During the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans are dying by the thousands and they are confronting financial ruin and not sure how they'll continue to pay for food and shelter. Howerver, the response of their president Trump to the pandemic makes people disappointed. The following sentences are from an article "'Has Anyone Found Trump's Soul? Anyone?" written by the opinion columnist Frank Bruni. He uses lots of negative sentences and expressions to describe Trump. At the beginning of the article, he retrospects what President George W.Bush did after the Sept.11 terrrorist attacks and how President Barack Obama responded to the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., that left 28 people, including 20 children dead. Through the sharp contrast, Frank Bruni expresses his geniue feeling to Trump. When you describe a person you don't like, the following sentences can be used.
1. Has anyone found his soul? anyone? 他还算个人么?谁知道?
2. He is not rising to the challege before him, not even a millimeter. He's shriveling into nothingness. 他没有在挑战面前挺身而出,丝毫没有。他正萎缩成乌有之物。
3. His spirit is "a vast trackless wasteland." Not exactly trackless. There are gaudy outposts of ego all along the horizon. 他的精神世界是“一个空旷无迹的荒原”。准确的说不是无迹。那里的地平线上到处都是自负的花哨俗艳。
4. Fresheat in my memory is how he fought back tears. He was hurtin. He cared.我记忆中最清晰的是他强忍眼泪的样子。他很伤心,也很在意。
5. In his predecessors, for all their imperfections, i could sense the beat of a heart and see the glimmer of a soul. In him I can't, and that fills me with a sorrow and a rage that i quite frankly don't know what to do with. 尽管他的前任们有各种不完美的地方,但在他们身上,我能感到跳动的心,我能看到微微闪光的灵魂。在他身上,我什么都感觉不到,这让我充满悲伤和愤怒——坦白讲我不知该如何处理这样的情绪。
6. But what has taken me by surprise and torn me up inside are the aloofness, arrogance, pettiness, meanness, narcissism and solipsism that persist in him——that flourish in him. 但出乎我意料并令我心碎的是他持续甚至见长的冷漠、傲慢、小气、刻薄、自恋和唯我。
7. Under normal circumstances, these traits are galling. Under the current ones, they are gutting. 在正常情况下,这些特点令人恼火;而在眼前,这些特点让人彻底失望。
8. He leaps from tone deafness to some realm of complete sensory and moral deprivation. 他从充耳不闻转入了感官和道德全丧的境地。
9. It's an extraordinary thing: to fill the air with so many words and have none of them carry any genuine sadness or stirring resolve. 做到这一点真不容易:如此大放厥词而没有一个词承载任何真正的悲伤或打动人心的信念。