昨天遇到个读取图片问题,在 ImageIO.read读取大部分图片时候没有问题,可是遇到个别的gif读取就报错了: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* 从博客中获取用于微信分享的图片链接:大小要求300x300
* @param htmlContent
* @param id 博客ID
* @return
public static String getImageForWechatShare(String htmlContent, long id) {
String originImageUrl = "https://static.oschina.net/uploads/space/2017/0606/104418_CPLl_2733728.png";
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(htmlContent)) {
Document document = Jsoup.parse(htmlContent);
Elements elements = document.select("img[src~=(?i)\\.(gif|png|bmp|svg|jpe?g)]");
if (null == elements) {
return originImageUrl;
if(elements.size() == 0) {
return originImageUrl;
try {
for(int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
String imageUrl = elements.get(i).attr("src");
return readGif(originImageUrl,imageUrl,id);
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();
RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setConnectTimeout(1000).setConnectionRequestTimeout(1000).setSocketTimeout(1000).build();
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(imageUrl);
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);
BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(response.getEntity().getContent());
if (image.getWidth() > 300 && image.getHeight() > 300) {
return imageUrl;
return uploadToUp(originImageUrl,imageUrl,id);
} catch (Exception e) {
return originImageUrl;
return originImageUrl;
* 读取gif
* @param originImageUrl osc 300*300 LOGO
* @param imageUrl 博客第一张图片
* @param id 博客ID
* @return
public static String readGif(String originImageUrl,String imageUrl,long id) {
GifDecoder.GifImage gif = null;
try {
gif = GifDecoder.read(getImageFromNetByUrl(imageUrl));
System.out.println(String.format("gif url:%s,width:%d,height:%d",imageUrl,gif.getWidth(),gif.getHeight()));
} catch (IOException e) {
return originImageUrl;
if (gif.getWidth() > 300 && gif.getHeight() > 300) {
return imageUrl;
return uploadToUp(originImageUrl,imageUrl,id);
* 上传图片至又拍云
* @param originImageUrl osc 300*300 LOGO
* @param imageUrl 博客第一张图片
* @param id 博客ID
* @return
public static String uploadToUp(String originImageUrl,String imageUrl,long id){
try {
imageUrl = ImageUtils.ME.upload("wx-share-blog.jpg", getImageFromNetByUrl(imageUrl));
} catch (Exception e) {
return originImageUrl;
imageUrl += "!/both/300x300";
return imageUrl;
* 根据地址获得数据的字节流
* @param strUrl 网络连接地址
* @return
public static byte[] getImageFromNetByUrl(String strUrl){
try {
URL url = new URL(strUrl);
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
conn.setConnectTimeout(5 * 1000);
InputStream inStream = conn.getInputStream();
byte[] btImg = readInputStream(inStream);
return btImg;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* 从输入流中获取数据
* @param inStream 输入流
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static byte[] readInputStream(InputStream inStream) throws Exception{
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int len = 0;
while( (len=inStream.read(buffer)) != -1 ){
outStream.write(buffer, 0, len);
return outStream.toByteArray();
public static String getSuffix(String name) {
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("[\\w]+[\\.](" + SUFFIXES + ")");// 正则判断
Matcher mc = pat.matcher(name.toLowerCase());// 条件匹配
String fileName = null;
while (mc.find()) {
fileName = mc.group();// 截取文件名后缀名
if (fileName != null) {
return fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
return null;
import static java.lang.System.arraycopy;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Copyright 2014 Dhyan Blum
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* <p>
* A decoder capable of processing a GIF data stream to render the graphics
* contained in it. This implementation follows the official
* <A HREF="http://www.w3.org/Graphics/GIF/spec-gif89a.txt">GIF
* specification</A>.
