Master Zhang Shengli (张胜利)
“De Dao Jing” was created by Master Zhang Sheng Li, who is the founder of Beijing Milun Kung Fu school. Master Zhang believes that the study of martial arts is empty without philosophy, and his understanding of traditional Chinese philosophical texts, such as the Daoist Yi Jing (I-Ching) and Dao De Jing, is deeply evident in his practice. He holds an honorary research appointment at Beijing Public Security University for his work promoting martial arts and culture. He is also a noted Calligrapher whose work is endorsed by the Beijing City Government.
Zhang second generation of disciplines Zhang Yuxuan and Zhang Baoxuan have helped explaining Zhang’s“De Dao Jing”to students to finally get it translated into English, French and German to share it to more and more people.
Chapter Two
Second Chapitre
Translated by Alexandra Wang (王怡然), Joanna Wong (黄如意), Delphine Blanchard (白怡菲) and fellow students.
Dao sheng wan wu qian qi hou. Hua wei xing de yang qi dao.
De zeng dao zeng. De sun dao sun.
Zeng sun wu chang shi you chang. You chang gui dao jing. Dao dong cheng wu chang.
[1]Tao is the source of all, eminates from its reservoir *. Your characteristics ** correspond (come from) with that same source yet will be shaped *** by the path you take (what is given to you at first is pure – thus your original and individual characteristics are all of pure nature when you’re young. It will be shaped and develop later on in life and go its own path, shaping its own course).
[2]A gain of virtue **** is equal to a gain of Tao. A loss of virtue is equal to a loss of Tao.
[3]Gain and loss seem irrational yet obey an orderly course (the one of nature). A clear state of being even seems in line with the order of the Tao. Until it moves as it then seems erratic where it is not *****.
* Emanating from the basin, where it is stored, it is hidden, lies underneath, in your back
** Means: skills and abilities, shape, the way and the attributes you were given upon/you were born with/you came with into this world
*** Develop, as you take the course of your life
**** Goodness; what you (want/desire to) attain
***** It does not seem to make sense where there is a reason to it (there is a reason to everything) – we (simply narrow minds) just cannot see it.
[1]Le Tao est la source de tout, derrière toute chose et toute personne se cache un Tao. Issu du même réservoir originel, il se re divise de manière unique mais tout en conservant le même gêne. Le caractère interne « De »*, la vraie nature de chaque chose (non ce que l’on voit en surface, ce que l’on laisse apparaitre de soi-même) est originellement pure et unique pour chacun. Le degré de ce caractère est amené à changer au cours de la vie alors qu’il suit sa propre voie. Il nous permet de nous rapprocher du Tao, à différents niveaux selon notre De individuel.
*vertu, moralité, bonté
[2]Gagner en vertu, moralité revient à accroitre son Tao (énergie) ; alors que perdre en vertu, moralité revient à perdre son Tao.
[3]Le gain et la perte semblent irrationnels et n’obéir à aucune loi, cependant ils suivent l’ordre du Tao. Le Tao évolue et est imprévisible ; lorsqu’il est calme son ordre suit des règles (You Chang), mais lorsqu’il est actif il devient changeant et les règles ne sont plus (Wu Chang).
Das Tao ist dieUrsache von allem während es in seinem Speicher schlummert. Unsere reine Natur(Gestalt) richtet sich nach dieser reinen Quelle als es ebenso durch denweiteren Weg geschliffen wird.
An Tugend zu gewinnenkommt einem Gewinn an Tao gleich; an Tugend zu verlieren kommt einem Verlust anTao gleich.
Zugewinn und Verlustscheinen irrational wo sie es nicht sind. Klarheit schafft Sicherheit undEinigsein mit dem Tao. Alsbald es sich wendet, scheint Klarheit abhandenobgleich sie es nicht ist.
译者简介:白怡菲(Delphine Blanchard)法国国籍,毕业于北京对外经贸大学。跟随张胜利师傅学习《德道经》,张氏太极拳,张氏形意拳。张氏内家拳第二代传人。