AUCell可以识别单细胞RNA序列数据中具有活跃基因集(例如signatures,基因模块...)的细胞。 AUCell使用“曲线下面积”(AUC)来计算输入基因集的关键子集是否在每个细胞的表达基因中富集。 AUC分数在所有细胞中的分布允许探索特征的相对表达。 由于计分方法是基于排名的,因此AUCell不受基因表达单位和标准化程序的影响。 此外,由于对cell进行了单独评估,因此可以轻松地将其应用于更大的数据集,并根据需要对表达式矩阵进行分组。
1、 Build the rankings
2、Calculate the Area Under the Curve (AUC)
3、Set the assignment thresholds
For each cell, the genes are ranked from highest to lowest value. The genes with same expression value are shuffled. Therefore, genes with expression ‘0’ are randomly sorted at the end of the ranking. It is important to check that most cells have at least the number of expressed/detected genes that are going to be used to calculate the AUC (aucMaxRank in calcAUC()). The histogram provided by AUCell_buildRankings() allows to quickly check this distribution. plotGeneCount(exprMatrix) allows to obtain only the plot before building the rankings.
- Calculate enrichment for the gene signatures (AUC)
AUC(Area Under Curve)被定义为ROC下与坐标轴围成的面积,显然这个面积的数值不会大于1。又由于ROC曲线一般都处于y=x这条直线的上方,所以AUC的取值范围在0.5和1之间。AUC越接近1.0,检测方法真实性越高;等于0.5时,则真实性最低,无应用价值。
一、 ROC曲线的由来
二、 什么是ROC曲线
ROC全称是“受试者工作特征”(Receiver OperatingCharacteristic)曲线。我们根据学习器的预测结果,把阈值从0变到最大,即刚开始是把每个样本作为正例进行预测,随着阈值的增大,学习器预测正样例数越来越少,直到最后没有一个样本是正样例。在这一过程中,每次计算出两个重要量的值,分别以它们为横、纵坐标作图,就得到了“ROC曲线”。
** ROC曲线的纵轴是“真正例率”(True Positive Rate, 简称TPR),横轴是“假正例率”(False Positive Rate,简称FPR),**基于上篇文章《错误率、精度、查准率、查全率和F1度量》的表1中符号,两者分别定义为:
现实任务中通常是利用有限个测试样例来绘制ROC图,此时仅能获得有限个(真正例率,假正例率)坐标对,无法产生图1中的光滑ROC曲线,只能绘制出图2所示的近似ROC曲线。绘制过程很简单:给定m+ 个正例和m-个反例,根据学习器预测结果对样例进行排序,然后把分类阈值设置为最大,即把所有样例均预测为反例,此时真正例率和假正例率均为0,在坐标(0,0)处标记一个点。然后,将分类阈值依次设为每个样例的预测值,即依次将每个样例划分为正例。设前一个标记点坐标为
三、 ROC曲线的意义
1. ROC曲线能很容易的查出任意阈值对学习器的泛化性能影响。
1. 该方法简单、直观、通过图示可观察分析方法的准确性,并可用肉眼作出判断。ROC曲线将真正例率和假正例率以图示方法结合在一起,可准确反映某种学习器真正例率和假正例率的关系,是检测准确性的综合代表。
2. 在生物信息学上的优点:ROC曲线不固定阈值,允许中间状态的存在,利于使用者结合专业知识,权衡漏诊与误诊的影响,选择一个更加的阈值作为诊断参考值。
四、 AUC面积的由来
在进行学习器的比较时,若一个学习器的ROC曲线被另一个学习器的曲线完全“包住”,则可断言后者的性能优于前者;若两个学习器的ROC曲线发生交叉,则难以一般性的断言两者孰优孰劣。此时如果一定要进行比较,则比较合理的判断依据是比较ROC曲线下的面积,即AUC(Area Under ROC Curve),如图1图2所示。
五、 什么是AUC面积
** AUC就是ROC曲线下的面积,衡量学习器优劣的一种性能指标。**从定义可知,AUC可通过对ROC曲线下各部分的面积求和而得。假定ROC曲线是由坐标为的点按序连接而形成,参见图2,则AUC可估算为公式3。
六、 AUC面积的意义
看到这里,是不是很疑惑,根据AUC定义和计算方法,怎么和预测的正例排在负例前面的概率扯上联系呢?如果从定义和计算方法来理解AUC的含义,比较困难,实际上AUC和Mann-WhitneyU test(曼-慧特尼U检验)有密切的联系。从Mann-Whitney U statistic的角度来解释,AUC就是从所有正样本中随机选择一个样本,从所有负样本中随机选择一个样本,然后根据你的学习器对两个随机样本进行预测,把正样本预测为正例的概率p1,把负样本预测为正例的概率p2,p1 > p2的概率就等于AUC。所以AUC反映的是分类器对样本的排序能力。根据这个解释,如果我们完全随机的对样本分类,那么AUC应该接近0.5。
To determine whether the gene set is enriched at the top of the gene-ranking for each cell, AUCell uses the “Area Under the Curve” (AUC) of the recovery curve.