* </p>
* <p>
* Example usage:
* </p>
* <p>
* <pre>
* final GifImage gifImage = GifDecoder.read(int[] data);
* final int width = gifImage.getWidth();
* final int height = gifImage.getHeight();
* final int frameCount = gifImage.getFrameCount();
* for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
* final BufferedImage image = gifImage.getFrame(i);
* final int delay = gif.getDelay(i);
* }
* </pre>
* </p>
* @author Dhyan Blum
* @version 1.09 November 2017
public final class GifDecoder {
static final class BitReader {
private int bitPos; // Next bit to read
private int numBits; // Number of bits to read
private int bitMask; // Use to kill unwanted higher bits
private byte[] in; // Data array
// To avoid costly bounds checks, 'in' needs 2 more 0-bytes at the end
private final void init(final byte[] in) {
this.in = in;
bitPos = 0;
private final int read() {
// Byte indices: (bitPos / 8), (bitPos / 8) + 1, (bitPos / 8) + 2
int i = bitPos >>> 3; // Byte = bit / 8
// Bits we'll shift to the right, AND 7 is the same as MODULO 8
final int rBits = bitPos & 7;
// Byte 0 to 2, AND to get their unsigned values
final int b0 = in[i++] & 0xFF, b1 = in[i++] & 0xFF, b2 = in[i] & 0xFF;
// Glue the bytes together, don't do more shifting than necessary
final int buf = ((b2 << 8 | b1) << 8 | b0) >>> rBits;
bitPos += numBits;
return buf & bitMask; // Kill the unwanted higher bits
private final void setNumBits(final int numBits) {
this.numBits = numBits;
bitMask = (1 << numBits) - 1;
static final class CodeTable {
private final int[][] tbl; // Maps codes to lists of colors
private int initTableSize; // Number of colors +2 for CLEAR + EOI
private int initCodeSize; // Initial code size
private int initCodeLimit; // First code limit
private int codeSize; // Current code size, maximum is 12 bits
private int nextCode; // Next available code for a new entry
private int nextCodeLimit; // Increase codeSize when nextCode == limit
private BitReader br; // Notify when code sizes increases
public CodeTable() {
tbl = new int[4096][1];
private final int add(final int[] indices) {
if (nextCode < 4096) {
if (nextCode == nextCodeLimit && codeSize < 12) {
codeSize++; // Max code size is 12
nextCodeLimit = (1 << codeSize) - 1; // 2^codeSize - 1
tbl[nextCode++] = indices;
return codeSize;
private final int clear() {
codeSize = initCodeSize;
nextCodeLimit = initCodeLimit;
nextCode = initTableSize; // Don't recreate table, reset pointer
return codeSize;
private final void init(final GifFrame fr, final int[] activeColTbl, final BitReader br) {
this.br = br;
final int numColors = activeColTbl.length;
initCodeSize = fr.firstCodeSize;
initCodeLimit = (1 << initCodeSize) - 1; // 2^initCodeSize - 1
initTableSize = fr.endOfInfoCode + 1;
nextCode = initTableSize;
for (int c = numColors - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
tbl[c][0] = activeColTbl[c]; // Translated color
} // A gap may follow with no colors assigned if numCols < CLEAR
tbl[fr.clearCode] = new int[] { fr.clearCode }; // CLEAR
tbl[fr.endOfInfoCode] = new int[] { fr.endOfInfoCode }; // EOI
// Locate transparent color in code table and set to 0
if (fr.transpColFlag && fr.transpColIndex < numColors) {
tbl[fr.transpColIndex][0] = 0;
final class GifFrame {
// Graphic control extension (optional)
private int disposalMethod; // 0-3 as above, 4-7 undefined
private boolean transpColFlag; // 1 Bit
private int delay; // Unsigned, LSByte first, n * 1/100 * s
private int transpColIndex; // 1 Byte
// Image descriptor
private int x; // Position on the canvas from the left
private int y; // Position on the canvas from the top
private int w; // May be smaller than the base image
private int h; // May be smaller than the base image
private int wh; // width * height
private boolean hasLocColTbl; // Has local color table? 1 Bit
