support for noData cell added in the table component to allow displaying custom content when there are no detail rows in the table data source;
support for printWhenExpression added to table component sections to allow suppressing entire rows in the table and not only individual cells;
isStretchWithOverflow boolean property of text fields has been deprecated and replaced by the new textAdjust property which adds a third option to scale down the font size in order for the text content to fit the design size of the text field element;
implemented server side rendering of Javascript visualizations using the headless Google Chrome browser, to replace the now deprecated PhantomJS and SlimerJS based feature;
minor bug fixes and improvements;
1.支持在表组件中添加noData单元,以在表数据源中没有明细行时显示自定义内容;(table中除了原先的header,detail,footer,还可以新增一种No Data。仅在没有提供数据源时显示)
4.使用headless Google Chrome浏览器实现了Javascript可视化的服务器端渲染,以取代现已不推荐使用的基于PhantomJS和SlimerJS的功能;