81. But I find myself judging in favor of the defendant.
*find oneself doing something: [transitive]to discover oneself doing something or in a particular situation, especially when this is unexpected
*judge in favor of somebody
82. And as much as my sympathies lie with the plaintiff, the evidence does not warrant a favorable decision.
*much as: although
*sympathy: [uncountable,countable,usually plural]the act of showing support for or approval of an idea, a cause, an organization, etc.
- one's sympathies lie with...
*warrant: (formal)to make something necessary or appropriate in a particular situation
83. You're under arrest for the rape of Christy Barbosa.
*be under arrest for something
84. State's attorney Glenn Childs took credit for finding an untainted sample of DNA that will guarantee Mckeon's conviction in a criminal trial.
*[uncountable] credit (for something): praise or approval because you are responsible for something good that has happened
- He's a player who rarely seems to get the credit he deserves.
- I can't take all the credit for the show's success—it was a team effort.
*untainted(by something)(formal): not damaged or spoiled by something unpleasant