SUS2019 YC创业课 如何分配时间
Time burns money and money is the very basic thing that keeps a startup alive.
There's always a high opportunity cost to doing your startup, so it's super important to use your time the best way possible to maximize your startup's chance for success.
First, I want to make a real clear distinction between real and fake startup progress.
Your primary KPI almost always is either revenue or active users and you should always be setting weekly goals for this.
Always be working on things that directly impact your primary KPI.
Revenue -> Talking to users
Active users -> Building product.
Fake Progress
Winning awards
Lots of advisors
Pitch competitions
Press announcements
Networking events
Twitter activity
Meeting famous people
Optimizing BS metrics
Delivering points to your ego
Delivering real value to user
For people who need to get more stuff done in the day, then they'll do half the day they'll spend coding and the half the day they'll spend talking to users.