private boolean interlaceFlag; // Is an interlace image? 1 Bit
private boolean sortFlag; // True if local colors are sorted, 1 Bit
private int sizeOfLocColTbl; // Size of the local color table, 3 Bits
private int[] localColTbl; // Local color table (optional)
// Image data
private int firstCodeSize; // LZW minimum code size + 1 for CLEAR & EOI
private int clearCode;
private int endOfInfoCode;
private byte[] data; // Holds LZW encoded data
private BufferedImage img; // Full drawn image, not just the frame area
public final class GifImage {
public String header; // Bytes 0-5, GIF87a or GIF89a
private int w; // Unsigned 16 Bit, least significant byte first
private int h; // Unsigned 16 Bit, least significant byte first
private int wh; // Image width * image height
public boolean hasGlobColTbl; // 1 Bit
public int colorResolution; // 3 Bits
public boolean sortFlag; // True if global colors are sorted, 1 Bit
public int sizeOfGlobColTbl; // 2^(val(3 Bits) + 1), see spec
public int bgColIndex; // Background color index, 1 Byte
public int pxAspectRatio; // Pixel aspect ratio, 1 Byte
public int[] globalColTbl; // Global color table
private final List<GifFrame> frames = new ArrayList<GifFrame>(64);
public String appId = ""; // 8 Bytes at in[i+3], usually "NETSCAPE"
public String appAuthCode = ""; // 3 Bytes at in[i+11], usually "2.0"
public int repetitions = 0; // 0: infinite loop, N: number of loops
private BufferedImage img = null; // Currently drawn frame
private int[] prevPx = null; // Previous frame's pixels
private final BitReader bits = new BitReader();
private final CodeTable codes = new CodeTable();
private Graphics2D g;
private final int[] decode(final GifFrame fr, final int[] activeColTbl) {
codes.init(fr, activeColTbl, bits);
bits.init(fr.data); // Incoming codes
final int clearCode = fr.clearCode, endCode = fr.endOfInfoCode;
final int[] out = new int[wh]; // Target image pixel array
final int[][] tbl = codes.tbl; // Code table
int outPos = 0; // Next pixel position in the output image array
codes.clear(); // Init code table
bits.read(); // Skip leading clear code
int code = bits.read(); // Read first code
int[] pixels = tbl[code]; // Output pixel for first code
arraycopy(pixels, 0, out, outPos, pixels.length);
outPos += pixels.length;
try {
while (true) {
final int prevCode = code;
code = bits.read(); // Get next code in stream
if (code == clearCode) { // After a CLEAR table, there is
codes.clear(); // no previous code, we need to read
code = bits.read(); // a new one
pixels = tbl[code]; // Output pixels
arraycopy(pixels, 0, out, outPos, pixels.length);
outPos += pixels.length;
continue; // Back to the loop with a valid previous code
} else if (code == endCode) {
final int[] prevVals = tbl[prevCode];
final int[] prevValsAndK = new int[prevVals.length + 1];
arraycopy(prevVals, 0, prevValsAndK, 0, prevVals.length);
if (code < codes.nextCode) { // Code table contains code
pixels = tbl[code]; // Output pixels
arraycopy(pixels, 0, out, outPos, pixels.length);
outPos += pixels.length;
prevValsAndK[prevVals.length] = tbl[code][0]; // K
} else {
prevValsAndK[prevVals.length] = prevVals[0]; // K
arraycopy(prevValsAndK, 0, out, outPos, prevValsAndK.length);
outPos += prevValsAndK.length;
codes.add(prevValsAndK); // Previous indices + K
} catch (final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return out;
private final int[] deinterlace(final int[] src, final GifFrame fr) {
final int w = fr.w, h = fr.h, wh = fr.wh;
final int[] dest = new int[src.length];
// Interlaced images are organized in 4 sets of pixel lines
final int set2Y = (h + 7) >>> 3; // Line no. = ceil(h/8.0)
final int set3Y = set2Y + ((h + 3) >>> 3); // ceil(h-4/8.0)
final int set4Y = set3Y + ((h + 1) >>> 2); // ceil(h-2/4.0)
// Sets' start indices in source array
final int set2 = w * set2Y, set3 = w * set3Y, set4 = w * set4Y;
