1.Nationalist hardliners accuse America of exaggerating the North Korean threat to pursue its real goal, namely corralling China.
Nationalist hardliners:民族主义强硬派:hardliner 这个词我也是第一次见,hard(强硬)+line(路线)+r(...er做xxx的人)走强硬路线的人,强硬派,这样作猜想和记忆
namely的用法值得关注,不是字面上的,名义上,而应当译作即,也就是,换句话说 ~ corralling便可译作 也就是控制住
- Gadgets, by and large, are sold on the basis that they empower people to do what they want.
- Or owners of John Deere tractors, who are “recommended” not to tinker with the software that controls them
- Some firms found tricks to muscle in on the aftermarket, using warranties, authorized repair shops, and strategies such as selling cheap printers and expensive ink.
muscle in (浑身都是肌肉当然可以为所欲为),该词组表示强行挤入,介入,塞入.
- If you no longer wanted it, you sold it or chucked it away.
以后除了最基本的throw way或者dispose of,还多了个chuck可用以表达丢弃,抛弃.
- But now that the law is just around the corner, options are limited.
- herald v.
A flash of lightning heralded torrential rain.一道闪电预示着暴雨即将来临。
- fraternity
fraternity between nations 国与国之间的情谊
- Laudable a.
a laudable attempt 值得称道的尝试
- pervasive a.
the all-pervasive mood of apathy 到处弥漫的冷漠情绪
其相关联动词为pervert 弥漫
- opacity:
opaque a. 模糊的名词形式
- subsume
A wide range of offences are usually subsumed under the category of robbery. 很多犯罪行为通常都被归入抢劫罪的范畴
- espouse
He espoused a variety of scientific, social and political cause. 他支持各种科学、社会和政治事业。
- titular
Queen Elizabeth is the ~ of the UK. 名义上的元首
- overhaul
A mechanic is coming to overhaul the engine. 一名机修工前来对引擎进行彻底检修 over(overall 总体/over翻阅)+haul(拉)整体翻过来,所以是大修
- mantle
It is up to Europe to take on the mantle of leadership in environmental issues. 在环境问题上欧洲应该担当起领导责任
- plodding
plodding research单调乏味的研究
- woo
the Party's efforts to woo working class voters 该党争取劳动阶级选民的努力
- undaunted
Undaunted by the enormity of the task, they began rebuilding the village. 他们不畏任务艰巨,开始重建村庄。
例句里的这个表达也非常出彩,值得记录. daunt本做动词,表示威吓
- despondency
Gill had been out of work for a year and was getting very despondent. 吉尔失业一年了,变得非常消沉。
- guillotines n.
Opposition leaders accused the government of introducing a guillotine motion to stifle debate. 反对党领袖指责政府用规定辩论时限的动议来压制辩论。