In order to calculate the AUC, by default only the top 5% of the genes in the ranking are used (i.e. checks whether the genes in the gene-set or signature are within the top 5%). This allows faster execution on bigger datasets, and reduce the effect of the noise at the bottom of the ranking (e.g. where many genes might be tied at 0 counts). The percentage to take into account can be modified with the argument aucMaxRank. For datasets where most cells express many genes (e.g. a filtered dataset), or these have high expression values, it might be good to increase this threshold. Check the histogram provided by AUCell_buildRankings to get an estimation on where this threshold lies within the dataset.
The AUC estimates the proportion of genes in the gene-set that are highly expressed in each cell. Cells expressing many genes from the gene-set will have higher AUC values than cells expressing fewer (i.e. compensating for housekeeping genes, or genes that are highly expressed in all the cells in the dataset). Since the AUC represents the proportion of expressed genes in the signature, we can use the relative AUCs across the cells to explore the population of cells that are present in the dataset according to the expression of the gene-set.
However, determining whether the signature is active (or not) in a given cell is not always trivial. The AUC is not an absolute value, but it depends on the the cell type (i.e. sell size, amount of transcripts), the specific dataset (i.e. sensitivity of the measures) and the gene-set. It is often not straight forward to obtain a pruned signature of clear marker genes that are completely “on” in the cell type of interest and off" in every other cell. In addition, at single-cell level, most genes are not expressed or detected at a constant level.
The ideal situation will be a bi-modal distribution, in which most cells in the dataset have a low “AUC” compared to a population of cells with a clearly higher value (i.e. see “Oligodendrocites” in the next figure). This is normally the case on gene sets that are active mostly in a population of cells with a good representation in the dataset (e.g. ~ 5-30% of cells in the dataset). Similar cases of “marker” gene sets but with different proportions of cells in the datasets are the “neurons” and “microglia” (see figure). When there are very few cells within the dataset, the distribution might look normal-like, but with some outliers to the higher end (e.g. microglia). While if the gene set is marker of a high percentage of cells in the dataset (i.e. neurons), the distribution might start approaching the look of a gene-set of housekeeping genes. As example, the ‘housekeeping’ gene-set in the figure includes genes that are detected in most cells in the dataset.
Note that the size of the gene-set will also affect the results. With smaller gene-genes (fewer genes), it is more likely to get cells with AUC = 0. While this is the case of the “perfect markers” it is also easier to get it by chance with smal datasets. (i.e. Random gene set with 50 genes in the figure). Bigger gene-sets (100-2k) can be more stable and easier to evaluate, as big random gene sets will approach the normal distibution.
To ease the exploration of the distributions, the function AUCell_exploreThresholds() automatically plots all the histograms and calculates several thresholds that could be used to consider a gene-set ‘active’ (returned in aucThr). The distributions are plotted as dotted lines over the histogram and the corresponding thresholds as vertical bars in the matching color. The thicker vertical line indicates the threshold selected by default (selected): the highest value to reduce the false positives.
cells_rankings <- AUCell_buildRankings(exprMatrix)##基因排序
cells_AUC <- AUCell_calcAUC(geneSets, cells_rankings, aucMaxRank=nrow(cells_rankings)*0.05) ##计算AUC值。
cells_assignment <- AUCell_exploreThresholds(cells_AUC, plotHist=TRUE, nCores=1,assign=TRUE)##挑选阈值