// Line skips in destination array
final int w2 = w << 1, w4 = w2 << 1, w8 = w4 << 1;
// Group 1 contains every 8th line starting from 0
int from = 0, to = 0;
for (; from < set2; from += w, to += w8) {
arraycopy(src, from, dest, to, w);
} // Group 2 contains every 8th line starting from 4
for (to = w4; from < set3; from += w, to += w8) {
arraycopy(src, from, dest, to, w);
} // Group 3 contains every 4th line starting from 2
for (to = w2; from < set4; from += w, to += w4) {
arraycopy(src, from, dest, to, w);
} // Group 4 contains every 2nd line starting from 1 (biggest group)
for (to = w; from < wh; from += w, to += w2) {
arraycopy(src, from, dest, to, w);
return dest; // All pixel lines have now been rearranged
private final void drawFrame(final GifFrame fr) {
// Determine the color table that will be active for this frame
final int[] activeColTbl = fr.hasLocColTbl ? fr.localColTbl : globalColTbl;
// Get pixels from data stream
int[] pixels = decode(fr, activeColTbl);
if (fr.interlaceFlag) {
pixels = deinterlace(pixels, fr); // Rearrange pixel lines
// Create image of type 2=ARGB for frame area
final BufferedImage frame = new BufferedImage(fr.w, fr.h, 2);
arraycopy(pixels, 0, ((DataBufferInt) frame.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(), 0, fr.wh);
// Draw frame area on top of working image
g.drawImage(frame, fr.x, fr.y, null);
// Visualize frame boundaries during testing
// if (DEBUG_MODE) {
// if (prev != null) {
// g.setColor(Color.RED); // Previous frame color
// g.drawRect(prev.x, prev.y, prev.w - 1, prev.h - 1);
// }
// g.setColor(Color.GREEN); // New frame color
// g.drawRect(fr.x, fr.y, fr.w - 1, fr.h - 1);
// }
// Keep one copy as "previous frame" in case we need to restore it
prevPx = new int[wh];
arraycopy(((DataBufferInt) img.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(), 0, prevPx, 0, wh);
// Create another copy for the end user to not expose internal state
fr.img = new BufferedImage(w, h, 2); // 2 = ARGB
arraycopy(prevPx, 0, ((DataBufferInt) fr.img.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(), 0, wh);
// Handle disposal of current frame
if (fr.disposalMethod == 2) {
// Restore to background color (clear frame area only)
g.clearRect(fr.x, fr.y, fr.w, fr.h);
} else if (fr.disposalMethod == 3 && prevPx != null) {
// Restore previous frame
arraycopy(prevPx, 0, ((DataBufferInt) img.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(), 0, wh);
* Returns the background color of the first frame in this GIF image. If
* the frame has a local color table, the returned color will be from
* that table. If not, the color will be from the global color table.
* Returns 0 if there is neither a local nor a global color table.
* @param index
* Index of the current frame, 0 to N-1
* @return 32 bit ARGB color in the form 0xAARRGGBB
public final int getBackgroundColor() {
final GifFrame frame = frames.get(0);
if (frame.hasLocColTbl) {
return frame.localColTbl[bgColIndex];
} else if (hasGlobColTbl) {
return globalColTbl[bgColIndex];
return 0;
* If not 0, the delay specifies how many hundredths (1/100) of a second
* to wait before displaying the frame <i>after</i> the current frame.
* @param index
* Index of the current frame, 0 to N-1
* @return Delay as number of hundredths (1/100) of a second
public final int getDelay(final int index) {
return frames.get(index).delay;
* @param index
* Index of the frame to return as image, starting from 0.
* For incremental calls such as [0, 1, 2, ...] the method's
* run time is O(1) as only one frame is drawn per call. For
* random access calls such as [7, 12, ...] the run time is
* O(N+1) with N being the number of previous frames that
* need to be drawn before N+1 can be drawn on top. Once a
* frame has been drawn it is being cached and the run time
* is more or less O(0) to retrieve it from the list.
