When we listen to music, electrical waves in ourbrains tend to synchronise to the tempo. In a recent study scientists recordedthe brain waves of musicians and non-musicians as they listened to music.Although the brain waves of both groups synchronised to many rhythms, those ofnon-musicians did not synchronise to particularly slow music. The non-musiciansreported that they could not keep track of the tempo in slow music. This showsthat becoming a musician requires an innate tendency for the brain tosynchronise to the tempo of any speed of music.
Which one of the following identifies a flaw in theabove argument?
A The tempo of slow music may be the most difficulttempo for listeners to follow.
B Musical training may develop the tendency for thebrain to synchronise to music.
C Some of the non-musicians may decide to undertakemusical training in the future.
D Becoming a musician may depend on a number ofdifferent abilities.