1. 什么是critical thinking?
Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.(批判性思维是一个将你获得的信息与一定的标准评价思维进行对比,对比,分析,评价的过程)
2. 为什么要进行critical thinking?
·Employ-ability skills: In addition to technical knowledge, employers want graduates have:
–Global perspective & strong inter-cultural skills(全球视野和跨文化能力)
–Critical mindset(心态): prepared to question and test
–High quality communication skills(written and oral)(交流能力)
–Effective problem solving skills
–Ability to foster effective team work
·The changing nature of society has led to changing societal and business attitudes
·Response to the Global Financial Crisis
3. Critical thinking 做什么?
·Raises vital questions and problems, formulating them clearly and precisely(清楚定义主要问题)
·Gathers and assesses relevant information,using abstract ideas to interpret it effectively(整理相关信息,并用抽象概念加以解释)
·Comes to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards(对要批判的文章进行逻辑总结,通过标准对其进行批判)
·Thinks open-mindly within alternative systems of thought, recognizing and assessing, as needs be, their assumptions, implications, and practical consequences(通过开放式思维对文章的假设,暗示和结果进行思考,辨认和评价)
·Communicates effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex problems(与其他人进行有效率的交流,找出解决复杂问题的办法)
4. 8 elements of thought
·Question at issue对文章提出的问题本身的质疑(题目清楚么?题目要求是啥?可分为哪些主论点和分论点)
·Implications & consequences对文章导因与结果的质疑(那会有什么结果/影响?结果合理么?有没有其他可能性?会产生哪些连带影响?文章的建议具体么?可行么?)
·Conclusions, interpretations对文章总结与解释的质疑(文章的总结是否清晰?文章的解释是否符合逻辑?文章的论述是否能导出结果?)
·Point of view对文章观点、立场(Reference, perspective, orientation)的质疑(文章立场是否成立?观点是否扣题?还有没有其他不同的视角?会产生什么效应?)
5. The core process of criticalthinking in a discipline
clear(写的是否清晰); accurate(表述是否精确); important relevant(与文章是否有关); sufficient(表述是否充分); deep(表达是否有深度); broad(范围是否够广); precise(表达是否严谨).
6. 教学结构
·Macro: PESTEL (W3); CSR (W11)
·Industry: Porters Five Forces;Disruptive Innovation (W9)
·Competitors and markets:Stakeholder Theory (W2); SWOT (W4)
·Organization:SWOT (W4); Teams& systems (W8);Generic Strategies (W3)
·Individual: Decision Making (W6);personal value & ethics (W10)