* @return A BufferedImage for the specified frame.
public final BufferedImage getFrame(final int index) {
if (img == null) { // Init
img = new BufferedImage(w, h, 2); // 2 = ARGB
g = img.createGraphics();
g.setBackground(new Color(0, true)); // Transparent color
GifFrame fr = frames.get(index);
if (fr.img == null) {
// Draw all frames until and including the requested frame
for (int i = 0; i <= index; i++) {
fr = frames.get(i);
if (fr.img == null) {
return fr.img;
* @return The number of frames contained in this GIF image
public final int getFrameCount() {
return frames.size();
* @return The height of the GIF image
public final int getHeight() {
return h;
* @return The width of the GIF image
public final int getWidth() {
return w;
static final boolean DEBUG_MODE = false;
* @param in
* Raw image data as a byte[] array
* @return A GifImage object exposing the properties of the GIF image.
* @throws IOException
* If the image violates the GIF specification or is truncated.
public static final GifImage read(final byte[] in) throws IOException {
final GifDecoder decoder = new GifDecoder();
final GifImage img = decoder.new GifImage();
GifFrame frame = null; // Currently open frame
int pos = readHeader(in, img); // Read header, get next byte position
pos = readLogicalScreenDescriptor(img, in, pos);
if (img.hasGlobColTbl) {
img.globalColTbl = new int[img.sizeOfGlobColTbl];
pos = readColTbl(in, img.globalColTbl, pos);
while (pos < in.length) {
final int block = in[pos] & 0xFF;
switch (block) {
case 0x21: // Extension introducer
if (pos + 1 >= in.length) {
throw new IOException("Unexpected end of file.");
switch (in[pos + 1] & 0xFF) {
case 0xFE: // Comment extension
pos = readTextExtension(in, pos);
case 0xFF: // Application extension
pos = readAppExt(img, in, pos);
case 0x01: // Plain text extension
frame = null; // End of current frame
pos = readTextExtension(in, pos);
case 0xF9: // Graphic control extension
if (frame == null) {
frame = decoder.new GifFrame();
pos = readGraphicControlExt(frame, in, pos);
throw new IOException("Unknown extension at " + pos);
case 0x2C: // Image descriptor
if (frame == null) {
frame = decoder.new GifFrame();
pos = readImgDescr(frame, in, pos);
if (frame.hasLocColTbl) {
frame.localColTbl = new int[frame.sizeOfLocColTbl];
pos = readColTbl(in, frame.localColTbl, pos);
pos = readImgData(frame, in, pos);
frame = null; // End of current frame
case 0x3B: // GIF Trailer
return img; // Found trailer, finished reading.
// Unknown block. The image is corrupted. Strategies: a) Skip
// and wait for a valid block. Experience: It'll get worse. b)
// Throw exception. c) Return gracefully if we are almost done
// processing. The frames we have so far should be error-free.
final double progress = 1.0 * pos / in.length;
if (progress < 0.9) {
throw new IOException("Unknown block at: " + pos);
pos = in.length; // Exit loop
return img;
* @param is
* Image data as input stream. This method will read from the
* input stream's current position. It will not reset the
* position before reading and won't reset or close the stream
* afterwards. Call these methods before and after calling this
* method as needed.
* @return A GifImage object exposing the properties of the GIF image.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs, the image violates the GIF
* specification or the GIF is truncated.
