = Math.abs(this.index - this.currentIndex) <= 1 ? Color.Red : Color.Blue;

  isRender(): number {
    console.info(`ListItemComponent ${this.index} Text is rendered`);
    return 50;

  onCurrentIndexUpdate(propName: string) {
    // 根据当前列表项下标index与currentIndex的差值来动态修改color的值
    this.color = Math.abs(this.index - this.currentIndex) <= 1 ? Color.Red : Color.Blue;

  build() {
    Column() {
        .onClick(() => {
          this.currentIndex = this.index;





// in ParentComponent
@Provide @Watch('onCurrentValueUpdate') currentValue: number = 0;
@State parentComponentResult: number = 0;
onCurrentValueUpdate(propName: string) {
  // 执行业务逻辑
  this.parentComponentResult = X;

// in ChildComponent
@Provide @Watch('onCurrentValueUpdate') currentValue: number = 0;
@State childComponentResult: number = 0;
onCurrentValueUpdate(propName: string) {
  // 执行业务逻辑
  this.childComponentResult = X;

// in NestedComponent
@Provide @Watch('onCurrentValueUpdate') currentValue: number = 0;
@State nestedComponentResult: number = 0;
onCurrentValueUpdate(propName: string) {
  // 执行业务逻辑
  this.nestedComponentResult = X;





Column() {
  Row() {
    Column() {
  Column() {
    Column() {
      List() {
        ForEach(this.listData, (item: string, index: number) => {
          ListItemComponent({ myItem: item, index: index })


// in ButtonComponent
  .onClick(() => {
    let event: emitter.InnerEvent = {
      eventId: 1,
      priority: emitter.EventPriority.LOW
    let eventData: emitter.EventData = {
      data: {
        value: this.value
    // 发送eventId为1的事件,事件内容为eventData
    emitter.emit(event, eventData);

// in ListItemComponent
@State color: Color = Color.Black;
aboutToAppear(): void {
  let event: emitter.InnerEvent = {
    eventId: 1
  // 收到eventId为1的事件后执行该回调
  let callback = (eventData: emitter.EventData): void => {
    if (eventData.data?.value !== 0 && this.index % eventData.data?.value === 0) {
      this.color = Color.Red;
  // 订阅eventId为1的事件
  emitter.on(event, callback);
build() {
  Column() {



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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 48,798评论 3 376
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 45,435评论 2 359
