Education 谈教育
What education is better education? In China or in the US?
i will vote for US or western style education, Why?
1) lets look into core of education, or purpose of education.
knowledge or active learning, which one is focused?
I graducated from university in Shanghai, also got chance sit in the open house of Insead, one of the leading MBA school in Euorpe, curiously i found significant difference between these two classrooms.
the university course usually tried very hard to pass the information to you, so called knowledge, while seldom let you fully engage into discussion during the class.
However in MBA course, the situation is totally different. the teacher is more like a facilitator, ask the right questions and ignite the audience. then throw in more questions and questions to lead the discussion deeper.
The two different styles highlighted two thinking. one is more for knowledge acquisition, another one focuses on the active learning.
2) Another point is related to purpose of education.
Let's refer to the Vision from my kid's kindercarten:
We seeks to impart human values, to delelop creativity, analytical abilities, knowledge and cultural richness in children, enabling them to grow into all rounded individuals.
I believe a good education system must address these topics to help all children become all-rounded individuals.
关于中西教育之争:限于时间和篇幅,两个点没继续深入 一点是知识是什么,和信息的区别,另外则是学习的方式,我比较喜欢明代大儒王阳明的知行合一walk the talk or combination of knowledge and actions. 这些都可以作为独立的题目谈.
Marriage 婚姻
When would be the best time for marriage?
Save the best for the last? just kidding!
Either I dont have fixed answer, I think it purely depends on the couples emotion readiness and material readiness.
Emotional part,they want to stay together, build up a new home together, aja aja fighting for the dream together.
i believe marrige is more than a celebration, it is an agreement and commitment between the couples and they will start share and devote to each other.
It also means a milestone for the stage of new life, and long journey down the road.
Regarding the material part, i dont think house, car, whatever are crucial factors.
this morning, i also used my breakfast to illustrate what are the essential things and what are accessories.
My point is you got the essential setup first, then start decorate it. It will also make the marrige life more fun, right?
Btw, just for sharing, the best way to skip this kinda consideration is to have a baby!
You know, most of my colleague classmates are forced to the marrige due to baby things. They are happy now and without thinking too much.
Learn by Play 玩中学
可惜当时没有记录,大致是以上次去马来西亚金马伦为例,打印google map,和孩子一起交流路线,并且先看下实景地图。也算是寓教于乐吧!
1) 用Wechat来做Toastmaster的语音训练,还是不错;
2) 和真正的Toastmaster相比,WeTopics少了实景感,以及面对面的真正交流;
3) 分享前要打好草稿,这点很关键;
4) 内容方面,半个月的学习,还是接触了很多话题,每一个都可以再深挖。