public static final GifImage read(final InputStream is) throws IOException {
final byte[] data = new byte[is.available()];
is.read(data, 0, data.length);
return read(data);
* @param ext
* Empty application extension object
* @param in
* Raw data
* @param i
* Index of the first byte of the application extension
* @return Index of the first byte after this extension
static final int readAppExt(final GifImage img, final byte[] in, int i) {
img.appId = new String(in, i + 3, 8); // should be "NETSCAPE"
img.appAuthCode = new String(in, i + 11, 3); // should be "2.0"
i += 14; // Go to sub-block size, it's value should be 3
final int subBlockSize = in[i] & 0xFF;
// The only app extension widely used is NETSCAPE, it's got 3 data bytes
if (subBlockSize == 3) {
// in[i+1] should have value 01, in[i+5] should be block terminator
img.repetitions = in[i + 2] & 0xFF | in[i + 3] & 0xFF << 8; // Short
return i + 5;
} // Skip unknown application extensions
while ((in[i] & 0xFF) != 0) { // While sub-block size != 0
i += (in[i] & 0xFF) + 1; // Skip to next sub-block
return i + 1;
* @param in
* Raw data
* @param colors
* Pre-initialized target array to store ARGB colors
* @param i
* Index of the color table's first byte
* @return Index of the first byte after the color table
static final int readColTbl(final byte[] in, final int[] colors, int i) {
final int numColors = colors.length;
for (int c = 0; c < numColors; c++) {
final int a = 0xFF; // Alpha 255 (opaque)
final int r = in[i++] & 0xFF; // 1st byte is red
final int g = in[i++] & 0xFF; // 2nd byte is green
final int b = in[i++] & 0xFF; // 3rd byte is blue
colors[c] = ((a << 8 | r) << 8 | g) << 8 | b;
return i;
* @param ext
* Graphic control extension object
* @param in
* Raw data
* @param i
* Index of the extension introducer
* @return Index of the first byte after this block
static final int readGraphicControlExt(final GifFrame fr, final byte[] in, final int i) {
fr.disposalMethod = (in[i + 3] & 0b00011100) >>> 2; // Bits 4-2
fr.transpColFlag = (in[i + 3] & 1) == 1; // Bit 0
fr.delay = in[i + 4] & 0xFF | (in[i + 5] & 0xFF) << 8; // 16 bit LSB
fr.transpColIndex = in[i + 6] & 0xFF; // Byte 6
return i + 8; // Skipped byte 7 (blockTerminator), as it's always 0x00
* @param in
* Raw data
* @param img
* The GifImage object that is currently read
* @return Index of the first byte after this block
* @throws IOException
* If the GIF header/trailer is missing, incomplete or unknown
static final int readHeader(final byte[] in, final GifImage img) throws IOException {
if (in.length < 6) { // Check first 6 bytes
throw new IOException("Image is truncated.");
img.header = new String(in, 0, 6);
if (!img.header.equals("GIF87a") && !img.header.equals("GIF89a")) {
throw new IOException("Invalid GIF header.");
return 6;
* @param fr
* The GIF frame to whom this image descriptor belongs
* @param in
* Raw data
* @param i
* Index of the first byte of this block, i.e. the minCodeSize
* @return
static final int readImgData(final GifFrame fr, final byte[] in, int i) {
final int fileSize = in.length;
final int minCodeSize = in[i++] & 0xFF; // Read code size, go to block
final int clearCode = 1 << minCodeSize; // CLEAR = 2^minCodeSize
fr.firstCodeSize = minCodeSize + 1; // Add 1 bit for CLEAR and EOI
fr.clearCode = clearCode;
fr.endOfInfoCode = clearCode + 1;
final int imgDataSize = readImgDataSize(in, i);
final byte[] imgData = new byte[imgDataSize + 2];
int imgDataPos = 0;
int subBlockSize = in[i] & 0xFF;
while (subBlockSize > 0) { // While block has data
try { // Next line may throw exception if sub-block size is fake
final int nextSubBlockSizePos = i + subBlockSize + 1;
final int nextSubBlockSize = in[nextSubBlockSizePos] & 0xFF;
arraycopy(in, i + 1, imgData, imgDataPos, subBlockSize);
imgDataPos += subBlockSize; // Move output data position
i = nextSubBlockSizePos; // Move to next sub-block size
subBlockSize = nextSubBlockSize;
} catch (final Exception e) {
// Sub-block exceeds file end, only use remaining bytes
subBlockSize = fileSize - i - 1; // Remaining bytes
arraycopy(in, i + 1, imgData, imgDataPos, subBlockSize);
imgDataPos += subBlockSize; // Move output data position
i += subBlockSize + 1; // Move to next sub-block size
fr.data = imgData; // Holds LZW encoded data
i++; // Skip last sub-block size, should be 0
return i;
static final int readImgDataSize(final byte[] in, int i) {
final int fileSize = in.length;
int imgDataPos = 0;
int subBlockSize = in[i] & 0xFF;
while (subBlockSize > 0) { // While block has data
try { // Next line may throw exception if sub-block size is fake
final int nextSubBlockSizePos = i + subBlockSize + 1;
final int nextSubBlockSize = in[nextSubBlockSizePos] & 0xFF;
imgDataPos += subBlockSize; // Move output data position
i = nextSubBlockSizePos; // Move to next sub-block size
subBlockSize = nextSubBlockSize;
} catch (final Exception e) {
// Sub-block exceeds file end, only use remaining bytes
subBlockSize = fileSize - i - 1; // Remaining bytes
imgDataPos += subBlockSize; // Move output data position
return imgDataPos;
* @param fr
* The GIF frame to whom this image descriptor belongs
* @param in
* Raw data
* @param i
* Index of the image separator, i.e. the first block byte
* @return Index of the first byte after this block
static final int readImgDescr(final GifFrame fr, final byte[] in, int i) {
fr.x = in[++i] & 0xFF | (in[++i] & 0xFF) << 8; // Byte 1-2: left
fr.y = in[++i] & 0xFF | (in[++i] & 0xFF) << 8; // Byte 3-4: top
fr.w = in[++i] & 0xFF | (in[++i] & 0xFF) << 8; // Byte 5-6: width
fr.h = in[++i] & 0xFF | (in[++i] & 0xFF) << 8; // Byte 7-8: height
fr.wh = fr.w * fr.h;
final byte b = in[++i]; // Byte 9 is a packed byte
fr.hasLocColTbl = (b & 0b10000000) >>> 7 == 1; // Bit 7
fr.interlaceFlag = (b & 0b01000000) >>> 6 == 1; // Bit 6
fr.sortFlag = (b & 0b00100000) >>> 5 == 1; // Bit 5
final int colTblSizePower = (b & 7) + 1; // Bits 2-0
fr.sizeOfLocColTbl = 1 << colTblSizePower; // 2^(N+1), As per the spec
return ++i;
* @param img
* @param i
* Start index of this block.
* @return Index of the first byte after this block.
static final int readLogicalScreenDescriptor(final GifImage img, final byte[] in, final int i) {
img.w = in[i] & 0xFF | (in[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8; // 16 bit, LSB 1st
img.h = in[i + 2] & 0xFF | (in[i + 3] & 0xFF) << 8; // 16 bit
img.wh = img.w * img.h;
final byte b = in[i + 4]; // Byte 4 is a packed byte
img.hasGlobColTbl = (b & 0b10000000) >>> 7 == 1; // Bit 7
final int colResPower = ((b & 0b01110000) >>> 4) + 1; // Bits 6-4
img.colorResolution = 1 << colResPower; // 2^(N+1), As per the spec
img.sortFlag = (b & 0b00001000) >>> 3 == 1; // Bit 3
final int globColTblSizePower = (b & 7) + 1; // Bits 0-2
img.sizeOfGlobColTbl = 1 << globColTblSizePower; // 2^(N+1), see spec
img.bgColIndex = in[i + 5] & 0xFF; // 1 Byte
img.pxAspectRatio = in[i + 6] & 0xFF; // 1 Byte
return i + 7;
* @param in
* Raw data
* @param pos
* Index of the extension introducer
* @return Index of the first byte after this block
static final int readTextExtension(final byte[] in, final int pos) {
int i = pos + 2; // Skip extension introducer and label
int subBlockSize = in[i++] & 0xFF;
while (subBlockSize != 0 && i < in.length) {
i += subBlockSize;
subBlockSize = in[i++] & 0xFF;
return i;